The successful person knows what he can't do.

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Good bureaucrats are needed to maintain well-organized inefficiency.

  1. A wise person is not characterized by the fact that he does not make mistakes, but that he does not make the same mistakes again.
  2. There will be no peace on earth until patriotism and the worship of one's own religion has been eradicated from human societies.
  3. So-called common sense is a collection of prejudices, which we have acquired, already up to the age of eighteen.
  4. War is easy to start but hard to end.
  5. Only our doubts grow over the years, not our convictions.
  6. He, who smiles when things go wrong, has already thought of who to blame.
  7. If you think you know everything, you are ill-informed.
  8. Speed is of no use if the direction is wrong.
  9. You can't blame your enemies for your loneliness, only your friends.
  10. Better an honest no than a fake yes.
  11. War is wonderful only to those who do not know it.
  12. Only those are happy whose eyes are directed to something other than their own happiness.
  13. Don't live in the past, don't dream about the future, but concentrate on the present.
  14. Your death is more the problem of those left behind than your own.
  15. Fear has the biggest eyes.
  16. He who dies pays all his debts.
  17. Only those who are willing to go too far, know how far they can go.
  18. The world often rewards what looks like merit, rather than merit itself.
  19. As a young you should study wisdom and as an old you should practice it.
  20. Only idiots never change their mind.
  21. Don't seek peace outside of yourself.
  22. Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.
  23. Life would be impossible if we remembered everything. Everything consists of what we choose to forget.
  24. He who asks many questions increases the wisdom of many.
  25. If you go astray, you will find new ways.
  26. Writing an autobiography is the best way for you to tell the truth about other people.
  27. The world and conditions are best and most permanently improved through few and small changes at a time. Several big changes at once usually lead to big failures.
  28. Envy is the mold of the soul.
  29. Even the psychologists have noticed that many of us people in reality do not want to be cured. We want pain relief: healing is painful.
  30. A specialist is a person who is afraid of all other subjects.
  31. It's only the mediocre who always performs his best.
  32. Do not accept theft or misappropriation of other people's property, nor the obtaining of one's own advantages through bribery and corruption of friendship.
  33. He leads best who directs least.
  34. Life is suffering for you if you face it with your heart, bearable if you take it with reason.
  35. He who can, he does. He who cannot, he teaches. The one who cannot teach is transferred to the administration.
  36. If you think too long about the next step, you will spend your life on one leg.
  37. A book lover never goes to bed alone.
  38. The easiest thing in the world for you is to be yourself. The hardest thing in the world is being something others want you to be. Don't let them put you in that situation.
  39. The young encounter difficulties, difficulties encounter the old.
  40. Our generation is burning up all the oil, gas and a lot of coal, which is heating up the Earth's climate. The oil will not be enough for our descendants, but they do not need to freeze.
  41. Only the tame birds have longing. The wild ones fly.
  42. Do not tension the bow until you have set the arrow in place.
  43. Life is a sexually transmitted disease whose mortality is 100%.
  44. He who speaks ill of others to you will also speak ill of you to others in your absence.
  45. The stone you can't lift, leave it there.
  46. There are four types of people in the world: Loving, ambitious, observant and stupid. The happiest are the stupid.
  47. A mistake of youth is to think that intellect can replace experience, while the mistake of old age is that experience replaces intellect.
  48. Even the best plans degenerate into work.
  49. Don't leave the church because there are so many hypocrites. There is always room for one more.
  50. Life is full of big things for you, if you learn to live with small things.
  51. If you ride a tiger, you can't jump off its back.
  52. Perceived happiness is not related to one's success. They are often their opposites.
  53. The fault with the world is that the stupid is so sure of everything - and the wise so full of doubt.
  54. The present sees the new in art most easily, posterity the eternal.
  55. A great leader does not have to be at the forefront - it is enough for him to show the direction.
  56. Do not share your worries with others. Some don't care about them and some can be damn happy about them.
  57. Life equalizes all men, death highlights the most significant.
  58. Better a sincere enemy than a false friend.
  59. He who resorts to violence shows that he has run out of arguments.
  60. If you wait for an opportunity, you lose time.
  61. Opportunities are often hidden behind hard work, that's why most of us don't find them.
  62. He who knows best never learns anything.
  63. Modern man thinks he's losing something - time - if he doesn't do everything quickly. However, he doesn't know what he would do with the time he won - other than kill it.
  64. Mere sunshine makes the desert.
  65. The great men are almost always evil men.
  66. Knowledge is worth more than gold.
  67. Only he who lacks the backbone of self-esteem needs to resort to the crutches of popularity.
  68. Never underestimate a man who overestimates himself.
  69. Life? Yes, it always ends badly.
  70. If you expect difficulties, you may suffer them twice.
  71. Advertising is a way to make full lies out of half-truths.
  72. Nowadays young people believe that money is everything in this world. When they get older, then they find out that it is so.
  73. The fears are always more than the dangers.
  74. It is easier to deceive large masses of people with a big lie than with a small one.
  75. Only through your actions will your life gain meaning.
  76. Never look for faults you cannot correct.
  77. Life wisdom consists primarily in the ability to ignore what is not important.
  78. He who gets along well with everyone is friend with no one.
  79. If you're always at odds with your superior, it's time for one of you to disappear. Probably you.
  80. Treat your fellow human beings with dignity and respect, and do not allow anyone to be offended or discriminated against.
  81. Administration is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.
  82. A nod is enough for the wise, the fool needs a fist.
  83. The greatest happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved for our sake, or rather in spite of it.
  84. A man never grows up, he just gets older.
  85. Only the wise have ideas, for most of us people ideas are an obsession.
  86. Your life is worth living, but not that you constantly think about it.
  87. If you are worried all the time, then you are already living in the future.
  88. We humans would rather be wrong than be different.
  89. We see clearly backwards, dimly in the present and are blind to the future.
  90. Cowards call pessimism wisdom.
  91. Most of us in this world want security, not freedom.
  92. Only the victors decide what were war crimes.
  93. You should never grow too big to ask questions. Never know so much that you can't learn something new.
  94. The purpose of your life is that you acquire a purpose for your life.
  95. He who praises all praises no one.
  96. If you are lazy, then you must also be smart.
  97. Politeness is a trick of the wise to keep the fools away.
  98. A man who is ready to die for an ideology, demands, that the ideology is not completely clear to him.
  99. Here's how to succeed: try enough. This is how you fail: try too hard.
  100. In great crises the heart breaks or hardens.