It's polite not to tell people what you think.
Etiquette means I behave a little better than absolutely necessary.
through your actions will your life gain meaning.
Act like what you do matters! It has it.
By being and behaving in an exemplary manner, you can best influence other people.
Understanding is the beginning of acceptance.
Where no key fits, there patience opens.
It is good to expect good from others, to act on the basis that others are honest and respectful, because when they are treated that way, it often brings out honesty and respect.
It's polite not to tell people what you think.
Don't do things your friends shouldn't know.
Do not consider as malice what, you can explain as stupidity.
It is better for you to forget the insult than to avenge it.
The insult only disgraces its utterer.
To do injustice to another is more humiliating than to suffer injustice yourself.
There is no better defense than skillful politeness.
Do not do deeds things you have to hide with excuses.
Forgiveness is better than revenge.
Forgiveness is a virtue of the brave.
Live more simply so even others can live.
The worst
heart defect is heartlessness.
Good behavior
Etiquette means I behave a little better than absolutely necessary.
The chief virtue is to restrain yourself and keep your tongue right in your mouth.
Refuse to complain. By complaining, you only escape responsibility, motivate yourself in passivity, and program yourself to fail.
Don't offer advice or salt until being asked.
Only, if you believe in yourself, you can be faithful to others.
The best way to keep your word is not to give it.
Good manners is not spilling sauce on the tablecloth, but not noticing when someone else does it.
Politeness is only half good manners, the other half is well done lying.
A diplomat is someone who can ask you to go to hell in a way that makes you look forward to the trip.
Politeness is fictitious goodwill.
Gentleman has never heard the story before.
Rather talk over people's heads than behind their backs.
If you believe in yourself, you don't try to convince others.
You won't convince anyone by silencing her objections.
It is most sensible not to rebuke anyone.
If you can open the knot with your tongue, don't use teeth.
When you have nothing to say, say nothing.
Never miss a good opportunity to keep your mouth shut.
It is more shameful that you doubt your friends, than that you are deceived.
Be smarter than others if you can. But keep it to yourself.
It is not wise for you to be wiser than necessary.
It is
good you arrive on time, but you leave on time is better.
Character - the will to take care of one's own life - is the source of all self-respect.
He who has no character, must acquire rules for his life.
Character is what a person hides.
It is better for me to take care of my character than my reputation because my nature is what I really am, while reputation only tells me what others think of me.
Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.
Being different is not a bad thing at all. This means that you is brave enough to be yourself.
You show a lack of courage if you know what is right, but you don't do it.
He, who has no bad habits, has no personality.
It's easier for me to be critical than fair.
It is easier for me to fight for my principles than to follow them.
A narrow-minded person's mind is like the pupil of the eye: the more light you expose it to, the more it contracts.
Self-centered person: a person with bad taste, more interested in himself than in me.
Selfishness is not that you live the way you want, but that you force someone else to live the way you want.
People who boast that they never change their minds are fools who believe in their own infallibility.
Rejecting praises is a desire to be praised again.
Vanity makes us easily deceived fools.
Ambition is just refined vanity.
Politeness is nothing more than cleverly pretended kindness.
Politeness is a trick of the wise to keep the fools away.
The art of pleasing is also the ability to deceive.
A charming person makes you feel that he is as wonderful as you are.
The charm is that you make others feel good.
The quietest people often have the highest opinion of themselves.
False modesty is the most decent of all lies.
The modesty of the less gifted is simply honesty. For those who have great talent, it's hypocrisy.
Worry is the abuse of the imagination.
If you are worried all the time, then you are already living in the future.
Determination is often the art of occasionally being cruel.
It's quite difficult to be effective, without being unpleasant.
Cynicism is an unpleasant way of telling the truth.
Cynicism - A substitute for intelligence for those who lack intelligence.
It is more difficult to be sincere than to flatter.
Profound ignorance creates a very persuasive tone.
Poverty is not shameful, but being ashamed of it is.
cats have scratchy fur.
How to do
Live, not just exist.
Your actions show what you really think.
You shouldn't take your life too seriously.
Acting according to other people's advice is like wearing clothes made according to other people's measurements.
Don't let the past define you. It was just a lesson, not a life sentence.
The easiest thing in the world for you is to be yourself. The hardest thing in the world is being something others want you to be. Don't let them put you in that situation.
Better that you create something, which others criticize, than that you create nothing and criticize others.
The worst mistake you can make in your life is to always be afraid of making mistakes.
If you think too long about the next step, you will spend your life on one leg.
You have to enjoy the journey, being on the road, not just waiting to arrive.
Keep your principles, your money and your itinerary secret.
It would be a big mistake if you try to be nicer than you can.
As you
make your bed so you must lie.
Better a word before, than ten after.
Constant talking is not necessarily communication.
True eloquence is that you say what you have to say - and only that.
The best eloquence is the one with which you get things done.
Conversation is the art of speaking without thinking.
To speak without thinking, is to shoot without aiming.
We communicate best when we use the least number of words and sentences.
She who is silent consents.
If you don't know how to be silent, you don't know how to speak.
He who knows much talks little.
A little lie improves speech.
Blessed be the man who, when he has nothing to say, refrains from confirming this fact with his words.
I often regret what I have said, but rarely my silence.
When you are in deep water, it is wise to keep your mouth shut.
A diplomat knows what he is talking about - but he never talks about what he knows.
A gossiper talks to you about others, dull is the one who talks about himself, And a fantastic conversationalist is the one who talks about you with you.
He who speaks ill of others to you will also speak ill of you to others in your absence.
We put too little emphasis on what we say about others and too much on what others say about us.
Not talking about yourself at all is a very noble hypocrisy.
In reality, we don't really listen to others and if you try to do it for a while, you will understand why.
Never start argue with an idiot. People following your dispute won't always notice which of you is which.
Conversation always wins the debate, because the purpose of the conversation is to show what is right, while the debate is about who is right.
Never discuss. You convert no one. Opinions are like nails: the more you hammer them, the harder they stick.
A fanatic cannot change his opinion and does not want to change the subject.
A satirist is a person who discovers unpleasant things about himself and then says them about others.
come from the mouths of the envious, spread through the lips of fools, and
receive approval from the idiots. Don't believe them, that you won't
be the same.
You do not write a reminder (PM) to inform the recipient, but to protect yourself, the sender.
When you say that you agree on something in principle, you mean that you have no intention of getting it done.
That you accept a message does not always depend on its content, but who said it and how it was presented.
Several arguments are always less convincing than one.
Don't confuse the issue by bringing facts to it.
With the eyes of an eagle you see the faults of others and with the eyes of a mole your own.
If I didn't have my own faults, I wouldn't take so much pleasure in noticing them in others.
We only acknowledge minor faults, just to make it clear that we don't have major ones.
It is more magnificent to be able to observe good sides in bad people, than bad in good people.
To enjoy yourself and make others enjoy themselves, without harming yourself or others, that is the whole ethics.
I could probably be cured of my faults, but unfortunately I enjoy them.
The real reason I've bought a new, fancy, unnecessarily expensive car with extra features and equipment is so that my neighbors and other acquaintances can see that I can afford it too.
A mistake doesn't become a real mistake until you refuse to let go of it.
Often, many denials resemble a desperate attempt to get the toothpaste back in the tube.
If you only look in the rearview mirror, there is a risk that you will drive into a ditch.
Be suspicious of anyone who wants to punish.
Don't puff yourself up! Then the air comes out of you at a tiny spike
Among those who have worked for mankind, there are many who have killed their humanity.
People only take revenge for small and insignificant insults, big ones make them unable to take revenge.
80% of us consider ourselves to drive better than the average car driver.
Worries are like small children, the more you care for them, the better they thrive.
Blessed is he who does not expect thanks, for he will not be disappointed.
Those who have the straightest spine are furthest from the focus of the problem.
Put a villain in the spotlight and he will act like an honorable man.
The ultimate touchstone for a gentleman: to value people from whom he has not the slightest benefit.
A humanist loves all people, except those he meets.
What you have eaten is gone. The one you gave away left a sweet scent.
If you hesitate, you may be saved sometimes.
Virtue brings honor and honor brings vanity.
Two things define you. Your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything.
Look at the man's attitude toward praise, and you will see his measure.
Noble souls are offended rather by flattery than by insult.
Any self-criticism in the presence of others is indirect self-praise. It shows how much you can afford to give up.
Praise me, I who boast. I need it.
I've always wondered about people's desire to meet celebrities. That he would grow in the eyes of his friends by knowing celebrities only proves that he himself is zero.
He,who smiles when things go wrong, has already thought of who to blame.
Modern man thinks he's losing something - time - if he doesn't do everything quickly. However, he doesn't know what he would do with the time he won - other than kill it.
The number one rule of the actor: Whatever happens, look like it was meant to be.
Traditions are lampposts that light the way. Only drunks cling to them
The habit is more attached in direct proportion to its futility.
Do you find it annoying when your listeners often look at their watches during your speech? But it's nothing to worry about, compared to when they start tapping them and listening to check if they've stopped.
There would be no slanderers if no one wanted to listen to them.
People who are wrong often use insults as arguments.
Our livelihood consists of what we get. Our lives are made up of what we give.
How few people have the courage to admit their mistakes or the will to correct them.
Many become brave only when they see no other solution.
A yawn is uncivilized, but expresses an opinion sincerely.
Approval from my opponent is the surest sign that I am doing something wrong.
You don't get a second chance to make a first impression.
Some people believe in anything - as long as you whispered it to them.
By dogmatist I usually mean a person who stubbornly refuses to share my own prejudices.
Alcohol is a good means of preserving most things, except dignity and secrets.
A moral action is not only what I do, but even that I do not do what I ought to do.
We call it immoral when others do what we ourselves would like to do.
A double standard is good, if you lose one, there is still another left.
Evil thrives better when it can hide behind an ideal.
He doesn't know everything, but he knows everything better.
The most unreasonable person is the one who never changes his attitudes.
Moderation in everything, even in moderation.
The mediocre condemns, as a rule, anything that lies beyond his reach.
A nice girl keeps a diary. The naughty has no time.
Nice girls go to heaven, others no matter how far.
If you give you into the game, you have to endure a game.
Fools admire, the wise accept.
Do not wake a sleeping bear.
Carefree head can only be found on a scarecrow.
Sour said the fox from rowan berries.
You can't kill a shadow, You kill it with light.
No one can help you if you don't help yourself.
Who would lift the cat's tail, if not the cat itself.
The opportunity can also make you a thief.
Wine and money change even wise habits.
Better to wear out than to rust.
Self praise stinks.