The purpose of your life is that you acquire a purpose for your life.


You can easily lie with statistics, but it's easier without.

Truth                                                          [476 - 40]

The truth exists. Only the lie has to be invented.

The truth is not always probable.

When I speak the truth, I don't have to search for words.

If you can't lie, you don't know what the truth is.

If you always speak the truth, then you never have to remember what you have said.

The credibility of an argument does not depend on its truthfulness.

You can find the truth more easily by throwing away your own opinions.

We seek the truth and we find it well, but only when it suits us.

Conviction is a more dangerous enemy to the truth than lies.

You recognize the truth in its simplicity.

No generalization is absolutely true, not even this one.

We call theories we believe in facts, facts we distrust we call theories.

By repeating a thing becomes familiar. The familiar becomes the truth without noticing it, even if it is not the truth.

Believe those who seek truth, mistrust those who have already found it.

However rare the truth is, supply has always been greater than demand.

Sincerity does not mean saying everything you think, but that you really mean everything you say.

The proverbs have always been clichés, until I personally experienced the truth in them.

The aphorism is not equal to the truth: it is either half or one and a half truth.

When women argue, the truth comes out.

By exaggerating, you get closer to the truth.

A modified truth is a reliable lie.

He who hesitates may be right.

Time converts more than the truth.

Procrastination is a dangerous way to deny the truth.

Better an honest no than a fake yes.

Why not say it outright: there is no truth - there are only opinions.

There are no facts, only interpretations.

What you hid in the snow, will come up in the thaw.

Tradition is the illusion of something lasting.

A delusion is more dangerous the more truth it contains.

To make the truth more likely, you should definitely mix in a bit of a lie.


The lie differs from the truth only in not being the truth.

A lie isn't a lie until the truth comes out.

Words can lie, but actions always show the truth.

He who is wrong is easier to convince than he who is half right.

It's good that there are lies - imagine if everything we hear was true.

If it's not true, it's at least well made up.

There are lies that are more believable than the truth.

Advertising is a way to make full lies out of half truths.

Women lie about their age, men about their income.

By pairing lies with gullibility, public opinion is created.

The lie is like a snowball; the further you roll it, the bigger it gets.

The most disgusting lies are those that are very close to the truth.

The liar needs a good memory.

It takes a wise man with a good memory to handle a lie. A fool had better stick to the truth.

Nothing is easier than to deceive an honest man.

You find it easier to fool many than one alone.

You can easily lie with statistics, but it's easier without.

The bigger the lie, the more likely we are to believe it.

The visionary lies to himself, the liar only to others.

The most imaginative people are the most gullible, because everything is possible for them.

Even if everyone agrees, everyone can be wrong.

Better an eyewitness, than ten who "have heard."

The coward calls himself cautious and the greedy thrifty.

When the gossip gets old, it becomes a myth.


Observations - Part 1  <=