All, 1 - 1 700, "observations" about life and reality as well life wisdom to ponder.
Below you will find a multitude of "observations" and established truths about life and reality as well as wisdoms of life, that you should read carefully and consider, whether they could also apply to your and/or our own existence.
Please note that the proverbs have been translated from the Swedish original "Livet lär", therefore there may be possible errors in translation and deficiencies in proofreading.
- It is very possible that reality exists.
- It is not the work that makes us tired, but all the undone that also needs to be done.
- I have learned only a little from success, from failure a lot.
- Do not consider as malice what, you can explain as stupidity.
- We always have two motives for our actions: a good purpose and then the real reason.
- Tradition is the illusion of something lasting.
- A bargain is something you have no use for at a price you can't resist.
- If you can open the knot with your tongue, don't use teeth.
- The proverbs have always been clichés, until I personally experienced the truth in them.
- The truth is not always probable.
- The tragedy of your life was not that you lost, but that you came so close to winning.
- Politeness is only half good manners, the other half is well done lying.
- The best thing about getting older is that I no longer want all the things I couldn't have when I was younger.
- Only the dead are equal.
- We humans can be divided into two groups, some who go ahead and get something done and others of us who come later and criticize.
- Duty is what we demand of others.
- If you go yourself, you are serious, if you send a message, you just don't care.
- Politics is not the art of the possible. Its task is to choose between the impossible and the unpleasant.
- Better to wear out than to rust.
- Knowing how to do something is not difficult. The hardest part is getting it done.
- The men killed in the war know nothing of the victory.
- Conversation always wins the debate, because the purpose of the conversation is to show what is right, while the debate is about who is right.
- Friends are a tax-free fortune.
- About the natural sciences:
- Biology, if it is green or moving.
- Chemistry, if it smells.
- Physics, if that doesn't work.
- Mathematics, if it is incomprehensible.
- Economics or psychology, if it doesn't seem to make sense. - There is nothing truly simple, there are only simplifications.
- Good manners are not spilling sauce on the tablecloth, but not noticing when someone else does it.
- Kind children demand nothing: kind children get nothing.
- The most dangerous of our prejudices is our belief that we have none.
- The tricks never end, said the old woman, wiping the table with the cat.
- A smile costs less than electric light and yet it lights up more in a home.
- I often regret what I have said, but rarely my silence.
- A nation's progress can be measured only by the social position of its women.
- Worry is the abuse of the imagination.
- A diplomat is someone who can ask you to go to hell in a way that makes you look forward to the trip.
- Poverty is not shameful, but being ashamed of it is.
- A philosopher is a blind man, looking for a black cat in a dark room, which is not there. The theologian is the person who finds it.
- A stranger is a friend you don't know yet.
- Organizational skill is that you make quick decisions and get someone else to do the work.
- The will pulls half the load.
- You can easily lie with statistics, but it's easier without.
- If work were so delicious, it would be done by gentlemen.
- The successful revolutionary is a statesman. The unsuccessful is a criminal.
- What you dislike about your superiors should not be shown in your treatment of your subordinates.
- Happiness is a kind of gratitude.
- A recession is when my neighbour is unemployed. Depression when I myself become unemployed.
- Vanity makes us easily deceived fools.
- If I didn't have my own faults, I wouldn't take so much pleasure in noticing them in others.
- Said word and thrown stone you cannot take back.
- The experience is when I recognize, that I am making the same mistake again.
- Problems should be postponed and then forgotten.
- Thoughts are poison, the more I think, the less I accomplish.
- Worries are like small children, the more you care for them, the better they thrive.
- The speech of the drunkard is the thoughts of the sober.
- Self-sufficient people have the good side, that they don't talk about other people.
- Don't confuse the issue by bringing facts to it.
- It's one thing to believe that I think right myself, and quite another to think that everyone else thinks wrong.
- Fate laughs at probabilities.
- There is something remarkably boring about other people's happiness.
- Self-discipline is a bridge between goals and achievements.
- He who laughs last probably doesn't get the joke right away.
- There are lies that are more believable than the truth.
- We are each other's environment and that is why we must always pay attention to those present.
- It's not things that make us unhappy, but what we think about things.
- Wine and money change even wise habits.
- Very few of us live today - most of us prepare to live tomorrow.
- "Self-made man"? Yes, and he worships his creator.
- Your first step towards stupidity is to consider yourself wise.
- Wisdom begins only after the exchange of opinions.
- "To die for an ideology" probably sounds nice, but why not let the ideology die instead of people.
- The truth exists. Only the lie has to be invented.
- A person who knows, that another has seen through him becomes his implacable enemy.
- When you have nothing to say, say nothing.
- Corruption is a part of life in most countries. It is about favours and reciprocal favors or bribes, where the powerful gain the most and the others suffer.
- Success consists of many small victories.
- It would be a big mistake if you try to be nicer than you can.
- A politician who cannot stand the public's displeasure is not worth having in difficult situations.
- Do not do deeds things, which you have to hide with excuses.
- I could probably be cured of my faults, but unfortunately, I enjoy them.
- Do the most fun things first! Boring things are less boring when there is nothing to look forward to.
- Currency speculators have a firm belief in the incapacity of governments.
- Do not demand perfect behaviour from children. They are with time learning. Good habits must be contagious, they are not learned.
- "If" and "in case" were planted in the ground. They grew to "Nothing".
- Acting according to other people's advice is like wearing clothes made according to other people's measurements.
- The first victim, when war comes, is the truth.
- People will never be truly as saddened by your passing as you imagine.
- Nothing unites like hatred - neither love, nor friendship, nor admiration.
- If you have nothing, then it is very difficult for you to accomplish anything.
- With the eyes of an eagle, you see the faults of others and with the eyes of a mole your own.
- Success is the ability not to lose enthusiasm despite repeated failures.
- About game theories:
- Capitalism is based on the assumption that winning is possible.
- Socialism is based on the assumption that equal levels can be reached.
- Mystery is based on the assumption that the game can be interrupted. - You would be happy, if you did not mourn what you lack, but rejoice in what you have.
- Propaganda is that branch of lying which often deceives one's friends without ever deceiving one's enemies.
- To do injustice to another is more humiliating than to suffer injustice yourself.
- The old go towards death, the young come it.
- If you ever come to power and are benefited and intoxicated by it, even if it is only for a year, you will not give it up voluntarily.
- Never discuss. You convert no one. Opinions are like nails: the more you hammer them, the harder they stick.
- Don't try to live forever! You will not succeed.
- It is not primarily your ambitions, cunning and other personal qualities that determine what you achieve or where you end up in this life, but most often it is coincidences and opportunities that arise.
- Life cannot be condensed into aphorisms.
- People only take revenge for small and insignificant insults, big ones make them unable to take revenge.
- Believe that life is worth living and your faith makes it a reality.
- If you did not have the information, you cannot take responsibility. If you had the information, you cannot avoid responsibility.
- A crisis is a situation, where I cannot say: "We forget the whole thing".
- Success is a journey, not a destination.
- By being and behaving in an exemplary manner, you can best influence other people.
- The purpose of psychiatry is to give us a completely different perception of it than the one we know best.
- Effective action is always unjust.
- Old men are dangerous. The future does not matter to them.
- Never mind what critics say: No one has ever erected a statue to the memory of a critic.
- You miss 100% of all shots you don't fire.
- Always mistrust a subordinate, who is never dissatisfied with his superior.
- People can be happy only when they do not assume, that the meaning of life is happiness.
- Poverty is no shame but it doesn't help anyone get ahead.
- If you have enough, then you are satisfied.
- The Christian intention is to find the world repulsive and miserable has made the world repulsive and miserable.
- Circumstances do not make me what I am, they reveal who I have chosen to be.
- A speech should start well and end well. The most important thing, however, is that the time in between is as short as possible.
- Your task is not to look into the future but to make it possible.
- Aging is transition from passion to compassion.
- 80% of us consider ourselves to drive better than the average car driver.
- Be suspicious of anyone who wants to punish.
- The people we rate are nothing but successful scammers who have not been caught out by the act itself.
- An exception never confirms a rule, but destroys it.
- If you have a difficult or heavy job, give it to the lazy - he will find ways to make it easier.
- How quickly "not right now" changes to the form "never".
- Success makes friends, adversity tests them.
- In most cases, the best and cheapest ideas for improving working conditions in the workplace come from the workers themselves.
- Speak well of your friends, keep quiet about your enemies.
- My conclusion on the matter was at the point when I got tired of thinking more about the matter.
- Vote for the one who promises the least. He will disappoint you the least.
- A narrow-minded person's mind is like the pupil of the eye: the more light you expose it to, the more it contracts.
- To err is human and stupid.
- Failure should be our teacher, not our funeral. Failure is delay, not loss. It's a detour, not a dead end.
- Determination is often the art of occasionally being cruel.
- People who boast that they never change their minds are fools who believe in their own infallibility.
- If you only have a hammer, all problems look like nails.
- The world evolves by accomplishing things that seemed impossible.
- How do you get to know yourself? Through meditation never. But through action.
- The most successful politician is the one who says most often and loudest what most of us think.
- You may have thousands of reasons why you can't do what you want to do, when all you need is just one reason why you could.
- Self-praise stinks.
- It takes a surprisingly long time to complete the unfinished work.
- Old age is not so terrible at all when we think of its alternative.
- Greed is the only sin that becomes a virtue in the eyes of the offsprings.
- Incompetence is manifested in the use of too many words.
- People who are brutally honest get more out of brutality than out of honesty.
- If you yourself, guided by your own conscience, have learned to distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong, public opinion has no value.
- In drought we discover the good springs, in need the good friends.
- We judge the past according to justice, the present according to our own advantages.
- You should not count your own happiness on others.
- Speak in anger and you'll give the best speech you've ever regretted.
- An act is not punishable because it is immoral, but immoral because it is punishable.
- Old age and sickness bring out the essential features of our character.
- Time converts more than the truth.
- Incompetence is concentrated in a group. In a completely united group, the stupidity has petrified.
- Among those who have worked for mankind, there are many who have killed their humanity.
- Patience: a kind of mild despair disguised as virtue.
- Money is the sixth sense that allows me to enjoy the other five.
- Who would lift the cat's tail, if not the cat itself.
- An autobiography usually reveals nothing unfavourable about the author, apart from his poor memory.
- When you speak, you only repeat what you already know. But if you listen, you might learn something new.
- Your actions show what you really think.
- The prison must be a paradise for socialists: equality prevails, everyone is taken care of and competition is eliminated.
- Time changes people, but not the image I have of them.
- Obscurely said, it is obscurely thought.
- We have all been given two gifts, which we should use as much as possible - humor and imagination. Imagination replaces what we are not and humor helps us accept what we are.
- Changes in humanity today are so rapid that everything we learned at a young age prevents us older ones from succeeding.
- The difference between men and boys is the prices of their toys.
- It's easier for me to be critical than fair.
- If you want to maintain your position in power, you must learn that you cannot always be good, but to be or not to be, all as needed.
- A nice girl keeps a diary. The naughty has no time.
- Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do, but it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving.
- The sailor does not ask for a tailwind. He learns to sail.
- Conscience and cowardice are the same thing. Conscience is the trademark
- The saints live in the flames, the wise beside them.
- Common sense is the gatekeeper of thought; its task is not to let in or out ideas of questionable appearance.
- Freedom is worth nothing if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.
- Time is God's way of giving credit.
- A mistake doesn't become a real mistake until you refuse to let go of it.
- The basic characteristics of humanity is to learn from one's mistakes, not from examples.
- If you want revenge, then you will keep your wounds open.
- Experience is a good medicine, but it does not come until the disease is over.
- For a man, lying is the last resort; for a woman is the first aid.
- Conscience is an inner voice that warns me that someone can see.
- As a manager, you are a person who needs others.
- The healthiest gymnastic exercise is to get up from the table at the right time.
- Freedom breeds lawlessness, lawlessness leads to oppression, and oppression leads back to freedom.
- Time is the greatest reformer.
- People's most terrible cruelties have proven to be a solid belief in the correctness of the false belief.
- If you look at your problem in enough detail, you will find that you yourself are part of the problem.
- Adversity usually reveals genius, success hides it.
- Anyone can show compassion to a suffering friend, but it takes a really good character to feel sympathy for a friend's success.
- A gossiper talks to you about others, dull is the one who talks about himself, and a fantastic conversationalist is the one who talks about you with you.
- Mastering another language is like having another soul.
- Capital is stolen labour.
- The way to a man's heart is through his ego.
- You can't kill a shadow, you kill it with light.
- Time heals all wounds.
- The conservative is fond of existing injustices, unlike the liberal, who wants to replace them with others.
- To err is human, and it is even more human to blame others for it.
- People's perception of you changes you more easily than you change the impression of yourself.
- If you work hard eight hours a day, you can become a boss and work twelve-hour days.
- Anyone can know. The purpose is to understand.
- Men and women at least agree on one point; both mistrust women.
- It's quite difficult to be effective, without being unpleasant.
- Science is an understanding of the world and art is its spirit.
- The surest way to be deceived is if you think you are more cunning than others.
- The dominant ideas during different periods have always been the ideas of the ruling classes.
- Boredom is seriousness without content.
- If the facts don't support the theory, it must get rid of them.
- In reality, we don't really listen to others and if you try to do it for a while, you will understand why.
- Men often discover things that women have already known for a long time.
- It's easy for me to be kind to people I don't care about at all.
- If you are constantly hesitating, there is a risk that you will not get anything done.
- Decision, is something that a manager has to make, when the information he has is so incomplete that the answer does not give itself.
- Science commits suicide when it accepts only a certain doctrine.
- The safest way to hide your limitation is that you do not exceed it.
- Where power has right, right has no power.
- The difference between democracy and people's democracy was small, just like the difference between a jacket and a straitjacket.
- Aging: First we forget names, then faces, later we forget to pull the zipper up and then down.
- If you forget, you'll soon find something better.
- No one can help you if you don't help yourself.
- Men build houses, women homes.
- It is easy to make things complicated, but it is complicated to make things simple.
- Reading does not make you wise, it only makes you learned.
- You know what happens to those who stand in the middle of the road - they are run over.
- Cynicism is an unpleasant way of telling the truth.
- Beware of him who flatters you without cause. He will also blame you unfairly.
- Adults never understand anything, and children constantly cannot explain things to them.
- It's not that far from a pat on the back to a kick in the butt.
- If you don't have a goal, sooner or later you will be at zero point. It is better to have even a bad goal than no goal at all.
- Reading is thinking with someone else's brain instead of your own.
- If religion is necessary for people, then it is less important for it to make them happy, and to make them endure misfortunes. When the world has become unbearable for people, they must be promised another.
- No one has won until the vanquished admits it.
- Imagination is more important than knowledge.
- It is more shameful that you doubt your friends, than that you are deceived.
- A radical stands firmly with both feet in the air.
- Regarding scientific research: The results are always good, as long as there is nothing equivalent to which they can be compared.
- Be careful what you say, before you say what you think.
- Whenever your things seem to be going better, you've forgotten something.
- The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.
- Without deviating from the path, there is no progress.
- If you believe in your dreams, it's as if you go through your life in sleep.
- When should I take action?
- When the motive for it.
- It is possible to implement.
- The 'cost' is reasonable. - An opinion is not necessarily right, just that someone is willing to die for it.
- Money doesn't make us happy, but it calms our nerves.
- The actual work in an organization is done at its lowest levels.
- Whenever we have to deal with so-called idealism, as in wartime, we are shocked by its cruelty.
- Some people never learn anything, just because they understand everything so easily.
- Without abuse, power is not fascinating.
- Rather talk over people's heads than behind their backs.
- If you believe you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you're right.
- Success has many fathers. Failure is an orphan.
- When we can no longer change the situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.
- There are people who are inspired by so much courage and demand for independence, that they would rather be in the minority and be wrong, than be right with the majority.
- Money paralyzes a sharp tongue.
- Of course, it is possible even for me to love people - provided I don't know them very well.
- Headwinds make you wiser and stronger.
- Whenever we can impress people, we get haters. To stay popular, we have to be mediocre.
- An example is better than a thousand arguments.
- The flattering enemy is the most dangerous.
- If you demand more from yourself than from others, you will be spared the envy of others.
- When you notice that a man has great thoughts about himself, you can be sure that they are the only great thoughts he has had in his whole life.
- Opinions are like nails. Easy to hit in, but hard to pull off.
- Envy is the companion of honour.
- There are two kinds of people: those who do the work, and those who collect glory. Try to be in the first group because there is less competition there.
- Money is a terrible master, but an excellent servant.
- There is always an easier way.
- It's flattering when someone tells me exactly what I think about myself.
- The best thing about captivity is getting rid of it.
- When someone I like changes his opinion compared to a year ago, or four years ago, he is a broad-minded person who has the courage to change his opinion when conditions change. When someone I don't like does that, he is a liar who has broken his promises.
- Better a dog in peace than a man in war.
- There are three things that I always forget. Names, faces and - the third one, I can't remember now.
- Knowledge is power.
- Worry less about what others think of you and more about what you think of others.
- Adversity makes you wiser, not rich.
- The only person you can change is yourself.
- You've done half when you've started.
- Changing our opinion often requires more courage from us than staying true to it.
- Inflation is the only way to halve the value of a banknote without damaging the paper.
- If you're only looking for faults, you won't find anything else.
- When the gossip gets old, it becomes a myth.
- A man never forgives. He just forgets. A woman forgives everything, but never forgets.
- It's a myth that older people are wise, they've just become more cautious.
- Having money is good. But having control over money is even better.
- Happy people have expected less from life.
- The greatest difficulty is not to get people to accept new ideas, but to get them to abandon the old ones.
- You are responsible not only for what you do, but also for what you neglect to do.
- The only way you find limits to the possible is to move to the impossible.
- You don't know what you're capable of until you've tried.
- The accuracy of information decreases as it rises towards the top of the bureaucracy.
- If you only look in the rearview mirror, there is a risk that you will drive into a ditch.
- When the youth of the nation are conservative, then its funeral bells have already rung.
- The aphorism is not equal to the truth: it is either half or one and a half truth.
- There are things that you have to be an expert to realize that you don't understand them.
- A rich husband is still the most popular labor-saving aid.
- You can acquire knowledge in three ways:
- By thinking - that is a noble way.
- By trial and error - it's a laborious way.
- Or by imitating - that's an easy way.
And by repeating it sticks in the memory. - The only cure for old age is a grave.
- You don't recognize the really important moments in your life - not until it's too late.
- The most disgusting lies are those that are very close to the truth.
- If freedom means anything, it means the right to tell people what they don't want to hear.
- When you write down all the good things you should have done and leave out all the bad things you did - these are memoirs.
- Why not say it outright: there is no truth - there are only opinions.
- There are many good defences against temptation, but the best is cowardice.
- Money is like manure: it has to be spread otherwise it smells.
- Computers are unreliable, but people are even more unreliable.
- It takes time for an initially trusting person to get used to the fact that God does not help him after all.
- The one thing a man does better than anyone else is to interpret his own handwriting.
- You will find happiness not by seeking it, but by living it.
- Inspiration usually strikes while you're working, not before.
- If you steal an idea from one person, you are guilty of plagiarism, but if you steal them from many, you are doing scientific research.
- When a politician's honesty is emphasized too clearly, his intelligence is doubted.
- Why rob a bank compared to founding a bank.
- There is much that cannot be replaced with money, but with a smile, attention or with thanks.
- Love your neighbour as yourself.
- Religion, in itself, is never a cause for wars or acts of hatred, but a very convenient tool for inciting hatred.
- Ignorance is spiritual darkness without moon and stars.
- Similarity, it is death. Differences, that's life.
- Men live by forgetting, women by memories.
- The charm is that you make others feel good.
- The only thing you can do with good advice is pass it on. You yourself never have any use for them.
- Treat your subordinates as you would want your superiors to treat you.
- You cannot discover new oceans until you have the courage to lose sight of the coast.
- Intuition: A strange insight that tells a woman she is right, whether she is right or wrong.
- When we have a conscience, it is generally a bad one.
- Why repeat old mistakes, when you can make so many new ones?
- It's best that you believe the good of everyone - that way you will avoid many irritations.
- Loving is not the same as looking into each other's eyes, but looking together in the same direction.
- The opportunity can also make you a thief.
- Hate is just a lack of imagination.
- The only good fortune that many great people have had is an innate ability to endure bad luck.
- Love is at its weakest when there is more doubt than trust, but love is at its strongest when you learn to trust despite the doubt.
- The father's fame usually does not help the son forward, but suffocates him. They are too close to each other. The shade kills grow the plant.
- If you claim that money does not make you happy, you are a victim of propaganda.
- When a woman becomes too old to please men, she turns to God.
- Easily caught, easily lost
- It is better for you to forget the insult than to avenge it.
- Love can accomplish a lot, money everything.
- With statistics you can prove anything if you just collect enough suitable material.
- Philosophy is incomprehensible answers to insoluble questions.
- Hate rarely harms its object. The hater himself suffers the most. He perverts his soul and poisons his life by brooding old injustices and planning acts of revenge.
- The only way to rule over nature is to obey it.
- You won't convince anyone by silencing her objections.
- If you try every day to do a little more than is expected of you - soon you will be expected even a little more.
- When the young yearn to go out into the world, the old yearn for home.
- It's good that there are lies - imagine if everything we hear was true.
- The tragedy of love is not death, not divorce, but indifference.
- It is not always necessary to solve a problem. Change your point of view and the problem disappears.
- Efficiency is very advanced laziness.
- Blessed is he who does not expect thanks, for he will not be disappointed.
- Our only duty to history is to rewrite it.
- The secret to getting ahead is to get started. The secret to getting started is to break down the overwhelming tasks into smaller, manageable tasks and start from scratch.
- Time heals what reason cannot.
- Facts are stubborn things.
- Patriotism is the belief that this our own country is better than other countries because I myself was born here.
- A decision that you cannot change is a bad decision.
- Sometimes it comes to mind that when God created man that He somewhat overestimated his ability.
- When you are tired of a person, give him a loan.
- Nothing is easier than to deceive an honest man.
- Love dies over the years, only self-love lasts a lifetime.
- To enjoy yourself and make others enjoy themselves, without harming yourself or others, that is the whole ethics.
- Young men think they are wise enough, just as drunkards think they are sober enough.
- We often take the only and correct measure only as a last resort.
- Etiquette means I behave a little better than absolutely necessary.
- If the citizens only knew how little sense their kingdom is governed by.
- When you are in deep water, it is wise to keep your mouth shut.
- Nothing is terrible, except fear.
- It's stupid that you get annoyed with people, only you yourself suffer from it.
- You will solve the problem more easily if you know the answer in advance.
- The true journey of discovery does not consist in seeking new points of view, but in seeing with new eyes.
- The last illusion is to believe that you have lost everything.
- Only the ignorant gets angry. The wise understands.
- You can hardly find people with judgment, except those who share your opinion.
- To make the truth more likely, you should definitely mix in a bit of a lie.
- When you've ruined your work, by fixing it you ruin it even more.
- Nothing is permanent, except changes. Nothing is more permanent than death.
- It is more difficult to be sincere than to flatter.
- What matters is not what inclinations and abilities you have, but how you use them.
- True happiness is being able to be happy without happiness.
- Liquor ruins everything except the container.
- Only if you do practically nothing will you avoid making mistakes.
- Seek simplicity and distrust it.
- Selfishness is not that you live the way you want, but that you force someone else to live the way you want.
- In a group, stupidity is condensed. Among those who fully agree, stupidity has petrified.
- Relatives and close acquaintances do not recognize a prophet within their own circle.
- Boring idleness can be useful. Maybe that way you will come up with something to do or come up with completely new things.
- Nothing is more pleasant than remembering the difficulties overcome
- There are only two kinds of women in this world. Women who always speak and women who never remain silent.
- You can either win or buy peace. Win by resisting evil. Buy by allying with evil.
- The real reason I've bought a new, fancy, unnecessarily expensive car with extra features and equipment is so that my neighbours and other acquaintances can see that I can afford it too.
- On the wings of time sorrows flies away.
- We seek the truth and we find it well, but only when it suits us.
- Self-respect is more important than position and career.
- God created man. Then he took a step back looked at his creation and stated: "Surely I can do better than that".
- When a little man casts a long shadow, darkness is near.
- Nothing is so easy that it doesn't become difficult if you have to do it reluctantly.
- There is only one way to fight power. Survive it!
- The rich man's mistakes are covered with money, the doctors with soil.
- True eloquence is that you say what you have to say - and only that.
- You can only forget time by using it.
- That you accept a message does not always depend on its content, but who said it and how it was presented.
- When money talks, the truth is silent.
- Nothing is more worrying than reassuring assurances.
- It is sinful to think ill of others, but not always a mistake.
- Crime must be covered with a crime.
- The wise person's question already has half the answer.
- Think twice before you speak. Then you will discover that the others are talking about something completely different.
- An expert is a person who has made all sorts of mistakes in a limited area.
- Self-doubt is the first sign of intelligence.
- God is the only being who does not need to exist in order to rule.
- When you say that you agree on something in principle, you mean that you have no intention of getting it done.
- Nothing is as good as it seems in advance.
- There are few sincere friends - but the demand is not that great either.
- Courage is doing things you fear. There is no courage if you don't feel fear.
- Hope is risk, which you have to take.
- The wise propose, the fools decide.
- The advantage of teamwork is that I don't have to blame myself.
- Think the opposite.
- Fanaticism consists in doubling the efforts when one has forgotten the goal.
- The self-taught is the only one who has learned. The others are taught.
- God made the first loudspeaker of a man's rib.
- When you save things, remember where you saved them.
- All systems must be designed to withstand the worst possible case.
- The art of being a prince is that you do the good yourself personally and the evil through a deputy.
- Hope is usually a poor guide, but a very good traveling companion.
- Wise words often fall on barren ground, but a kind word is never wasted.
- Thinking against the prevailing is brave. To speak against it is complete madness.
- Drinking doesn't drown your worries, it waters them.
- When wealth disappears, nothing disappears. When health disappears, something disappears. When the character disappears, everything disappears.
- Time heals what common sense cannot.
- Nothing is more humbling than seeing idiots succeed at what I myself have attempted.
- The poets supply the pearls - the philosophers the threads
- True friendship is like health, you only realize its value when you have lost it.
- The wise make proverbs, the foolish repeat them.
- The optimist is probably as often wrong as the pessimist, but he has more fun.
- Our thoughts limit our world.
- My self-esteem is boosted when I succeed every now and then.
- Glory and fame are quickly forgotten, but anonymity lasts forever.
- There is nothing permanent, except changes.
- The problem is not a problem. The problem is your attitude towards the problem. Do you understand?
- Teamwork means a group of people doing what someone told them to do.
- A true friend will never stand in your way unless you are going down.
- The wise man seeks wisdom, the fool has already found it.
- The thought must always be clear, only perceptions are unclear.
- We often waste money, even beyond our means, on things we don't need, just to impress people we don't appreciate.
- The noble ability to lose face may one day save humanity.
- Never miss a good opportunity to keep your mouth shut.
- Gossip goes in one ear of a man and out the other. Gossip goes by a woman in both ears and out her mouth.
- Ambition is just refined vanity.
- Nothing reveals your character more clearly than things you find ridiculous.
- When solving a problem, it is an advantage if you know the answer in advance.
- There is nothing more effective in getting something done than combining stupidity with willpower.
- There are no facts, only interpretations.
- A wise man benefits more from his enemies than a fool from his friends.
- Do you want to get to know the thing? Look at it closely. Do you want to love it? Look at it from afar.
- Noble souls are offended rather by flattery than by insult.
- Nothing is as good in politics as a short memory.
- Ambition makes us do the dirtiest things. Climbing is done in the similar body position as crawling.
- Don't puff yourself up! Then the air comes out of you at a tiny spike
- Nothing brings success like the impression of success.
- A wise man does not lament a loss. He takes it as a useful experience.
- Spitting downwards is easy, but try to do it upwards.
- If you want peace, prepare for war.
- Constantly working is a form of nervousness.
- Hindsight is the most exact science.
- Ambition corrupts its bearer.
- Happiness requires three things: something to do, someone to love and something to hope for.
- Even the best things become tasteless if forced to do it.
- Self-centered person: a person with bad taste, more interested in himself than in me.
- Bureaucracy: a flawless method of converting energy to nothing.
- Alcohol is an effective solvent, especially for brain cells.
- If you want to know something about the road ahead of you, ask those you meet.
- By constantly questioning and discussing, we come up with increasingly better functioning solutions to the problems.
- Systems tend to grow and, as they grow, penetrate other areas.
- The ambitious cannot afford to think about the honesty of his actions, because the competition is increasingly ruthless.
- No generalization is absolutely true, not even this one.
- Happy people don't count fleeting minutes.
- Similar children play best.
- Habit teaches best in everything.
- The wise learn from the mistakes of others. Stupid about their own and the stupidest not even about their own mistakes.
- Sour said the fox from rowan berries.
- An alcoholic can shorten his life by fifty percent, but in return he often gets the advantage of seeing everything as two.
- Control over desires is the foundation of character.
- War is too serious a matter to be left to the generals.
- When you speak to God, it is called prayer. When God speaks to you, it is called schizophrenia.
- Organized hate, that's unity.
- Always hold the highest regard for a taciturn woman. No woman possesses greater wisdom than she who can keep her mouth shut.
- No night is so long that it is not followed by a day.
- The happy people are failures: they get along so well with themselves that they don't care about anything.
- Just as laws are needed to uphold high morals, so high morals are needed to uphold laws.
- You recognize the truth in its simplicity.
- Alcoholic: A kind of vegetarian.
- A boss is a person who sees everything from two directions; from his own direction and from the wrong direction.
- A sensible person has never regarded a change of opinion as a loss of permanence.
- Death is the greatest thing, and therefore it is the last.
- I hardly have any courage, but I act as if I did, which might be the same thing.
- The word "Love" is used to describe the sexual desire of the young, for the middle-aged their cohabitation and the mutual dependence of the elderly.
- Wisdom has long ears and a short tongue.
- The beginning is the most important part of the work.
- A delusion is more dangerous the more truth it contains.
- The leader is the one who knows how to make himself redundant.
- A rational person adapts to the world. An irrational person tries to adapt the world to his wishes. Therefore, all progress depends on the irrational man.
- Happiness is the ability to forget what cannot be changed.
- Patriots often talk that they can die for their country, but never kill for it.
- There are many in the cemetery who knew they were irreplaceable.
- The extreme limits of wisdom - it is often called madness.
- Carefully analyse your depression and you will notice that it is often rooted in your wounded self-love.
- Of your illusions you know only the broken ones.
- The most important characteristic of a leader is the courage to make decisions.
- Let go of the past and move on.
- Death has a good side: it sets a limit to old age.
- It is easier for me to fight for my principles than to follow them.
- The gifts of happiness are not equally distributed.
- Proverbs are to speech what salt is to food.
- You make friends faster by being interested in them than by trying to get them to be interested in you.
- Procrastination is a dangerous way to deny the truth.
- Always forgive your enemies; nothing else annoys them as much.
- Heresy is just another name for freedom of thought.
- As a leader, you must ensure that employees are kept well informed and that they are given opportunities to participate in planned changes in the workplace and that they are also given opportunities to develop at work.
- It is foolish to pray to the gods, if you can do it your own power.
- The collision of two different doctrines is not a disaster, - It is an opportunity.
- Fear of death is worse than death.
- It's easier for me to forgive an enemy than a friend.
- Cult of heroes is cult of good luck.
- Interpretation is the intellect's revenge on art.
- Sincerity does not mean saying everything you think, but that you really mean everything you say.
- Forgiveness is a virtue of the brave.
- As a leader, you have given up the right to make excuses.
- It is impossible for me to enjoy idleness, I have so much to do.
- You discover your happiness more slowly than your unhappiness.
- Tell me what you despise, and I'll show you your limitations.
- That man is dangerous - He believes what he says.
- The incorrect basic assumption remains visible in the conclusions.
- Forgiveness is better than revenge.
- Truth is the goal of philosophy, but not always of the philosopher.
- They can do anything because they believe they can.
- The task of leadership is to produce more leaders, not followers.
- Everything I can think, I can think clearly. All that I can say, I can say clearly. But all that I can think, I cannot say.
- A wise man creates more opportunities than he finds.
- Die, Doctor? That would be the last thing I would do.
- Where everyone thinks alike, no one thinks very much.
- Unfortunate is the country that needs heroes.
- Admitting your mistake proves that you are wiser today than yesterday.
- Antipathy analyses better, but only sympathy understands.
- Those who have the straightest spine are furthest from the focus of the problem.
- Every time I stand on the side of the majority, it's time for me to pause and think.
- There is beauty in everything, but not everyone sees it.
- Dead cells keep the tree upright.
- What causes envy? The gap between will and ability.
- A satirist is a person who discovers unpleasant things about himself and then says them about others.
- The wind and the waves are always on the side of the most skilled sailor.
- In science, the one who convinces the world gets the credit, not the one who first came up with the idea.
- Titles flatter mediocrity, embarrass the better and annoy the inferiors.
- Those who say it's crowded at the top have never been at the bottom.
- Each time is responsible for its own. But don't forget to read about them to learn for the future.
- All political ideologies have a minimum common denominator: the soldier!
- Experience is the name we give to our mistakes.
- However rare the truth is, supply has always been greater than demand.
- Happiness is like a dream: you become aware of it only after waking up.
- Against chance, you cannot protect yourself.
- A fool and his money are soon parted.
- The civil servant wants more subordinates, not competitors. He also creates more work for his colleagues.
- With guns you can kill terrorists, with education you can kill terrorism.
- He who knows much talks little.
- Every glimpse of joy is wonderful. It comes unearned and can never be bought.
- It is characteristic of all movements and crusades that psychopathic ingredients rise to the top.
- Listen to reason, otherwise it will painfully remind you.
- What sunshine is to flowers, a smile is to mankind.
- He who can lick can bite.
- Fools work, wise people can live on the work of fools.
- The visionary lies to himself, the liar only to others.
- Your place in society is determined by what people say about you behind your back.
- The weak believe in luck - the strong in cause and effect.
- Each of us can be mistaken, but only fools persist in their delusion.
- Seen from the moon, human achievements on Earth look like a serious skin disease.
- The more laws the government creates, the more criminals there will be.
- Happiness is a mystery just like religion and it should never be rationalized.
- What everyone has believed, always and everywhere, has every prospect of being wrong.
- A fool would be considered wise if he did not just open his mouth.
- Visions are the ideas of the future.
- Put a villain in the spotlight and he will act like an honourable man.
- Information that is easy to understand and use, but incorrect, is more useful than truth, that is complex and difficult to understand.
- Every man is master of his own house - until the guests have left.
- The worst way to get ideas is to chase them.
- Imaginary pains do not hurt less because they are imagined.
- What are the benefits of dementia? Gets new friends every day.
- Fortune favours the brave.
- What cannot be joked with rarely deserves to be taken seriously.
- In order to lead people, you have to turn your back on people.
- An expert is a professional idiot in one area and a common idiot in all others.
- Hell is not a place, but a state of mind.
- Your lack of happiness is due to the fact that you have time to think about whether you are happy or not.
- Every definition is a limit.
- All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.
- The faster and more detailed you reveal the bad news, the less damage it will do.
- The fool dreams of wealth, the wise of happiness.
- The weakness of strength is that it only believes in strength.
- You cannot inspire spiritually poor people, you can only incite fanaticism.
- Every solution creates new problems.
- Everyone admires a good loser, except his wife.
- The most imaginative people are the most gullible, because everything is possible for them.
- The bigger the lie, the more likely we are to believe it.
- Few have happiness, but all have summer.
- What history has taught us is this. That people and governments have never learned anything from history.
- The biggest difference between fools and the wise is that fools always do the same stupid things, while the wise always come up with new ones
- There are cures for everything but death.
- We can envy animals for two things: they are not afraid of future accidents, nor do they care what people talk about.
- For atheists - why do you mock and oppose something that doesn't even exist?
- The ultimate touchstone for a gentleman: to value people from whom he has not the slightest benefit.
- Every revolution evaporates and leaves behind only sludge of new bureaucracy.
- All humans are animals; the princes are animals that are not chained.
- The ability to think differently today than yesterday separates the wise from the stubborn.
- Happiness comes from living, not from buying.
- The better you are at putting things off, the less you need to be involved in everything else.
- Some grow under responsibility, others just swell.
- Tyrants rarely lack excuses.
- I can sum up everything I've learned about life in few words: it goes on.
- We fight bureaucrats best by following their regulations.
- A friend in power is a friend lost.
- Gentleman has never heard the story before.
- There is a simple solution to every complex problem - which one is wrong.
- All people believe that God is on their side. The rich know it is so.
- Ability is what you can do. Motivation determines what you do. Your attitude determines how well you do it.
- The fewer different functions the device has, the better it works and lasts. Example; Compare a hammer to a car.
- What is called optimism is often the result of inadequate thinking.
- The work is probably good, but it takes so damn much time.
- I could do everything better, if I could do it all over again.
- Bureaucracy defends the status quo long after the status quo has lost its quo.
- Behind every great man there is a woman and in front of a great woman there is a man standing in the way.
- Any self-criticism in the presence of others is indirect self-praise. It shows how much you can afford to give up.
- The ability to forget the uncomfortable is a wonderful gift.
- What I am not obliged to do, or do not like to do, and what is of no use to me, I normally don't do.
- You will succeed faster in getting thousands of men to join you by appealing to their prejudices than get a man with you by logic.
- God was pleased with his work. That was his big mistake.
- What we humans value in this world are not rights, but privileges.
- Work teaches its doer.
- Democracy is a form of government built on exchanging views. The problem is that it only becomes effective when people stop exchanging opinions.
- Happiness is good health and bad memory.
- As soon as Adam got the chance, he blamed the woman.
- He who never thinks about his health, will later have to think about his illnesses.
- The emergency will find ways.
- Nothing can be explained so clearly that everyone would understand.
- Learn to tune into another frequency in time. If you listen to too much advices, you may end up making the mistakes of others.
- What you resist determines how you become.
- The work always stretches to the extent of the available time.
- Democracy is a bad form of government, but the alternatives are worse.
- A little subjectivity can save you tons of explaining.
- If you always speak the truth, then you never have to remember what you have said.
- Any system that relies on human reliability is unreliable.
- It would be nice to live if I was lucky, in good health and not too much imagination.
- We recognize old age that we do not learn new things and that we do not forget old things.
- We give nothing as cheap as advices.
- Learn from the mistakes of others, because you won't live long enough to make them all yourself.
- The belief that I already know prevents me from learning new things.
- The main abilities of us humans, which have a devastating effect on life here on earth, are our intelligence and ability to cooperate.
- You can deceive your superiors but not your subordinates.
- Democracy is a social system where you say what you think and do what you are told.
- A little lie improves speech.
- If you always say "let's see", nothing ever happens.
- All development begins in chaos.
- Ten dollars in a fool's hand can be enough for more pleasures than a million in a rich man's safe.
- With both feet on the ground, you won't get far.
- Learn to say no. Don't let your mouth overload your back.
- That a woman always gets the last word is because men can think of nothing else.
- The chief virtue is to restrain yourself and keep your tongue right in your mouth.
- You can believe in God or in yourself. The safest thing is to trust in yourself.
- The dictator's attitude to election practice is - The most important thing is who counts the votes.
- In a hierarchical organization, an employee has the opportunity to advance to a position that corresponds to his incompetence.
- If you always only intend to do, then things will be half done.
- Everything assembled falls apart sooner or later.
- In theory there is no difference between theory and practice, but in practice a lot.
- Asking is teaching.
- Often, many denials resemble a desperate attempt to get the toothpaste back in the tube.
- The optimist believes that the future is uncertain.
- It is good you arrive on time, but you leave on time is better.
- The most important information in the hierarchy is to know who knows what.
- In the moment of victory, I deserve champagne, in defeat I need it.
- A diplomat is a man who remembers a woman's birthday, but forgets her age.
- Silence is better than meaningless words. Don't say a little in many words, but a lot in a few words.
- If you let things go by themselves, their development will inevitably be for the worse.
- All reputation is dangerous: the good follows envy, and the bad shame.
- Cynic: A villain who has a defect in his eyes, sees the world as it is, not as it should be
- Many people think they are thinking, when in fact they are just sorting through their prejudices.
- The optimist sees opportunities in every problem. The pessimist sees problems in every opportunity.
- Changing your mind is not a crime.
- The most important thing is not that you never fall, but that you get up after each fall.
- Even winners get scars.
- We hang petty thieves and raise our hats to the big ones.
- If you live beyond your means, you suffer from a lack of imagination.
- What does not kill, makes stronger.
- Lots of men in this world have started from the bottom - and stayed there.
- Adventure is the result of bad planning.
- Implementation of changes is important in management. Making changes before others is creativity.
- More important for success is being competent than popular.
- Can billions of flies be wrong? Eat you too, shit!
- Progress is the work of the discontented.
- History does not repeat itself - only historians repeat themselves.
- Everything is funny as long as it happens to someone else.
- Many of us humans spend our lives brooding over the past, worrying about the present and fearing the future.
- The seven deadly sins: wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, science without humanity, knowledge without character, politics without principles, commerce without morality, worship without sacrifice.
- The years come in silence.
- Crisis does not read the law book.
- History is a natural science that studies such events, which happened only once.
- If you hesitate, you may be saved sometimes.
- Everything is possible for a man, who does not have to do it himself.
- Suffering and sorrow are part of life.
- Many of us often talk about the most important things with complete strangers.
- Optimistic lies are so important therapeutically that a doctor who does not tell them convincingly is in the wrong profession.
- Such things happen, if it happens often, you get used to it.
- Punctuality takes a lot of time.
- The minority are the ones who are always wrong - in the beginning.
- Aging doesn't make us wiser, it makes us walk slower.
- History has taught that people and nations behave rationally only when all other possibilities have been exhausted.
- If you do not read good books, you have no advantage over those who cannot read them.
- All great discoveries are made by mistake.
- Patience, time and money heal all wounds.
- Morality is just an attitude we adopt towards people we don't like.
- An organization considers its internal order more important than efficient operations.
- What you have eaten is gone. The one you gave away left a sweet scent.
- After turning thirty-five, a man begins to have thoughts about women: before that he had feelings.
- Stupidity is fined.
- The optimist declares that we live in the best of all possible worlds and the pessimist fears that the optimist is right.
- The past is a lesson. The present is a gift. The future is the reason to continue.
- The least harmful for the people is when the top management of the country changes often, preferably democratically.
- No one became great by imitating.
- History is the version of the past that people have agreed upon.
- If you don't know how to be silent, you don't know how to speak.
- In all organizations, a small group rises to leadership, and others must adapt and obey.
- All great truths begin with heresies.
- You do not write a reminder (PM) to inform the recipient, but to protect yourself, the sender.
- What you learn after school is important. Otherwise, you only know what everyone else knows.
- Hate has no place in universally thinking people.
- A man of little understanding gets tired feet.
- Nothing that evolves follows its original plan.
- History is never written by anyone but the winners.
- If you can't lie, you don't know what the truth is.
- All sins are born from a sense of inferiority, also called ambition.
- Act like what you do matters! It has it.
- Complicated systems lead to unpredictable consequences.
- Originality does not consist in saying something that no one has said before, but in saying exactly what you think.
- What you hid in the snow, will come up in the thaw.
- Career is a horse that arrives at the gate of eternity without a rider.
- The modesty of the less gifted is simply honesty. For those who have great talent, it's hypocrisy.
- There is no illusion so dangerous as the one you think is a disappointment.
- The most important merit of a historian is not ingenuity.
- If you don't like solitude, you won't love freedom.
- Everyone knows what a middleman is: he cheats one party and robs the other.
- Cynicism - A substitute for intelligence for those who lack intelligence.
- A sense of humour and wit - it is a deadly antibiotic against the virus of fanaticism.
- The slave has only one master, the ambitious as many as he needs for his success.
- Where no key fits, there patience opens.
- A man advancing in career has no time for his wife or friends: He must devote himself entirely to his enemies.
- A little at a time, so over time you'll go a long way.
- There is nothing worse than active stupidity.
- Rumours come from the mouths of the envious, spread through the lips of fools, and receive approval from the idiots. Don't believe them, that you won't be the same.
- If you never do anything, you won't make any mistakes either.
- All the revolutions so far have proved only one thing, namely that a lot can be changed, but not people.
- Intelligence is practically useless to one, who has nothing else.
- Ants are among the most successful animals in the world. There are the most and have been the longest and are almost everywhere.
- Participating in committees is a pleasant way to grow old together.
- Where books are burned, people will soon be burned.
- Several arguments are always less convincing than one.
- Arguing with women is like trying to read a newspaper in a storm.
- There is no better defence than skilful politeness.
- That God seems to be above is certainly due to our unconscious emotional memories from our infancy, when all comfort and help came from above.
- The fools open ways, which the wise then use later.
- Everything can be divided into as many parts as you like.
- Poverty is no shame, but it is damn uncomfortable.
- Changes and upheavals have always been repulsive and hateful to us old people.
- You show a lack of courage if you know what is right, but you don't do it.
- Where stupidity and thoroughness meet, administration arises.
- Many of us humans have a great longing to talk about ourselves, and the only thing that holds us back is the reluctance of others to play the role of audience.
- The credibility of an argument does not depend on its truthfulness.
- There are no limits to what people can come up with when they lack imagination.
- A humanist loves all people, except those he meets.
- If you don't hope to win, you've already lost.
- Two things define you. Your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything.
- Mysteries are the wisdom of fools.
- Take your life and work less seriously, so your risk of burning yourself out at work is reduced.
- We would care less about what others think of us if we knew how rarely they actually do.
- There is no greater mistake than to jump to the conclusion that an opinion is worthless because it is poorly supported by arguments.
- If you master the subject, the words will come by themselves.
- The lazy say that the success of the diligent depends on luck.
- The myth is a religion that no one believes in anymore.
- Bear adversity like a man and success like a gentleman.
- Of the qualities of the soul, stupidity is the one that most contributes to the happiness of life.
- Most religious teachers defend their claims, not only because they are convinced, they are true, but because they once claimed them to be true.
- Necessity frees us from the difficulty of choosing.
- There is no great talent without a bit of madness.
- If you master your passions, you are a prisoner of your reason.
- A nation is a group of people united by a misconception of their origins and a loathing of their neighbours.
- Thanks to our laziness - the reluctance to make unnecessary effort - over time we create better and more comfortable conditions, including in our working life.
- If you don't know where you're going, you might end up somewhere else.
- A yielding politician is one who feeds the crocodile in the hope that it will eat him last.
- The door to happiness opens outwards.
- You always have time for what you want to do.
- Being together increases friendship, but not excessively.
- It's not hard to do right. It is hard to know what is right.
- If we want to break down a man, we need only make his work meaningless.
- The laws are like the spider's web; the wasp gets through, the fly gets stuck.
- Even the silence speaks.
- Fear of evil often leads us to something worse.
- By pairing lies with gullibility, public opinion is created.
- There is no power without hate.
- The fact that worries kill more of us humans than work is because more people devote themselves more to their worries than to their work.
- If you want to live in the shadow of a great man, then you get used to the cold climate.
- Bear your cross patiently, but don't let it strain you to death.
- The agitator's secret is to make himself as stupid as his followers, so that they think they are as wise as him.
- If you don't know what to do, try to at least look worried.
- Children teach us many things, such as where the limits of our patience are.
- Even a tall tower starts at the ground.
- The worst is not the power of the evil, but the cowardice of the good.
- You should have countless small goals, known and named, but you should never name, nor make clear to yourself the ultimate goal of your life.
- Often reason is nothing more than courage to cowardice.
- A common object of love is not able to unite us humans, but the same object of hatred always does.
- There is no freedom without the freedom to make mistakes and fail.
- Carefree head can only be found on a scarecrow.
- If you want to control others, you must first exercise self-control.
- In capitalism man deprives people, in socialism things are the opposite.
- Children need more role models than reprimands.
- Even the most honest of great men need villains around them. There are things they cannot ask honest people to do.
- The worst mistake you can make in your life is to always be afraid of making mistakes.
- You shouldn't take your life too seriously.
- The social sciences show that the role of women in society reflects the level of civilization.
- It is not enough that you are talented, the most important thing is that you use it correctly.
- A bad worker blames his tools.
- If you want the Lord to smile, then tell your future plans.
- Charisma can be a stumbling block for leaders. It makes them inflexible, convinced of their infallibility, incapable of change.
- Too much agreement kills a conversation.
- The function of the expert is not to be more right than others, but to be wrong for more sophisticated reasons.
- The woman was God's mistake number two.
- The worst thing many of us humans know are changes.
- You never have to be ashamed to admit that you were wrong. In other words, that you are wiser today than yesterday.
- Dare to lose - so you win.
- The form of cooperation that has achieved the most in this world is obedience.
- Unnecessary done work is not always completely wasted.
- The worst government is virtuous. A government made up of cynics is often quite tolerant and humane. But when fanatics are in power, there is no limit to oppression.
- In politics there are moments when we just have to be and lose.
- If you want the sympathy of the vast masses, you must tell them the most stupid and naive things.
- It is not by the face that you get to know a man, but by the mask.
- By exaggerating, you get closer to the truth.
- The woman wishes that the man had the same good qualities that the horse has; stately, strong, but above all obedient.
- Organize your thoughts, and you will notice that there are not so many of them.
- It is not wise for you to be wiser than necessary.
- Believe those who seek truth, mistrust those who have already found it.
- The similarity between happiness and an amoeba is that both reproduce by division.
- A sailor does not become skillful on a calm sea.
- If you want to rule a state and uphold its laws, you must assume that people are evil and that they are willing to give in to their evil inclinations when the opportunity arises.
- Envy never rests.
- After all, we have to learn to capture our joy from small and worthless things to have a flavour in our life.
- A woman's guess is usually more accurate than a man's sure assertion.
- Defamation affects three people: the speaker, the listener, and the one about whom it is spoken.
- You don't have to like reality, but you have to accept it.
- One of the most important lessons in leadership, is to admit that you are not always the most important or intelligent person in the room.
- A sense of humour is the ability to see all three sides of a coin.
- If you want to find a friend, it's best to close one eye - if you want to keep her, it's best to close both.
- The virtue of the woman is the most important invention of the man.
- Improve your career development:
- Never bring up a problem you don't know the solution to.
- Only present problems for which you have solutions.
- Preferably cost-effective solutions. - Laziness is a good talent, if you can use it properly.
- The contribution of the Jews to humanity is completely disproportionate to their number. They gave the world two great guides, like Jesus Christ and Karl Marx, they could also enjoy the luxury of not following either of them.
- No winner believes in coincidences.
- It is not the work that kills, but the way of working.
- If you want a long old age, you must grow old early.
- Envy is the sincerest form of flattery.
- Read more, imagine less
- A woman's tongue is her sword and she does not let it rust.
- If you demand the most from yourself in cooperation, but expect nothing from others, you will avoid resentment.
- It is easier for you to judge a person's intelligence by his questions than by his answers.
- Religion - vote of no confidence in humanity.
- In general, the most sensitive and intelligent young people become revolutionaries, destroyers.
- You can't catch yesterday, and you can't escape tomorrow.
- The smile is the shortest distance between two people.
- If you want to know what money is worth - go and try to borrow.
- For most of us humans, religion is something we have to believe in, because we assume others do too.
- The women first, into thick drift of snow and on weak ice.
- The best and fastest way for you to succeed is to let people realize that it is in their interest to promote your interests.
- You find it easier to fool many than one alone.
- Religion is more of a gamble than a form of insurance.
- In general, almost everything was worse in the old days.
- Often, we do not accept an idea, simply because the tone in which it is expressed is repulsive to us.
- There is little hope for you if you are too lazy to make enemies.
- Virtue brings honour and honour brings vanity.
- If you want a job badly done, pay in advance.
- Look at the man's attitude toward praise, and you will see his measure.
- Reading, after a while, leads to your thinking from its creative task. If you read too much, you use too little of your own brain and thus get lazy ways of thinking.
- Plans are nothing, planning is everything.
- Women want to be beautiful rather than smart. Indeed, they know that a man's sight is better than his intellect.
- The problem with the facts is that there are a lot of them.
- The best manager is the one who has the judgment to select skilled people to do the things he wants done, and the self-control enough not to get involved in their work.
- You should also learn from your enemy.
- Religion is opium for the people.
- To generalize is the same as being an idiot.
- Leaving a very prestigious and responsible position is like a small death.
- If you want your dreams to come true, it's best to wake up first.
- The malice in your breast is the enemy of your own happiness.
- You yourself must find your own meaning for your life, because life in itself has no meaning.
- Women lie about their age, men about their income.
- The best way for you to succeed in this life is to always walk on toes. On the toes of others.
- The insult only disgraces its utterer.
- You have to enjoy the journey, being on the road, not just waiting to arrive.
- Reorganization is a nicer word for problems.
- Arrogance is a gift from God to little people.
- Very few speakers realize that 90% of the applause they receive, when they fold the manuscript, is an expression of relief.
- If you want to complain, you'll always find something to complain about.
- The best criticism is praise, it sticks.
- A learned fool is dumber than an ignorant fool.
- The woman is disturbed by the fact that the man forgets - The man by it, that the woman remembers.
- The best is the worst enemy of the good.
- You have to dare to stand out from the crowd. Every person who loves the truth must learn to be alone among others, to think alone for others and, if necessary, against others.
- A danger which you have foreseen, you have already half averted.
- Understanding is the beginning of acceptance.
- By working, jobs do not end.
- If you want to win someone's heart, allow her to prove you're wrong.
- Rejecting praises is a desire to be praised again.
- Character and courage develop in life's small adversities. When the really big challenges come, we are ready.
- Women's intuition is often nothing more than the ability to see through men.
- The best way to lose happiness is to look for it. Happiness is not the goal of life - it is a by-product.
- It's also good for you to fail now and then - You learn more from them than from success.
- The coward calls himself cautious and the greedy thrifty.
- The great mockery of business management is that it is much easier for an incompetent CEO to keep his job than for an incompetent subordinate.
- It's not the years that make us old, but life.
- A very successful leader delegates all responsibilities and turns all criticism to others and takes credit for himself.
- Never repeat a successful experiment.
- If you want to incite very large numbers of people, then it is most effective to do it in the name of your own nation.
- Middle age: when our feelings begin to turn into symptoms.
- Character is what a person hides.
- The best way to keep your word is not to give it.
- You will have time for almost anything in your life if you are not in too much of a hurry.
- Modesty is a virtue - but you'll get further without it.
- Acts of kindness are soon forgotten, but the memory of injustice remains.
- You recognize the expert by that, that he predicts that the work will take the longest and cost the most.
- Better an eyewitness, than ten who "have heard."
- The mediocre condemns, as a rule, anything that lies beyond his reach.
- Laugh at your problems, so does everyone else.
- The best way to make your work seem difficult is to procrastinate.
- Sisterhood usually ends with a division of inheritance.
- Strong is the man who has only one idea.
- The wise speaks of what he sees, the fool of what he has heard.
- The friends call themselves sincere, the enemies are like that.
- If you don't know any better, mediocre is good, worse is acceptable, unbearable is possible, and miserable is normal.
- Accept yourself. Don't try to be perfect.
- I think that eighty percent of people go through their lives without having a single original idea of their own.
- The best theory is not necessarily true.
- Reading quote books is a good occupation for us uneducated people.
- The reasons of the strongest are always the best.
- Friends are like stars, we don't always see them, but we know they are there.
- If you can't solve the problem, the best option is to try to find funny aspects on it.
- Even a good leader, who has been in power for a long time, becomes a risk to his people, as a result of his aides who become increasingly corrupt over time.
- "If" and "when" were sowed, nothing would grow.
- It takes a lifetime to realize that you don't know anything. That's why grandmother and grandchildren get along so well.
- Nationalism is a childhood disease. It is the measles of mankind.
- You probably live under the illusion that you know what you want, when you actually want, what others want you to want.
- Those who already have will get more.
- The best eloquence is the one with which you get things done.
- Difficult things take a long time. The impossible ones take a little longer.
- If you don't defend your right to be yourself, then who would.
- The most useful lesson life has taught me is that idiots can often be right.
- If you chase two hares, you catch none.
- The limits of my language are equal to the limits of my world.
- To get to the source, you have to swim against the current.
- Those who have never taken risks can only see the losses of others.
- The hardest thing for politicians is to choose the right moment to step aside.
- Live, not just exist.
- He doesn't know everything, but he knows everything better.
- You, as a leader must lead clearly, so that you are not misunderstood. Dare to take on the responsibilities and duties that apply to you as a leader. Always tell your subordinate the reasons for the decision that affects him/her.
- Forbidden path is often hard worn.
- Doctors are lucky enough to have the sun shine on their cures, while their mistakes are covered by three fathoms of earth.
- Those who claim to be always and exclusively right are usually the ones who accomplish something.
- It is better to keep your secret yourself, than to let someone else do it.
- Blessed be the man who, when he has nothing to say, refrains from confirming this fact with his words.
- Intelligence is mostly the ability to learn from your own and other people's stupidities.
- To live is the art of being able to draw satisfactory conclusions from inadequate premises.
- If something gets stuck, remove it by force. If it breaks, it should be been replaced anyway.
- Refuse to complain. By complaining, you only escape responsibility, motivate yourself in passivity, and program yourself to fail.
- Discoveries are often the result of planned groping.
- Advice for a happy life for you is that you should be deeply interested in one thing and constantly busy with a thousand other things.
- Better that you create something, which others criticize, than that you create nothing and criticize others.
- Education is what remains after we have forgotten everything we have learned.
- To able do difficult things, think if so many others can do it, why not you.
- Intelligence is characterized by its natural inability to understand life.
- Life - we have come here only to visit, not to stay.
- He who was not red in his youth lacks heart. If he is not blue when as old, he lacks brain.
- If someone says that he got rich by hard work, then ask: By whose work?
- The downside of haste is that it takes time.
- As long as you try something, you can achieve more than you believe.
- It is better to be hated because you are yourself than to be loved because you are considered to be someone else.
- Even if everyone agrees, everyone can be wrong.
- Don't let your boss know you're smarter than him.
- Life does not begin at conception or birth. It only starts when the children have moved out of the home.
- He, who knows nothing, never doubts.
- If God did not exist, he would have to be invented
- Thanks to the fact that there are people who dare to oppose the orders of the leaders, it gives hope for the future.
- The earth does not belong to us humans, but we humans belong to the earth.
- As long as people worship Caesars and Napoleons, so long will Caesars and Napoleons appear and these will make people's lives miserable.
- Better a bad memory than bad memories.
- In the kingdom of the blind, there is a one-eyed king.
- Don't let the past define you. It was just a lesson, not a life sentence.
- Life is not the days gone by, but the days you remember.
- He who hesitates may be right.
- If you go slow, an accident will catch up you, if you go fast, you will go an accident.
- A wise person is not characterized by the fact that he does not make mistakes, but that he does not make the same mistakes again.
- There will be no peace on earth until patriotism and the worship of one's own religion has been eradicated from human societies.
- So-called common sense is a collection of prejudices, which we have acquired, already up to the age of eighteen.
- War is easy to start but hard to end.
- Only our doubts grow over the years, not our convictions.
- He, who smiles when things go wrong, has already thought of who to blame.
- If you think you know everything, you are ill-informed.
- Speed is of no use if the direction is wrong.
- You can't blame your enemies for your loneliness, only your friends.
- Better an honest no than a fake yes.
- War is wonderful only to those who do not know it.
- Only those are happy whose eyes are directed to something other than their own happiness.
- Don't live in the past, don't dream about the future, but concentrate on the present.
- Your death is more the problem of those left behind than your own.
- Fear has the biggest eyes.
- He who dies pays all his debts.
- Only those who are willing to go too far, know how far they can go.
- The world often rewards what looks like merit, rather than merit itself.
- As a young you should study wisdom and as an old you should practice it.
- Only idiots never change their mind.
- Don't seek peace outside of yourself.
- Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.
- Life would be impossible if we remembered everything. Everything consists of what we choose to forget.
- He who asks many questions increases the wisdom of many.
- If you go astray, you will find new ways.
- Writing an autobiography is the best way for you to tell the truth about other people.
- The world and conditions are best and most permanently improved through few and small changes at a time. Several big changes at once usually lead to big failures.
- Envy is the mold of the soul.
- Even the psychologists have noticed that many of us people in reality do not want to be cured. We want pain relief: healing is painful.
- A specialist is a person who is afraid of all other subjects.
- It's only the mediocre who always performs his best.
- Do not accept theft or misappropriation of other people's property, nor the obtaining of one's own advantages through bribery and corruption of friendship.
- He leads best who directs least.
- Life is suffering for you if you face it with your heart, bearable if you take it with reason.
- He who can, he does. He who cannot, he teaches. The one who cannot teach is transferred to the administration.
- If you think too long about the next step, you will spend your life on one leg.
- A book lover never goes to bed alone.
- The easiest thing in the world for you is to be yourself. The hardest thing in the world is being something others want you to be. Don't let them put you in that situation.
- The young encounter difficulties, difficulties encounter the old.
- Our generation is burning up all the oil, gas and a lot of coal, which is heating up the Earth's climate. The oil will not be enough for our descendants, but they do not need to freeze.
- Only the tame birds have longing. The wild ones fly.
- Do not tension the bow until you have set the arrow in place.
- Life is a sexually transmitted disease whose mortality is 100%.
- He who speaks ill of others to you will also speak ill of you to others in your absence.
- The stone you can't lift, leave it there.
- There are four types of people in the world: Loving, ambitious, observant and stupid. The happiest are the stupid.
- A mistake of youth is to think that intellect can replace experience, while the mistake of old age is that experience replaces intellect.
- Even the best plans degenerate into work.
- Don't leave the church because there are so many hypocrites. There is always room for one more.
- Life is full of big things for you, if you learn to live with small things.
- If you ride a tiger, you can't jump off its back.
- Perceived happiness is not related to one's success. They are often their opposites.
- The fault with the world is that the stupid is so sure of everything - and the wise so full of doubt.
- The present sees the new in art most easily, posterity the eternal.
- A great leader does not have to be at the forefront - it is enough for him to show the direction.
- Do not share your worries with others. Some don't care about them and some can be damn happy about them.
- Life equalizes all men, death highlights the most significant.
- Better a sincere enemy than a false friend.
- He who resorts to violence shows that he has run out of arguments.
- If you wait for an opportunity, you lose time.
- Opportunities are often hidden behind hard work, that's why most of us don't find them.
- He who knows best never learns anything.
- Modern man thinks he's losing something - time - if he doesn't do everything quickly. However, he doesn't know what he would do with the time he won - other than kill it.
- Mere sunshine makes the desert.
- The great men are almost always evil men.
- Knowledge is worth more than gold.
- Only he who lacks the backbone of self-esteem needs to resort to the crutches of popularity.
- Never underestimate a man who overestimates himself.
- Life? Yes, it always ends badly.
- If you expect difficulties, you may suffer them twice.
- Advertising is a way to make full lies out of half-truths.
- Nowadays young people believe that money is everything in this world. When they get older, then they find out that it is so.
- The fears are always more than the dangers.
- It is easier to deceive large masses of people with a big lie than with a small one.
- Only through your actions will your life gain meaning.
- Never look for faults you cannot correct.
- Life wisdom consists primarily in the ability to ignore what is not important.
- He who gets along well with everyone is friend with no one.
- If you're always at odds with your superior, it's time for one of you to disappear. Probably you.
- Treat your fellow human beings with dignity and respect, and do not allow anyone to be offended or discriminated against.
- Administration is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.
- A nod is enough for the wise, the fool needs a fist.
- The greatest happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved for our sake, or rather in spite of it.
- A man never grows up, he just gets older.
- Only the wise have ideas, for most of us people ideas are an obsession.
- Your life is worth living, but not that you constantly think about it.
- If you are worried all the time, then you are already living in the future.
- We humans would rather be wrong than be different.
- We see clearly backwards, dimly in the present and are blind to the future.
- Cowards call pessimism wisdom.
- Most of us in this world want security, not freedom.
- Only the victors decide what were war crimes.
- You should never grow too big to ask questions. Never know so much that you can't learn something new.
- The purpose of your life is that you acquire a purpose for your life.
- He who praises all praises no one.
- If you are lazy, then you must also be smart.
- Politeness is a trick of the wise to keep the fools away.
- A man who is ready to die for an ideology, demands, that the ideology is not completely clear to him.
- Here's how to succeed: try enough. This is how you fail: try too hard.
- In great crises the heart breaks or hardens.
- Only, if you believe in yourself, you can be faithful to others.
- He, who has no bad habits, has no personality.
- Success makes even the fool seem wise.
- If you admit your fears, you have already conquered the first fear.
- With reasonable demands, nothing is ever achieved.
- We are all prisoners of our own experiences. We cannot get rid of our prejudices - Only identify them.
- Hunger is the best spice in the world.
- There is no cure for fear.
- Greatness needs mysticism. The familiar rarely attracts admiration.
- The quietest people often have the highest opinion of themselves.
- Never exaggerate your mistakes. Your friends take care of that.
- There are times in our lives when it is wise not to be too wise.
- If people heard what people talk about others, there wouldn't be four friends in the world.
- His conscience was clear, he never used it.
- If you are dissatisfied with your neighbour, you are always dissatisfied with yourself.
- Moderation in everything, even in moderation.
- We are all brave when the enemy flees.
- The rule number one of the actor: Whatever happens, look like it was meant to be.
- Principle and reality are like two ladies, who constantly scratch each other.
- Profound ignorance creates a very persuasive tone.
- Your effort isn't strain until it starts to hurt.
- Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
- We always don't understand what a great source of income frugality is.
- He who is wrong is easier to convince than he who is half right.
- If you are in debt, you are not free.
- The most unreasonable person is the one who never changes his attitudes.
- A megalomaniac has a madness for greatness, he differs from the narcissist in that he wants to be more influential than charming, rather hated than loved. To these people belong many mentally ill people and the majority of great men in history.
- Waiting for accidents is more terrible and unbearable than the accidents themselves.
- Eat everything but not only something.
- Conviction is a more dangerous enemy to the truth than lies.
- We often imagine that a person with glasses is civilized until he opens his mouth.
- I don't want yes-sayers around me. I want everyone to speak their mind, even if it costs them their job.
- Misery is the constant scourge of the lower classes, and the boredom of the upper classes.
- If you can distinguish good advice from bad, you don't need advice.
- A dog is wiser than a woman. It does not bark its master.
- It is part of our human nature to hate whom we have harmed.
- Instructions for bureaucrats:
- If you have responsibility, consider.
- If you're in trouble, delegate.
- If in doubt, mumble.
If nothing else helps, follow the instructions. - Traditions are lampposts that light the way. Only drunks cling to them
- Burden means load. If it weighs you down, it's a burden.
- The liar needs a good memory.
- Never explain. Your friends don't want to hear it, and your enemies don't believe you anyway.
- I don't appreciate people praising how hard they work. If the work is so stressful for them, then they should dedicate themselves to something else.
- Distress is the mother of inventions.
- If you take difficulties in advance, you will suffer twice.
- The school of experience has high fees, but for fools there is no other.
- We should pay more attention to religion so that we can keep it away from as many things as possible.
- Advice for a dictator: Never fail to take advantage of a good crisis.
- Justifying something is like starting to sow doubts about it.
- Never forget that only dead fish go with the flow.
- I have never learned anything from a person who has agreed with me.
- Fools admire, the wise accept.
- If you always play it safe in your life, you decide at the same time that you no longer want to grow.
- Experiences do not accumulate suddenly.
- We must accept the most probable fact that life exists only here on earth and that only we humans know it.
- Correct a friend in secret, but praise him in the presence of others.
- Keep your principles, your money and your itinerary secret.
- Do you want to know who you are? Do not ask. Act! The action describes and defines you.
- Lies and literature have always been close friends.
- Do not complain! By complaining, you create the illusion that you have done something. You focus on the past, you give up your power. Winners, on the other hand, focus their efforts on finding solutions.
- Don't wait for the right moment: create it.
- I don't get to choose when and how I die. Only to decide how I will live.
- An idea is a thought that remained standing.
- To hate is to punish yourself.
- If you are afraid to ask, then you are ashamed to learn.
- We must remove the memory of heavy and tiresome, defeats, faults and mistakes in our lives. Instead, we need to think about where we have succeeded and what we have achieved.
- Actually, I only know when I know a little. With the knowledge, my doubt grows.
- Young children enjoy the present because they have no past or future.
- We complain about our poor memory, but never our poor judgment.
- Don't be afraid to ask stupid questions. They are easier to deal with than stupid mistakes.
- Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them friends?
- Idealism increases in direct proportion to increased distance from the problem.
- Reading does not make you wise, it only makes you learned.
- If you fear suffering, you are already suffering from what you fear.
- Experience is a good teacher, but bills are shamelessly expensive.
- Be smarter than others if you can. But keep it to yourself.
- A small debt is a stone tied with a rope around my neck, a big debt is a mountain, which I can climb to look at the views.
- Progress in art does not consist in erasing boundaries, but in getting to know them better.
- Choose your friends slowly, give them up even more slowly.
- Prejudices are like labels on bottles, simplifying our perception of people.
- Idealism is a noble garment that the gentlemen of politics pull over their hunger for power.
- If you are afraid of changes, you are also afraid of life.
- Our vanity and envy of the better-off largely sustains the country's economic growth. Because these encourage our desire to buy.
- Experience makes us make new mistakes instead of the same old ones.
- We have no right to blame or condemn another. In fact, we don't really know anyone properly.
- A joke is an epitaph for a feeling.
- An artist must not only say what other people cannot, but also what they dare not say.
- Above all, the elderly must be careful not to be lazy and inactive.
- It is with ideas as with small children. I like my own best.
- Happiness is a dream and suffering reality.
- If you keep your head cool when others lose theirs, it's possible that you simply haven't grasped the situation.
- We are generally more careful with our money than with our principles.
- It takes a wise man with a good memory to handle a lie. A fool had better stick to the truth.
- Heaven is the Christian version of an amusement park.
- Revolution: In politics, a sudden change in the form of bad governance.
- Do not weigh every step on your way: only by looking far away will you find the way forward.
- Before borrowing money from a friend, consider which of them you need most.
- Ideal are lighthouses, not harbours.
- Do you find it annoying when your listeners often look at their watches during your speech? But it's nothing to worry about, compared to when they start tapping them and listening to check if they've stopped.
- On the third day, the guest begins to smell.
- We have our full freedom, as long as we don't use it.
- I've always wondered about people's desire to meet celebrities. That he would grow in the eyes of his friends by knowing celebrities only proves that he himself is zero.
- There is an infinite number of errors, which cannot be detected, while there is a finite number of errors those can be found.
- A politician thinks about the next election, a statesman about the next generation.
- An economist is a person who can express the obvious in an incomprehensible way.
- Power cannot survive without prestige, and prestige cannot survive without distance.
- Before you're really sure of one thing, you're absolutely sure.
- Man does not live by words alone - even if as a politician he sometimes forced to eat his own.
- If you talk bad about your spouse, you are dishonouring yourself.
- The committee is a group of incompetents, chosen by the reluctants to do the impossible.
- Noise does little good, good makes little noise.
- I'd rather be an opportunist and stay afloat than sink to the bottom with all my principles wrapped around my neck.
- Death cures all diseases.
- The revelations of politicians never reveal the whole truth.
- Kill a person, you are a murderer. Kill millions, you are the conqueror. Kill everyone, you are God.
- Never start argue with an idiot. People following your dispute won't always notice which of you is which.
- Power is evil in itself.
- Don't offer advice or salt until being asked.
- Prediction is always difficult, especially about the future.
- It is dangerous for an elected politician to say something that someone might remember.
- Man cannot be angry with God, in whom he does not believe.
- A strong man ruling over a country becomes a danger to his people the longer he stays in power.
- If you defend a mistake made, then you make a mistake again.
- The lie is like a snowball; the further you roll it, the bigger it gets.
- There is nothing you can do about what happened except try to explain the event in a way that suits you best.
- Power is more important than popularity.
- For the first time in human history, changes are so rapid that what we learned at a young age prevents us from succeeding in old age.
- Man is the only animal that blushes - and has reason to do so.
- If you choose not to decide, you have made a decision.
- A conservative is too cowardly to fight and too fat to run.
- Success has many friends.
- I am convinced that we humans can only agree on those things we are not really interested in.
- In politics as in love, the retreat can become victory.
- Defeat is worse than death, because you have to learn to live with it.
- Don't do things your friends shouldn't know.
- Taking the first step is the most important part of every journey of discovery and undoubtedly the most significant.
- Man is free like the bird in the cage. He can move - within certain limits.
- If you love a person, love her as she is.
- The tallest trees are most exposed to the forces of the wind, so are the most ambitious people to the storms of fortune.
- It takes more moral strength to bear success than adversity.
- Example accomplishes more in the world than any good teaching.
- Stories about the good old days are usually due to poor memory.
- The greatest charm of patriotism: It fulfils even our worst wishes. By identifying with our own nation, we can oppress and deceive. And best of all, we can oppress and deceive while feeling perfectly virtuous.
- Don't judge people by their opinions, but by what they accomplish with them.
- First comes the food and then comes morals.
- When you say it's not about the money but the principle, then it's always about the money.
- We put too little emphasis on what we say about others and too much on what others say about us.
- Nothing is particularly difficult as long as you break it down into small enough tasks.
- For success there is no recipe, but for failure there is, and that is trying to please everyone.
- Any fool can criticize, and many do.
- You are wise as long as you seek wisdom. The moment you think you've found it, you become a loser.
- Politics is the art of preventing people from getting involved in matters that concern them.
- The habit is more attached in direct proportion to its futility.
- The state always calls itself the fatherland when preparing a murder.
- Do not judge a man by his qualities, but by the way he uses them.
- The strange thing about intelligence is its limitations.
- Nice boys arrive at the finish line last.
- Lastly, I will move to a single room with a lid.
- If you only talk about problems, then you become a problem yourself.
- Intelligent people are skilled at explaining and defending their stupid ideas.
- Bureaucracy multiplies problems by appointing more officials.
- History proves nothing, but shows a lot.
- Bad news always spreads faster than good news.
- A good leader gets others to do what they don't want to do and make them like it.
- If you give you into the game, you have to endure a game.
- All ends are also a new beginning. We just don't know that at the moment.
- A cynic draws bitter conclusions from the past, he also draws cynical conclusions about the future.
- A kind word costs nothing and is often still the best of all gifts.
- There is no sectarianism among the worshipers of Mammon.
- Those we can love, those we can also hate, we are indifferent to others.
- If you don't trust your memory, don't try to lie.
- If you get discouraged in adversity, you accomplish little.
- If you follow in the footsteps of others, you will never come first.
- When I have a bad conscience, I can easily find explanations.
- Death changes everything, erases everything. Even the mistakes.
- Pity is a mild form of fear. It is the fear of the intelligent, the imaginative and the far-sighted.
- To lead is to succeed through others.
- Whenever you teach something, you should teach your listeners to doubt the teachings.
- Ingenious men are resourceful when they are wrong.
- Even the sun has its spots.
- How can you make the turbidity clear? Leave it untouched and it will clear itself.
- When you have removed all the lies from the history books, they become incredibly boring
- Morality is used to regulate selfishness.
- The memory can be a great traitor.
- Small wounds and poor friends should not be despised.
- I can't stand intolerant people.
- To speak without thinking, is to shoot without aiming.
- Politeness is nothing more than cleverly pretended kindness.
- Convention means unanimity in words and deeds without unity in feelings.
- What differs between the democratic and other ways of government? The democratic is more difficult.
- It is not only the other's cause that the two quarrel.
- The better I know myself, the more patient I am with other people.
- The best throw of the dice is to throw the dice away.
- The mathematical formula for a relationship: adds up your incomes, reduce your expenses, multiply your joys and share your sorrows.
- Where there is power, there is also abuse of power.
- You convince a person who is doing wrong by doing the right thing yourself. Man believes what he sees.
- What I have learned to understand, I am not any more afraid that.
- A man who does not know his faults has not listened to his wife.
- Nothing is more terrifying than fear itself.
- Happiness is usually hidden in the little things in life.
- The worst thing about war is that they make us similar as the people we fight against.
- What separates Nazism from nationalism is too small to fill an entire aphorism.
- It feels unbearable when a stupid friend is succeeds well.
- Envy is the shadow cast by success.
- Shy boys are never allowed to kiss beautiful girls.
- It is most sensible not to rebuke anyone.
- There is a hell - being alone. There is a kingdom of heaven - to be able to be alone.
- Appetite is concrete longing.
- Stinginess betrays wisdom.
- Ignorance makes us bold, experience makes us hesitate and doubt.
- Disobedience is the true foundation of freedom. Obedients are slaves.
- A man over fifty-five doesn't do stupid things anymore - he thinks.
- Excessive hopes cause the greatest disappointment.
- Do not wake a sleeping bear.
- The heaviest burden on the road is a light wallet.
- The things you risk reveal the things you value.
- The art of pleasing is also the ability to deceive.
- Health is silent.
- It is easy for a wise man to play dumb, but to do the opposite is much more difficult.
- You can be more successful if you keep what you don't know to yourself.
- The idea of the future is more fruitful than the future itself.
- Women's vocabulary is smaller than men's, but on the other hand, the use of words is greater.
- Thoughts are free. The spoken words are observed.
- The flower of reconciliation takes root poorly in blood-stained soil.
- A sin is not a sin until it is revealed.
- Power corrupts. Unlimited power corrupts completely.
- A charming person makes you feel that he is as wonderful as you are.
- There is no creative activity without disobedience.
- Our livelihood consists of what we get. Our lives are made up of what we give.
- Life is suffering, but death is no pleasure either.
- You can succeed in politics by adapting or by giving in.
- Uncertainty and dissatisfaction are the first prerequisites for progress.
- Modesty is indifference and comfort of the soul.
- The hard part of our lives is learning to distinguish the bridges we need to cross from the ones we should to burn behind us.
- A dictatorship is a state where everyone fears one and one fears everyone.
- Hard work is not boring, but the uninteresting work is.
- The main qualities of a good storyteller; contempt for the truth and a deep respect for the probable.
- Everyone's friend is no one's friend.
- He who boasts of his lineage is like the potato - the best of him rests underground.
- Idealists are shocked when reality is against them.
- I have enough time. It's just a matter of how I prioritize my tasks.
- Without intimacy, no friendship.
- Don't let what you can't do disturb you from what you can do.
- Marriage is when two people agree to change each other's habits.
- Democracy allows the election of many incompetents instead of appointing a few corrupt ones.
- After a bad deal, I can at least feel myself as honest.
- A good leader leads by example, not by coercion.
- If you only see the bad sides of a problem, you don't see everything.
- All people are born equal. Some have been freed from it.
- Canon: A tool for correcting state borders.
- Conversation is the art of speaking without thinking.
- Do not deceive yourself, because it is easiest for you to deceive yourself.
- I want to keep my holiest and filthiest things to myself.
- Gallows humour often hits deep.
- If a person has never had a guilty conscience, the question is whether he has any conscience at all.
- If it's not true, it's at least well made up.
- When women argue, the truth comes out.
- When the wife has learned to understand her husband, she usually stops listening.
- The ability to see or think differently is more important than acquired knowledge.
- Compassion is a legal joy of harm.
- Friendship increases happiness and relieves suffering by doubling our joy and sharing our sorrow.
- There is no point in arguing about tastes.
- By repeating a thing becomes familiar. The familiar becomes the truth without noticing it, even if it is not the truth.
- Constant talking is not necessarily communication.
- If there is no authority, power is needed.
- How few people have the courage to admit their mistakes or the will to correct them.
- When I leave something to God's providence, it goes straight to hell.
- Many become brave only when they see no other solution.
- Memory is the only paradise from which we cannot be expelled.
- The heretics of our time may become the orthodox of tomorrow.
- A genius does what he has to do. Talent, does what he can.
- Forgiveness is better than revenge.
- Compliments are investments in the expectation of a quick profit.
- A communist is a socialist without a sense of humour.
- The more I examine myself and my behaviour, the better I understand others and judge less.
- Nothing is so good that it could not be made even better.
- What does learning mean? Is it about gathering information, or is it about letting knowledge change my own life?
- A bank lives not so much on capital as on trust.
- The best things in life are unexpected - because there were no expectations.
- Keep your eyes open before marriage and half closed after wedding.
- I shouldn't think too much. There is a risk that I will create problems that did not even exist.
- A talkative liar can make a bigger impression than a taciturn truth teller.
- That you care and consider others means a lot.
- Imagination often takes us to worlds that don't exist, but without imagination we go nowhere.
- Happiness is when what I think, what I say and what I do are in harmony.
- The worst heart defect is heartlessness.
- Heroism is not something found in nature. Nature knows only the life-preserving cowardice.
- Most human errors are due to impatience.
- The fact that we don't dare is not because things are difficult. Things are difficult because we don't dare.
- What peace builds, war tears down.
- The deepest human need is to be seen, met and heard.
- As you make your bed so you must lie.
- Enthusiasm: Restlessness that occurs in youth and that is cured by small doses of remorse and experience.
- A stain is best seen on the finest fabric.
- It is good to expect good from others, to act on the basis that others are honest and respectful, because when they are treated that way, it often brings out honesty and respect.
- It is convenient not to know myself, then I will not be disappointed.
- Courage begets action, but luck determines the outcome.
- Success is only achieved through repeated mistakes and self-examination.
- Knowing is easy. But it brings us many difficulties.
- Hope is a medicine that does not cure, but allows us to suffer longer.
- We only acknowledge minor faults, just to make it clear that we don't have major ones.
- Envy is a way of counting the joys of others instead of your own.
- A whole new world - - From another perspective.
- The books are wonderful. They are a replacement for people, a way to get to people and thus get to know people.
- Love is blind. Marriage restores vision.
- The rich think about the future, the poor only about the present.
- We call theories we believe in facts, facts we distrust we call theories.
- Angry cats have scratchy fur.
- You may fail many times, but you will become a failure only when you start blaming others.
- Generalizations are usually wrong.
- Liberalism is a number of bitter experiences compiled into principles that would expose and prevent oppression
- Choose your own battles yourself.
- The more information, the more pain.
- Melancholy is a wonderful feeling of being sad.
- A success of war means thousands of killed and maimed.
- Caution is the way to wisdom.
- No evil that does not have some good with it.
- A yawn is uncivilized, but expresses an opinion sincerely.
- Life is a beautiful soap bubble. In death you see how empty the human bubble is.
- A woman's cunning often wins over a man's intelligence.
- The only people who are lucky in a nuclear war are those who die in the first strike.
- Own success is the best - but the setbacks of others are not to be despised either.
- There are two types of curiosity. One is based on selfishness and makes us find out what could be useful to us. The second is based on pride and depends on the desire to know what others do not know.
- He who never complains never arouses pity.
- The hardest temptation is not money or love. The most difficult temptation is power.
- Much can be said about dictatorships. But only in democracies.
- Progress usually means speed and not direction.
- Approval from my opponent is the surest sign that I am doing something wrong.
- Our idealism increases the less it affects our own interests.
- A politician divides people into two categories: tools and enemies.
- Injustices are often forgotten, but never the despise. Our pride will remember it forever.
- Love is not touching each other, but reaching each other.
- Avant-gardes are people who don't really know where they're going, but get there first.
- Democracy a social system that can be abolished democratically.
- Disadvantage of, when things go really well for me, that it annoys my friends.
- The good life is a process, not a state. It is a direction, not a destination.
- If you believe in yourself, you don't try to convince others.
- Of all the emotions, fear is the one that weakens judgment the most.
- All generalizations can be dangerous, even this one.
- You don't get a second chance to make a first impression.
- People who are wrong often use insults as arguments.
- Wars don't solve problems, so they continue.
- Fundamentalism makes peace on earth a utopia.
- Silence means consent or a terrible feeling that no one is listening.
- If someone deceives me once - shame on him; if he deceives me one more time - my shame.
- Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
- If I can solve my problem, why should I worry? If I can't solve my problem, what helps me to worry?
- If things go wrong, don't go with them.
- When I changed my way of looking at the thing, the thing I looked at also changed.
- When manna rains from heaven, the poor man has no spoon.
- I hear and I forget. I see, I remember that. I do and so I understand.
- Dissatisfaction is the first step to progress and improvement.
- Empty floor space makes the room liveable and free times make life bearable.
- Most autobiographies are the sum of authors life's lies.
- Self-discipline is a bridge between goals and achievements.
- Crocodile tears run down a hard skin.
- When something ceases to be controversial, it is no longer interesting.
- Many reject a good idea just because it's not their own.
- Remembering: A look into the past.
- Selling: A way to get money out of another person's pockets without violence.
- Attempts to create paradise on earth have always created hell.
- When the opportunity appears, it is too late to prepare.
- Extreme idealists are always cowards; they flee from reality.
- Fate leads the willing, it pulls the unwilling.
- We communicate best when we use the least number of words and sentences.
- The more subordinates succeed and prosper, the more it says about a leader's ability to lead.
- Greed often starves the other bad habits.
- What is a loss? Nothing but learning, nothing more than the first step towards something better.
- There would be no slanderers if no one wanted to listen to them.
- The best grades are given at the funeral.
- Genius shows the way, talent uses it.
- Amateurs are who do something for nothing. Professionals are who do nothing for free.
- The penis and the mind stand at the same time.
- The secret to a successful business is knowing something that no one else knows.
- Nothing gilds the past like a bad memory.
- A happy person has no worries. A harmonious person has learned to live with them.
- Resisting evil does not make you good.
- It was simple, say many when they meet and realize a genius idea.
- Some people believe in anything - as long as you whispered it to them.
- Why does Jeppe drink, but why doesn't Jeppe's brother drink?
- Love is the triumph of imagination over reason.
- You can't describe a person, but you can describe your impression, you have got of him.
- It is a great mistake in a state, where people think that cunning men are wise.
- It is easy to blame others. That's why many of us do. To praise with understanding is much more difficult.
- Words can lie, but actions always show the truth.
- There are three faithful friends - an old wife, an old dog and money.
- The future comes by itself, progress does not.
- Courage is often a lack of insight, while cowardice often depends on reliable information.
- You often get enemies if you try to change something.
- Of course, there is something called luck. How else can we explain the success of our enemies.
- It must be forged while the iron is hot.
- There are three kinds of journalists; the reporter who writes about what he sees, the interpretive journalist who writes about what he sees and analyses it, and the expert who writes about and analyses what he has not seen.
- A person who hates someone does not understand her.
- Quotation; a way of repeating someone else's words incorrectly.
- Fervent atheism can be camouflage for repressed religiosity.
- Rule 1. The boss is always right.
Rule 2. If the boss is wrong, rule 1 applies. - You always learn something when you check after-hand what the action had led to.
- Hate, the most comfortable form of rebellion.
- I can learn a lot from my mistakes. But it would be cheaper to learn from others.
- Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication.
- Envy stings in the wounds of vanity.
- What is important in communication is hearing what is not being said and being able to read between the lines.
- Freedom cannot be simulated.
- Literature transmits undeniable, condensed experiences from one generation to another. In this way, literature becomes a living memory of humanity.
- War is just a cowardly escape from problems in peacetime.
- Much of the fun of jokes is that they challenge our intellect.
- The lie differs from the truth only in not being the truth.
- You don't have to solve all problems; only those that prevent you from getting where you want to go.
- By getting lost, you learn to find.
- We only live once, but that's good enough.
- Children do as their parents do, not as they say.
- Don't let the noise of other people's opinions drown out your own inner voice.
- We all have two lives. The second one begins when we realize that we only have one.
- Curiosity is a natural craving of the brain.
- Variation and repetition teach best.
- Dictators are never wrong - as long as they have the power.
- By dogmatist I usually mean a person who stubbornly refuses to share my own prejudices.
- Acceptance and awareness are the keys to freedom.
- She who is silent consents.
- The loser is not the one who suffers the defeat but the one who gives up.
- A woman has to be twice as good as a man to get half as far as a man.
- If you wish others success, you feel good about yourself.
- Journalism that does not offend is redundant.
- Only the elite and the mob can be attracted to the drive of totalitarianism. The masses must be won through propaganda.
- The right time to relax is when I don't have time for it.
- An atheist is a person who has no invisible pillar of support.
- A democrat is a person who suffers from the prejudice that he wants to listen to his opponents.
- Historical material can be highly flammable.
- Good bureaucrats are needed to maintain well-organized inefficiency.
- Not everything important is measurable, and not everything that is measured is important.
- We should enjoy happy moments and not wait for happy times.
- I used to be blissfully unaware, now I'm miserably aware.
- Love is not blind, but rather myopic.
- Fanaticism is the enthusiasm of the mediocre.
- A gentleman never, even unintentionally, hurts another's feelings.
- If you want to make others happy, practice compassion. If you want to make yourself happy, practice compassion.
- If you are happy with yourself, you don't need the approval of others.
- Reflecting gives me the opportunity to organize my thoughts.
- We call it immoral when others do what we ourselves would like to do.
- There is no use in thinking fast if you think wrong.
- People who have much to hope for and nothing to lose are always dangerous.
- Sceptics are often honest people. Behind the enthusiasts very often hide, at certain levels, even real villains
- When you get down the bottom, there is at least solid ground under your feet.
- Intuition refers to the immediate ability of some people to misjudge the situation.
- Even a four-legged animal and a learned man can stumble.
- Education is an ornament of success, a refuge in adversity.
- When people talk bad about you, live like no one believes them.
- Many wish to change the world, but few think of changing themselves.
- Moralists refrain from pleasures other than interfering with other people's pleasures.
- A few moments of distress teach a person more wisdom than decades of stable conditions.
- A committee is often a group of reluctants chosen by a bunch of inappropriate people misfits to decide something unnecessary.
- You should seize the opportunity, you never know what could happen.
- What is patriotism? A kind of sense of ownership. This is my country and therefore it is the best.
- The reward for a job well done is a job well done.
- Better a word before, than ten after.
- Regret is pointless and unnecessary. It is too late. I've already done that and lived my life. There's no point in hoping I could change that.
- Fear leads to irritation, irritation leads to hatred, and hatred leads to suffering.
- Understanding often achieves more than reason.
- Character - the will to take care of one's own life - is the source of all self-respect.
- Don't ask what is the meaning of life, but what meaning you want for your life.
- The successful person knows what he can't do.
- Why it's called "sound sense", because it's not contagious.
- Happy is a nation whose history is boring to read.
- Evil thrives better when it can hide behind an ideal.
- Words must be weighed, not counted.
- By studying deviations from the normal, one learns best to understand the normal.
- It is a luxury to be understood.
- For most successful people, their own success is more important than humanity.
- What you hate, you cannot understand.
- The aphorism is often based on malice and analysis.
- Through books, I can get to know people without having to spend time with them.
- Pleasures may be mass-produced, but never happiness.
- Alcohol is a good means of preserving most things, except dignity and secrets.
- It's hard to be a heretic. You have to think about everything yourself.
- There are three things that no one can be at the same time; honest, intelligent and communist.
- If you are intelligent and a communist, you are not honest.
- If you are intelligent and honest, you are not a communist.
- And if you are honest and a communist, you are not intelligent. - Courage is knowing what you need to fear.
- An expert in the group can prevent others from using common sense.
- Knowledge is power, above all knowledge about other people.
- The most likely explanation is usually the simplest, not the complicated explanations.
- The future is not what it used to be.
- Phases of the project:
1. Enthusiasm.
2. Disappointment.
3. Panic.
4. Search for the guilty.
5. Punishment of the innocent.
6. Awards and honours for completely unrelated people. - No one is a prisoner of fate, but of his own mind.
- Love is eternal as long as it lasts.
- Peace in the home is obtained if one does what the wife advises.
- Eating is socializing. Dieting is private.
- The significance of doing is fascinating. If the information is not enough, we must search it. If the will is not enough, we must act.
- Anger is a coward's revenge for being scared.
- Visionary sees things that are invisible to others.
- A nuclear war does not solve any problems, because there is a risk that it will leave a number of survivors.
- An ideal is often nothing more than a brilliant vision of the truth.
- Image - when you think the tube is more important than the toothpaste.
- War is part of human nature, but it is not the kind of nature we should preserve.
- A large part of the memoirs is embellished with words.
- There is life before death. It is too late to give compliments after death.
- A lie isn't a lie until the truth comes out.
- When interests and ideologies reached a position of power, they lose their morality.
- It is better for me to take care of my character than my reputation because my nature is what I really am, while reputation only tells me what others think of me.
- Not even God can do what historians can: change history.
- It is not enough that you succeed to win. Others must also fail.
- To live is dangerous - one can die - but does anyone know if it is dangerous to die?
- Work is a sick desire that looks like a necessity.
- Nice girls go to heaven, others no matter how far.
- Loyalty is just the last remnants of old love.
- Freedom is desired by the strong. Equality is desired by the weak. Not many people care about brotherhood.
- It's polite not to tell people what you think.
- A diplomat knows what he is talking about - but he never talks about what he knows.
- He who seeks, he finds. He who sleeps, he dreams.
- He who has no character, must acquire rules for his life.
- The fear of capitalism has forced socialism to expand freedom and the fear of socialism has forced capitalism to expand equality.
- Practical politics is often the ability to ignore facts.
- The disadvantage of being intelligent is that you have to constantly learn more and new things.
- Mausoleum: The mighty last and most ridiculous madness.
- Antisemitism is the socialism of fools.
- The sensible people exist, the passionate live.
- History is a collection of things that could have been avoided.
- Humour gives a sense of distance.
- A good way to keep your wife in a better mood is to give her frequent compliments.
- For things to reveal themselves to us, we must be willing to abandon our opinions about them.
- Anything that can be finished is good.
- A woman is hard to deal with, but it's worse to lose.
- The only thing we need to fear is fear itself.
- Discussion: A way to get my own and get others' own misconceptions confirmed.
- A fanatic cannot change his opinion and does not want to change the subject.
- The easiest way to solve your problem is that, you yourself stop being part of the problem.
- If you want to achieve peace, you talk with your enemies, not your friends.
- If moral principles make a person gloomy, one can be sure that those principles are wrong.
- If you have many irons in the fire, you will burn some.
- When you take your life into your own hands, and what happens? Terrible thing: you have no one to blame.
- Discipline is a feeling of discomfort I have in the presence of my superior.
- Castles in the air are easy to take refuge in. And easy to build, but expensive to maintain.
- I cannot escape my fate, nor can I share it with others.
- Scratch a little on your loved one, and you'll find an enemy.
- Passionate hatred can give purpose and meaning to an empty life.
- Could the term "mother tongue" be because the fathers didn't say much?
- Corruption is a highway beside the official road.
- When you hesitate, ask yourself, how much courage do you not dare to use today?
- When I finally accept myself as I am, I might not be that way anymore.
- A moral action is not only what I do, but even that I do not do what I ought to do.
- Music is shorthand for emotions.
- An eye for an eye only leads to increasing blindness.
- About writing: Choose the shortest of two sentences, the simplest of two words, the clearest of two images.
- Experience is an understood observation.
- I have to take care of my body. It's the only place I can live.
- The quieter I am, the more I hear.
- Blessed are the strange people: poets, misfits, writers, mystics, painters, troubadours; because they teach us to see the world through different eyes.
- A modified truth is a reliable lie.
- It is better to give a task to someone who is enthusiastic than to someone who knows everything.
- Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game.
- Kissing a smoker is like eating out of an ashtray.
- Envy is poison. But like some other toxins, it can also have a stimulating effect.
- We forget our mistakes when no one else knows about them.
- Evil itself drinks most of its own poison.
- Not talking about yourself at all is a very noble hypocrisy.
- You have to let people believe they have influence. The main thing is not to let them have it.
- What we call fate is often due to our unwillingness to anticipate risks.
- Praise me, I who boast. I need it.
- Logic is a systematic way of coming to false conclusions convincingly.
- Don't worry about people talking bad about you. At best it could be envy.
- Property is an extension of one's own self.
- Politeness is fictitious goodwill.
- Courage is nothing but fear that I do not show.
- The proverbs don't have to be thinking. You can entertain yourself with them. In other words, a kind of sequel to lullabies.
- Appetite is the luxury version of hunger.
- Proverbs are short statements derived from long experience.
- A true friend is the one who knows everything about you and still likes you.
- You can find the truth more easily by throwing away your own opinions.
- You can only sacrifice your own life for the idea, not the lives of others.
- Happiness is inside a person, not outside of them. Therefore, it is not dependent on what we have but on what we are.
- Pleasure that has lasted too long is no longer pleasure.
- Alcohol does not give the answer, but it helps to forget the question.
- It is more magnificent to be able to observe good sides in bad people, than bad in good people.
- Love dies of boredom. Oblivion takes care of the funeral.
- Peace cannot be maintained by force. It can only be achieved through understanding.
- Sin was invented to make life exciting for the righteous.
- False modesty is the most decent of all lies.
- The secret behind success lies not in doing one's job, but in finding the right person to do it.
- Knowledge is a treasure that follows its owner everywhere.
- Look not only for faults, but also for remedies.
- You maybe can free the woman from the imagined sufferings if you explain that they are the ailments of old age.
- Our life is what we make it with our thoughts.
- Politics without morality will soon become opportunism.
- Being different is not a bad thing at all. This means that you are brave enough to be yourself.
- Socialism:
- You have two cows, the government takes one and gives it to your neighbor.
- You have two cows, the government takes both and gives you milk.
- You have two cows, the government takes the milk from both and gives you milk.
- You have two cows, the government takes both and shoots you.
- You have two cows, the government takes both, starves one to death,
milks the other and spills the milk.
- You have two cows, you sell one and buy a bull! - Difficulties show what a person really is.
- Power is that which is conquered, consolidated and expanded.
- Moss does not grow on a rolling stone.
- A popular writer writes what people think. A genius makes people think differently.
- The gifts of happiness are not equally distributed.
- Live more simply so even others can live.
- Ideologies are armed ideas.
- When I speak the truth, I don't have to search for words.
- The best weapon in a dictatorship is secrecy. The best weapon of democracy is openness.
- Without a little bit of rudeness, it's impossible to be witty.
- Belief in God - not wanting to know the truth.
- The joy of damage is a genuine joy.
- The difference between democracy and dictatorship is that in a democracy the idiots get to vote - in a dictatorship they rule.
- It doesn't help to cry over spilled milk.
- Good aphorisms reveal man, bad the writer.
- He who speaks ill of others in your presence has nothing against you passing on the gossip.
- A double standard is good, if you lose one, there is still another left.
- Most of the most successful were lucky enough to come from the "right environment" and had the right contacts along the way and a successful spread of fame.
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