Better a bad memory than bad memories.


Nothing gilds the past like a bad memory.

Memory                                                     [995 - 1474]

Remembering: A look into the past.  

Memory is the only paradise from which we cannot be expelled.

Nothing is more pleasant than remembering the difficulties overcome

When you save things, remember where you saved them.

We forget our mistakes when no one else knows about them.

Nothing gilds the past like a bad memory.

If you don't trust your memory, don't try to lie.

The memory can be a great traitor.

A diplomat is a man who remembers a woman's birthday, but forgets her age.

The woman is disturbed by the fact that the man forgets - The man by it, that the woman remembers.

Stories about the good old days are usually due to poor memory.

We complain about our poor memory, but never our poor judgment.

Whenever your things seem to be going better, you've forgotten something.

Life would be impossible if we remembered everything. Everything consists of what we choose to forget.

Better a bad memory than bad memories.


Life is not the days gone by, but the days you remember.

The ability to forget the uncomfortables is a wonderful gift.

Acts of kindness are soon forgotten, but the memory of injustice remains.

Injustices are often forgotten, but never despised. Our pride will remember it forever.

We must remove the memory of heavy and tiresome, defeats, faults and mistakes in our lives. Instead, we need to think about where we have succeeded and what we have achieved.

Alcohol does not give the answer, but it helps to forget the question.

There are three things that I always forget. Names, faces and - the third one, I can't remember now.

A large part of the memoirs is embellished with words.

Men live by forgetting, women by memories.

What are the benefits of dementia? Gets new friends every day.

Time heals all wounds.
