Hell is not a place, but a state of mind.


The heretics of our time may become the orthodox of tomorrow.

Religion                                                             [591 - 1369]

For most of us humans, religion is something we have to believe in, because we assume others do too.

Happiness is a mystery just like religion and it should never be rationalized.

What everyone has believed, always and everywhere, has every prospect of being wrong.

Most religious teachers defend their claims, not only because they are convinced they are true, but because they once claimed them to be true.

Religion, in itself, is never a cause for wars or acts of hatred, but a very convenient tool for inciting hatred.

The Christian intention is to find the world repulsive and miserable has made the world repulsive and miserable.

If religion is necessary for people, then it is less important for it to make them happy, and to make them endure misfortunes. When the world has become unbearable for people, they must be promised another.

Heaven is the Christian version of an amusement park.

Religion is opium for the people.

Religion - vote of no confidence in humanity.

Religion is more of a gamble than a form of insurance.

We should pay more attention to religion so that we can keep it away from as many things as possible.

All people believe that God is on their side. The rich know it is so.


Belief in God - not wanting to know the truth.

If God did not exist, he would have to be invented

Man cannot be angry with God, in whom he does not believe.

That God seems to be above is certainly due to our unconscious emotional memories from our infancy, when all comfort and help came from above.

God is the only being who does not need to exist in order to rule.

When you speak to God, it is called prayer. When God speaks to you, it is called schizophrenia.

It takes time for an initially trusting person to get used to the fact that God does not help him at all.

You can believe in God or in yourself. The safest thing is to trust in yourself.

It is foolish to pray to the gods, if you can do it your own power.

Time is God's way of giving credit.

God was pleased with his work. That was his big mistake.

Sometimes it comes to mind that when God created man that He somewhat overestimated his ability.

God created man. Then he took a step back looked at his creation and stated: "Surely I can do better than that".


Philosophy is incomprehensible answers to insoluble questions.

Truth is the goal of philosophy, but not always of the philosopher.

A philosopher is a blind man, looking for a black cat in a dark room, which is not there. The theologian is the person who finds it.

The poets supply the pearls - the philosophers the threads

We have all been given two gifts, which we should use as much as possible - humor and imagination. Imagination replaces what we are not and humor helps us accept what we are.

What cannot be joked with rarely deserves to be taken seriously.

No one is a prisoner of fate, but of his own mind.

The weak believe in luck - the strong in cause and effect.

Image - when you think the tube is more important than the toothpaste.

The myth is a religion that no one believes in anymore.

That man is dangerous - He believes what he says.

The heretics of our time may become the orthodox of tomorrow.

Don't leave the church because there are so many hypocrites. There is always room for one more.

Sin was invented to make life exciting for the righteous.

Hell is not a place, but a state of mind.

A sin is not a sin until it is revealed.

Resisting evil does not make you good.

Cult of heroes is cult of good luck.

An atheist is a person who has no invisible pillar of support.

Fervent atheism can be camouflage for repressed religiosity.

For atheists - why do you mock and oppose something that doesn't even exist?
