Noise does little good, good makes little noise.


You can't catch yesterday, and you can't escape tomorrow.

Miscellaneous                                               [1210 - 871]

Even the silence speaks.

No evil that does not have some good with it.

The best is the worst enemy of the good.

Against chance, you cannot protect yourself.

Even the sun has its spots.

Mere sunshine makes the desert.

Hunger is the best spice in the world.

To err is human and stupid.

There is no point in arguing about tastes.

Dead cells keep the tree upright.

Moss does not grow on a rolling stone.

Noise does little good, good makes little noise.

A stain is best seen on the finest fabric.

Gallows humor often hits deep.

When manna rains from heaven, the poor man has no spoon.

"If" and "when" were sowed, nothing would grow.

The best throw of the dice is to throw the dice away.

You can't catch yesterday, and you can't escape tomorrow.

If you don't know where you're going, you might end up somewhere else.

If you don't know any better, mediocre is good, worse is acceptable, unbearable is possible, and miserable is normal.

A speech should start well and end well. The most important thing, however, is that the time in between is as short as possible.

Very few speakers realize that 90% of the applause they receive, when they fold the manuscript, is an expression of relief.

He who boasts of his lineage is like the potato - the best of him rests underground.

The earth does not belong to us humans, but we humans belong to the earth.

Ants are among the most successful animals in the world. There are the most and have been the longest and are almost everywhere.

Can billions of flies be wrong? Eat you too, shit!

Kissing a smoker is like eating out of an ashtray.

Alcoholic: A kind of vegetarian.

Lastly, I will move to a single room with a lid.


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