Of your illusions you know only the broken ones.

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Happiness is the ability to forget what cannot be changed.

  1. It is very possible that reality exists.
  2. It is not the work that makes us tired, but all the undone that also needs to be done.
  3. I have learned only a little from success, from failure a lot.
  4. Do not consider as malice what, you can explain as stupidity.
  5. We always have two motives for our actions: a good purpose and then the real reason.
  6. Tradition is the illusion of something lasting.
  7. A bargain is something you have no use for at a price you can't resist.
  8. If you can open the knot with your tongue, don't use teeth.
  9. The proverbs have always been clichés, until I personally experienced the truth in them.
  10. The truth is not always probable.
  11. The tragedy of your life was not that you lost, but that you came so close to winning.
  12. Politeness is only half good manners, the other half is well done lying.
  13. The best thing about getting older is that I no longer want all the things I couldn't have when I was younger.
  14. Only the dead are equal.
  15. We humans can be divided into two groups, some who go ahead and get something done and others of us who come later and criticize.
  16. Duty is what we demand of others.
  17. If you go yourself, you are serious, if you send a message, you just don't care.
  18. Politics is not the art of the possible. Its task is to choose between the impossible and the unpleasant.
  19. Better to wear out than to rust.
  20. Knowing how to do something is not difficult. The hardest part is getting it done.
  21. The men killed in the war know nothing of the victory.
  22. Conversation always wins the debate, because the purpose of the conversation is to show what is right, while the debate is about who is right.
  23. Friends are a tax-free fortune.
  24. About the natural sciences:
    - Biology, if it is green or moving.
    - Chemistry, if it smells.
    - Physics, if that doesn't work.
    - Mathematics, if it is incomprehensible.
    - Economics or psychology, if it doesn't seem to make sense.
  25. There is nothing truly simple, there are only simplifications.
  26. Good manners are not spilling sauce on the tablecloth, but not noticing when someone else does it.
  27. Kind children demand nothing: kind children get nothing.
  28. The most dangerous of our prejudices is our belief that we have none.
  29. The tricks never end, said the old woman, wiping the table with the cat.
  30. A smile costs less than electric light and yet it lights up more in a home.
  31. I often regret what I have said, but rarely my silence.
  32. A nation's progress can be measured only by the social position of its women.
  33. Worry is the abuse of the imagination.
  34. A diplomat is someone who can ask you to go to hell in a way that makes you look forward to the trip.
  35. Poverty is not shameful, but being ashamed of it is.
  36. A philosopher is a blind man, looking for a black cat in a dark room, which is not there. The theologian is the person who finds it.
  37. A stranger is a friend you don't know yet.
  38. Organizational skill is that you make quick decisions and get someone else to do the work.
  39. The will pulls half the load.
  40. You can easily lie with statistics, but it's easier without.
  41. If work were so delicious, it would be done by gentlemen.
  42. The successful revolutionary is a statesman. The unsuccessful is a criminal.
  43. What you dislike about your superiors should not be shown in your treatment of your subordinates.
  44. Happiness is a kind of gratitude.
  45. A recession is when my neighbour is unemployed. Depression when I myself become unemployed.
  46. Vanity makes us easily deceived fools.
  47. If I didn't have my own faults, I wouldn't take so much pleasure in noticing them in others.
  48. Said word and thrown stone you cannot take back.
  49. The experience is when I recognize, that I am making the same mistake again.
  50. Problems should be postponed and then forgotten.
  51. Thoughts are poison, the more I think, the less I accomplish.
  52. Worries are like small children, the more you care for them, the better they thrive.
  53. The speech of the drunkard is the thoughts of the sober.
  54. Self-sufficient people have the good side, that they don't talk about other people.
  55. Don't confuse the issue by bringing facts to it.
  56. It's one thing to believe that I think right myself, and quite another to think that everyone else thinks wrong.
  57. Fate laughs at probabilities.
  58. There is something remarkably boring about other people's happiness.
  59. Self-discipline is a bridge between goals and achievements.
  60. He who laughs last probably doesn't get the joke right away.
  61. There are lies that are more believable than the truth.
  62. We are each other's environment and that is why we must always pay attention to those present.
  63. It's not things that make us unhappy, but what we think about things.
  64. Wine and money change even wise habits.
  65. Very few of us live today - most of us prepare to live tomorrow.
  66. "Self-made man"? Yes, and he worships his creator.
  67. Your first step towards stupidity is to consider yourself wise.
  68. Wisdom begins only after the exchange of opinions.
  69. "To die for an ideology" probably sounds nice, but why not let the ideology die instead of people.
  70. The truth exists. Only the lie has to be invented.
  71. A person who knows, that another has seen through him becomes his implacable enemy.
  72. When you have nothing to say, say nothing.
  73. Corruption is a part of life in most countries. It is about favours and reciprocal favors or bribes, where the powerful gain the most and the others suffer.
  74. Success consists of many small victories.
  75. It would be a big mistake if you try to be nicer than you can.
  76. A politician who cannot stand the public's displeasure is not worth having in difficult situations.
  77. Do not do deeds things, which you have to hide with excuses.
  78. I could probably be cured of my faults, but unfortunately, I enjoy them.
  79. Do the most fun things first! Boring things are less boring when there is nothing to look forward to.
  80. Currency speculators have a firm belief in the incapacity of governments.
  81. Do not demand perfect behaviour from children. They are with time learning. Good habits must be contagious, they are not learned.
  82. "If" and "in case" were planted in the ground. They grew to "Nothing".
  83. Acting according to other people's advice is like wearing clothes made according to other people's measurements.
  84. The first victim, when war comes, is the truth.
  85. People will never be truly as saddened by your passing as you imagine.
  86. Nothing unites like hatred - neither love, nor friendship, nor admiration.
  87. If you have nothing, then it is very difficult for you to accomplish anything.
  88. With the eyes of an eagle, you see the faults of others and with the eyes of a mole your own.
  89. Success is the ability not to lose enthusiasm despite repeated failures.
  90. About game theories:
    - Capitalism is based on the assumption that winning is possible.
    - Socialism is based on the assumption that equal levels can be reached.
    - Mystery is based on the assumption that the game can be interrupted.
  91. You would be happy, if you did not mourn what you lack, but rejoice in what you have.
  92. Propaganda is that branch of lying which often deceives one's friends without ever deceiving one's enemies.
  93. To do injustice to another is more humiliating than to suffer injustice yourself.
  94. The old go towards death, the young come it.
  95. If you ever come to power and are benefited and intoxicated by it, even if it is only for a year, you will not give it up voluntarily.
  96. Never discuss. You convert no one. Opinions are like nails: the more you hammer them, the harder they stick.
  97. Don't try to live forever! You will not succeed.
  98. It is not primarily your ambitions, cunning and other personal qualities that determine what you achieve or where you end up in this life, but most often it is coincidences and opportunities that arise.
  99. Life cannot be condensed into aphorisms.
  100. People only take revenge for small and insignificant insults, big ones make them unable to take revenge.