Success makes friends, adversity tests them.


Self-sufficient people have the good side, that they don't talk about other people.

Friendship                                                        [126 - 54]

Friends are a tax-free fortune.

A stranger is a friend you don't know yet.

We are each other's environment and that is why we must always pay attention to those present.

Friendship increases happiness and relieves suffering by doubling our joy and sharing our sorrow.

Speak well of your friends, keep quiet about your enemies.

It's best that you believe the good of everyone - that way you will avoid many irritations.

A smile costs less than electric light and yet it lights up more in a home.

A kind word costs nothing and is often still the best of all gifts.

In drought we discover the good springs, in need the good friends.

A true friend will never stand in your way unless you are going down.

True friendship is like health, you only realize its value when you have lost it.

If you want to find a friend, it's best to close one eye - if you want to keep her, it's best to close both.

The smile is the shortest distance between two people.

That you care and consider others means a lot.

Being together increases friendship, but not too much.

Without intimacy, no friendship.

Friends are like stars, we don't always see them, but we know they are there.

Choose your friends slowly, give them up even more slowly.

Small wounds and poor friends should not be despised.

A true friend is the one who knows everything about you and still likes you.

Correct a friend in secret, but praise him in the presence of others.

Before borrowing money from a friend, consider which of them you need most.

A friend in power is a friend lost.

He who gets along well with everyone is friend with no one.

If people heard what people talk about others, there wouldn't be four friends in the world.

Never exaggerate your mistakes. Your friends take care of that.

Disadvantage of, when things go really well for me, that it annoys my friends.

Never explain. Your friends don't want to hear it, and your enemies don't believe you anyway.

It's easy for me to be kind to people I don't care about at all.

If you demand more from yourself than from others, you will be spared the envy of others.

Success makes friends, adversity tests them.

Better a sincere enemy than a false friend.

The flattering enemy is the most dangerous.

Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them friends?

Sisterhood usually ends with a division of inheritance.

Everyone's friend is no one's friend.

He who praises all praises no one.

The friends call themselves sincere, the enemies are like that.

You can't blame your enemies for your loneliness, only your friends.


Love your neighbor as yourself.

Love is eternal as long as it lasts.

The way to a man's heart is through his ego.

Love is not touching each other, but reaching each other.

Loving is not the same as looking into each other's eyes, but looking together in the same direction.

Love is not blind, but rather myopic.

Love is blind. Marriage restores vision.

If you want to win someone's heart, allow her to prove you're wrong.

Love is at its weakest when there is more doubt than trust, but love is at its strongest when you learn to trust despite the doubt.

The tragedy of love is not death, not divorce, but indifference.

Scratch a little on your loved one, and you'll find an enemy.

Loyalty is just the last remnants of old love.

Male / female

Men build houses, women homes.

Marriage is when two people agree to change each other's habits.

Keep your eyes open before marriage and half closed after marriage.

The mathematical formula for a relationship: add up your incomes, reduce your expenses, multiply your joys and share your sorrows.

Men often discover things that women have already known for a long time.

The social sciences show that the role of women in society reflects the level of civilization.

A woman has to be twice as good as a man to get half as far as a man.

A woman's guess is usually more accurate than a man's sure assertion.

A woman's cunning often wins over a man's intelligence.

When the wife has learned to understand her husband, she usually stops listening.

Women's intuition is often nothing more than the ability to see through men.

Intuition: A strange insight that tells a woman she is right, whether she is right or wrong.

That a woman always gets the last word is because men can think of nothing else.

Arguing with women is like trying to read a newspaper in a storm.

Could the term "mother tongue" be because the fathers didn't say much?

A woman is hard to deal with, but it's worse to lose.

Women want to be beautiful rather than smart. Indeed they know that a man's sight is better than his intellect.

The woman wishes that the man had the same good qualities that the horse has; stately, strong, but above all obedient.

For a man, lying is the last resort; for a woman is the first aid.

Men and women at least agree on one point; both mistrust women.

There are only two kinds of women in this world. Women who always speak and women who never remain silent.

Women's vocabulary is smaller than men's, but on the other hand, the use of words is greater.

A woman's tongue is her sword and she does not let it rust.

God made the first loudspeaker of a man's rib.

Gossip goes in one ear of a man and out the other. Gossip goes by a woman in both ears and out her mouth.

Always hold the highest regard for a taciturn woman. No woman possesses greater wisdom than she who can keep her mouth shut.

If you talk bad about your spouse, you are dishonoring yourself.

A man never forgives. He just forgets. A woman forgives everything, but never forgets.

After turning thirty-five, a man begins to have thoughts about women: before that he had feelings.

Every man is master of his own house - until the guests have left.

A man advancing in career has no time for his wife or friends: He must devote himself entirely to his enemies.

It is not by the face that you get to know a man, but by the mask.

Never underestimate a man who overestimates himself.

As soon as Adam got the chance, he blamed the woman.

A man who does not know his faults has not listened to his wife.

Everyone admires a good loser, except his wife.

A rich husband is still the most popular labor-saving aid.

A good way to keep your wife in a better mood is to give her frequent compliments.

Peace in the home is obtained if one does what the wife advises.

Shy boys are never allowed to kiss beautiful girls.

The woman was God's mistake number two.

The virtue of the woman is the most important invention of the man.

The women first, into thick drift of snow and on weak ice.

A dog is wiser than a woman. It does not bark its master.

When a woman becomes too old to please men, she turns to God.


It is sinful to think ill of others, but not always a mistake.

Treat your fellow human beings with dignity and respect, and do not allow anyone to be offended or discriminated against.

We have no right to blame or condemn another. In fact, we don't really know anyone properly.

It is easy to blame others. That's why many of us do. To praise with understanding is much more difficult.

Don't judge people by their opinions, but by what they accomplish with them.

The more I examine myself and my behavior, the better I understand others and judge less.

You make friends faster by being interested in them than by trying to get them to be interested in you.

You often get enemies if you try to change something.

There are few sincere friends - but the demand is not that great either.

People's perception of you changes you more easily than you change the impression of yourself.

Never mind what critics say: No one has ever erected a statue to the memory of a critic.

We would care less about what others think of us if we knew how rarely they actually do.

It is better to be hated because you are yourself than to be loved because you are considered to be someone else.

Always forgive your enemies; nothing else annoys them as much.

Forgiveness is better than revenge.

Many of us often talk about the most important things with complete strangers.

I want to keep my holiest and filthiest things to myself.

Do not share your worries with others. Some don't care about them and some can be damn happy about them.

It is better to keep your secret yourself, than to let someone else do it.

Many of us humans have a great longing to talk about ourselves, and the only thing that holds us back is the reluctance of others to play the role of audience.

Don't worry about people talking bad about you. At best it could be envy.

When people talk bad about you, live like no one believes them.

He who speaks ill of others in your presence has nothing against you passing on the gossip.

Beware of him who flatters you without cause. he will also blame you unfairly.

Defamation affects three people: the speaker, the listener, and the one about whom it is spoken.

The better I know myself, the more patient I am with other people.

Discipline is a feeling of discomfort I have in the presence of my superior.

Don't let your boss know you're smarter than him.

Self-sufficient people have the good side, that they don't talk about other people.

Relatives and close acquaintances do not recognize a prophet within their own circle.

The people we rate are nothing but successful scammers who have not been caught out by the act itself.

Discussion: A way to get my own and get others' own misconceptions confirmed.

Wise words often fall on barren ground, but a kind word is never wasted.

Morality is just an attitude we adopt towards people we don't like.

It's easier for me to forgive an enemy than a friend.

If you are happy with yourself, you don't need the approval of others.

Eating is socializing. Dieting is private.

If you are dissatisfied with your neighbor, you are always dissatisfied with yourself.

We often waste money, even beyond our means, on things we don't need, just to impress people we don't appreciate.


Said word and thrown stone you cannot take back.

Similar children play best.

Similarity, it is death. Differences, that's life.

We humans would rather be wrong than be different.

If you don't defend your right to be yourself, then who would.

He who resorts to violence shows that he has run out of arguments.

He who can lick can bite.

It is not only the other's cause that the two quarrel.

The only person you can change is yourself.

A little subjectivity can save you tons of explaining.

There are times in our lives when it is wise not to be too wise.

Skeptics are often honest people. Behind the enthusiasts very often hide, at certain levels, even real villains

If you want to live in the shadow of a great man, then you get used to the cold climate.

People who are brutally honest get more out of brutality than out of honesty.

There is little hope for you if you are too lazy to make enemies.

Only he who lacks the backbone of self-esteem needs to resort to the crutches of popularity.

We often imagine that a person with glasses is civilized until he opens his mouth.

It is a luxury to be understood.

All reputation is dangerous: the good follows envy, and the bad shame.

Envy is the companion of honor.

On the third day, the guest begins to smell.

Crocodile tears run down a hard skin.

An eye for an eye only leads to increasing blindness.
