Experience is the name we give to our mistakes.


Experience is a good medicine, but it does not come until the disease is over.

Experiences                                       [557 - 182]

Experience is an understood observation.

Experience is the name we give to our mistakes.

The experience is when I recognize, that I am making the same mistake again.

Experience makes us make new mistakes instead of the same old ones.

Why repeat old mistakes, when you can make so many new ones?

Experiences do not accumulate suddenly.

Proverbs are short statements derived from long experience.

The school of experience has high fees, but for fools there is no other.

A mistake of youth is to think that intellect can replace experience, while the mistake of old age is that experience replaces intellect.

Such things happen, if it happens often, you get used to it.

Experience is a good medicine, but it does not come until the disease is over.

Nothing is as good as it seems in advance.

Headwinds make you wiser and stronger.

What does not kill, makes stronger.

Habit teaches best in everything.

You don't recognize the really important moments in your life - not until it's too late.

We are all prisoners of our own experiences. We cannot get rid of our prejudices - Only identify them.

Experience is a good teacher, but bills are shamelessly expensive.

You can hardly find people with judgment, except those who share your opinion.

The purpose of psychiatry is to give us a completely different perception of it than the one we know best.

If moral principles make a person gloomy, one can be sure that those principles are wrong.

Difficulties show what a person really is.

Regret is pointless and unnecessary. It is too late. I've already done that and lived my life. There's no point in hoping I could change that.

A wise man does not lament a loss. He takes it as a useful experience.

If you forget, you'll soon find something better.

No night is so long that it is not followed by a day.

Patience, time and money heal all wounds.

Forbidden path is often hard worn.

You can only forget time by using it.

The best thing about captivity is getting rid of it.

Even winners get scars.

No one has won until the vanquished admits it.
