Nothing can be explained so clearly that everyone would understand.

101 - 200

All reputation is dangerous: the good follows envy, and the bad shame.

  1. Believe that life is worth living and your faith makes it a reality.
  2. If you did not have the information, you cannot take responsibility. If you had the information, you cannot avoid responsibility.
  3. A crisis is a situation, where I cannot say: "We forget the whole thing".
  4. Success is a journey, not a destination.
  5. By being and behaving in an exemplary manner, you can best influence other people.
  6. The purpose of psychiatry is to give us a completely different perception of it than the one we know best.
  7. Effective action is always unjust.
  8. Old men are dangerous. The future does not matter to them.
  9. Never mind what critics say: No one has ever erected a statue to the memory of a critic.
  10. You miss 100% of all shots you don't fire.
  11. Always mistrust a subordinate, who is never dissatisfied with his superior.
  12. People can be happy only when they do not assume, that the meaning of life is happiness.
  13. Poverty is no shame but it doesn't help anyone get ahead.
  14. If you have enough, then you are satisfied.
  15. The Christian intention is to find the world repulsive and miserable has made the world repulsive and miserable.
  16. Circumstances do not make me what I am, they reveal who I have chosen to be.
  17. A speech should start well and end well. The most important thing, however, is that the time in between is as short as possible.
  18. Your task is not to look into the future but to make it possible.
  19. Aging is transition from passion to compassion.
  20. 80% of us consider ourselves to drive better than the average car driver.
  21. Be suspicious of anyone who wants to punish.
  22. The people we rate are nothing but successful scammers who have not been caught out by the act itself.
  23. An exception never confirms a rule, but destroys it.
  24. If you have a difficult or heavy job, give it to the lazy - he will find ways to make it easier.
  25. How quickly "not right now" changes to the form "never".
  26. Success makes friends, adversity tests them.
  27. In most cases, the best and cheapest ideas for improving working conditions in the workplace come from the workers themselves.
  28. Speak well of your friends, keep quiet about your enemies.
  29. My conclusion on the matter was at the point when I got tired of thinking more about the matter.
  30. Vote for the one who promises the least. He will disappoint you the least.
  31. A narrow-minded person's mind is like the pupil of the eye: the more light you expose it to, the more it contracts.
  32. To err is human and stupid.
  33. Failure should be our teacher, not our funeral. Failure is delay, not loss. It's a detour, not a dead end.
  34. Determination is often the art of occasionally being cruel.
  35. People who boast that they never change their minds are fools who believe in their own infallibility.
  36. If you only have a hammer, all problems look like nails.
  37. The world evolves by accomplishing things that seemed impossible.
  38. How do you get to know yourself? Through meditation never. But through action.
  39. The most successful politician is the one who says most often and loudest what most of us think.
  40. You may have thousands of reasons why you can't do what you want to do, when all you need is just one reason why you could.
  41. Self-praise stinks.
  42. It takes a surprisingly long time to complete the unfinished work.
  43. Old age is not so terrible at all when we think of its alternative.
  44. Greed is the only sin that becomes a virtue in the eyes of the offsprings.
  45. Incompetence is manifested in the use of too many words.
  46. People who are brutally honest get more out of brutality than out of honesty.
  47. If you yourself, guided by your own conscience, have learned to distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong, public opinion has no value.
  48. In drought we discover the good springs, in need the good friends.
  49. We judge the past according to justice, the present according to our own advantages.
  50. You should not count your own happiness on others.
  51. Speak in anger and you'll give the best speech you've ever regretted.
  52. An act is not punishable because it is immoral, but immoral because it is punishable.
  53. Old age and sickness bring out the essential features of our character.
  54. Time converts more than the truth.
  55. Incompetence is concentrated in a group. In a completely united group, the stupidity has petrified.
  56. Among those who have worked for mankind, there are many who have killed their humanity.
  57. Patience: a kind of mild despair disguised as virtue.
  58. Money is the sixth sense that allows me to enjoy the other five.
  59. Who would lift the cat's tail, if not the cat itself.
  60. An autobiography usually reveals nothing unfavourable about the author, apart from his poor memory.
  61. When you speak, you only repeat what you already know. But if you listen, you might learn something new.
  62. Your actions show what you really think.
  63. The prison must be a paradise for socialists: equality prevails, everyone is taken care of and competition is eliminated.
  64. Time changes people, but not the image I have of them.
  65. Obscurely said, it is obscurely thought.
  66. We have all been given two gifts, which we should use as much as possible - humor and imagination. Imagination replaces what we are not and humor helps us accept what we are.
  67. Changes in humanity today are so rapid that everything we learned at a young age prevents us older ones from succeeding.
  68. The difference between men and boys is the prices of their toys.
  69. It's easier for me to be critical than fair.
  70. If you want to maintain your position in power, you must learn that you cannot always be good, but to be or not to be, all as needed.
  71. A nice girl keeps a diary. The naughty has no time.
  72. Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do, but it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving.
  73. The sailor does not ask for a tailwind. He learns to sail.
  74. Conscience and cowardice are the same thing. Conscience is the trademark
  75. The saints live in the flames, the wise beside them.
  76. Common sense is the gatekeeper of thought; its task is not to let in or out ideas of questionable appearance.
  77. Freedom is worth nothing if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.
  78. Time is God's way of giving credit.
  79. A mistake doesn't become a real mistake until you refuse to let go of it.
  80. The basic characteristics of humanity is to learn from one's mistakes, not from examples.
  81. If you want revenge, then you will keep your wounds open.
  82. Experience is a good medicine, but it does not come until the disease is over.
  83. For a man, lying is the last resort; for a woman is the first aid.
  84. Conscience is an inner voice that warns me that someone can see.
  85. As a manager, you are a person who needs others.
  86. The healthiest gymnastic exercise is to get up from the table at the right time.
  87. Freedom breeds lawlessness, lawlessness leads to oppression, and oppression leads back to freedom.
  88. Time is the greatest reformer.
  89. People's most terrible cruelties have proven to be a solid belief in the correctness of the false belief.
  90. If you look at your problem in enough detail, you will find that you yourself are part of the problem.
  91. Adversity usually reveals genius, success hides it.
  92. Anyone can show compassion to a suffering friend, but it takes a really good character to feel sympathy for a friend's success.
  93. A gossiper talks to you about others, dull is the one who talks about himself, and a fantastic conversationalist is the one who talks about you with you.
  94. Mastering another language is like having another soul.
  95. Capital is stolen labour.
  96. The way to a man's heart is through his ego.
  97. You can't kill a shadow, you kill it with light.
  98. Time heals all wounds.
  99. The conservative is fond of existing injustices, unlike the liberal, who wants to replace them with others.
  100. To err is human, and it is even more human to blame others for it.