The rich think about the future, the poor only about the present.


We are generally more careful with our money than with our principles.

Money                                                                            [1405 - 1191]

Money is the sixth sense that allows me to enjoy the other five.

Money doesn't make us happy, but it calms our nerves.

If you claim that money does not make you happy, you are a victim of propaganda.

Property is an extension of one's own self.

Having money is good. But having control over money is even better.

Love can accomplish a lot, money everything.

Money is a terrible master, but an excellent servant.

When money talks, the truth is silent.

Money paralyzes a sharp tongue.

Capital is stolen labor.

If someone says that he got rich by hard work, then ask: By whose work?

If you want to know what money is worth - go and try to borrow.

The rich think about the future, the poor only about the present.

We are generally more careful with our money than with our principles.

Nowadays young people believe that money is everything in this world. When they get older, then they find out that it is so.

The difference between men and boys is the prices of their toys.

The rich man's mistakes are covered with money, the doctor's with soil.

When you say it's not about the money but the principle, then it's always about the money.

Money is like manure: it has to be spread otherwise it smells.

There is much that cannot be replaced with money, but with a smile, attention or with thanks.


A fool and his money are soon parted.

If you live beyond your means, you suffer from a lack of imagination.

We always don't understand what a great source of income frugality is.

Our vanity and envy of the better-off largely sustains the country's economic growth. Because these encourage our desire to buy.

Ten dollars in a fool's hand can be enough for more pleasures than a million in a rich man's safe.

Selling: A way to get money out of another person's pockets without violence.

After a bad deal, I can at least feel myself as honest.

Everyone knows what a middleman is: he cheats one party and robs the other.

Currency speculators have a firm belief in the incapacity of governments.

Inflation is the only way to halve the value of a banknote without damaging the paper.

A bank lives not so much on capital as on trust.

Why rob a bank compared to founding a bank.

Easily caught, easily lost

When you are tired of a person, give him a loan.

If you are in debt, you are not free.

A small debt is a stone tied with a rope around my neck, a big debt is a mountain, which I can climb to look at the views.

He who dies pays all his debts.

There is no sectarianism among the worshipers of Mammon.

The heaviest burden on the road is a light wallet.

Greed often starves the other bad habits.

A recession is when my neighbor is unemployed. Depression when I myself become unemployed.

Knowledge is worth more than gold.
