The quieter I am, the more I hear.

1 101 - 1 200

A diplomat knows what he is talking about - but he never talks about what he knows.

  1. Only, if you believe in yourself, you can be faithful to others.
  2. He, who has no bad habits, has no personality.
  3. Success makes even the fool seem wise.
  4. If you admit your fears, you have already conquered the first fear.
  5. With reasonable demands, nothing is ever achieved.
  6. We are all prisoners of our own experiences. We cannot get rid of our prejudices - Only identify them.
  7. Hunger is the best spice in the world.
  8. There is no cure for fear.
  9. Greatness needs mysticism. The familiar rarely attracts admiration.
  10. The quietest people often have the highest opinion of themselves.
  11. Never exaggerate your mistakes. Your friends take care of that.
  12. There are times in our lives when it is wise not to be too wise.
  13. If people heard what people talk about others, there wouldn't be four friends in the world.
  14. His conscience was clear, he never used it.
  15. If you are dissatisfied with your neighbour, you are always dissatisfied with yourself.
  16. Moderation in everything, even in moderation.
  17. We are all brave when the enemy flees.
  18. The rule number one of the actor: Whatever happens, look like it was meant to be.
  19. Principle and reality are like two ladies, who constantly scratch each other.
  20. Profound ignorance creates a very persuasive tone.
  21. Your effort isn't strain until it starts to hurt.
  22. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
  23. We always don't understand what a great source of income frugality is.
  24. He who is wrong is easier to convince than he who is half right.
  25. If you are in debt, you are not free.
  26. The most unreasonable person is the one who never changes his attitudes.
  27. A megalomaniac has a madness for greatness, he differs from the narcissist in that he wants to be more influential than charming, rather hated than loved. To these people belong many mentally ill people and the majority of great men in history.
  28. Waiting for accidents is more terrible and unbearable than the accidents themselves.
  29. Eat everything but not only something.
  30. Conviction is a more dangerous enemy to the truth than lies.
  31. We often imagine that a person with glasses is civilized until he opens his mouth.
  32. I don't want yes-sayers around me. I want everyone to speak their mind, even if it costs them their job.
  33. Misery is the constant scourge of the lower classes, and the boredom of the upper classes.
  34. If you can distinguish good advice from bad, you don't need advice.
  35. A dog is wiser than a woman. It does not bark its master.
  36. It is part of our human nature to hate whom we have harmed.
  37. Instructions for bureaucrats:
    - If you have responsibility, consider.
    - If you're in trouble, delegate.
    - If in doubt, mumble.
    If nothing else helps, follow the instructions.
  38. Traditions are lampposts that light the way. Only drunks cling to them
  39. Burden means load. If it weighs you down, it's a burden.
  40. The liar needs a good memory.
  41. Never explain. Your friends don't want to hear it, and your enemies don't believe you anyway.
  42. I don't appreciate people praising how hard they work. If the work is so stressful for them, then they should dedicate themselves to something else.
  43. Distress is the mother of inventions.
  44. If you take difficulties in advance, you will suffer twice.
  45. The school of experience has high fees, but for fools there is no other.
  46. We should pay more attention to religion so that we can keep it away from as many things as possible.
  47. Advice for a dictator: Never fail to take advantage of a good crisis.
  48. Justifying something is like starting to sow doubts about it.
  49. Never forget that only dead fish go with the flow.
  50. I have never learned anything from a person who has agreed with me.
  51. Fools admire, the wise accept.
  52. If you always play it safe in your life, you decide at the same time that you no longer want to grow.
  53. Experiences do not accumulate suddenly.
  54. We must accept the most probable fact that life exists only here on earth and that only we humans know it.
  55. Correct a friend in secret, but praise him in the presence of others.
  56. Keep your principles, your money and your itinerary secret.
  57. Do you want to know who you are? Do not ask. Act! The action describes and defines you.
  58. Lies and literature have always been close friends.
  59. Do not complain! By complaining, you create the illusion that you have done something. You focus on the past, you give up your power. Winners, on the other hand, focus their efforts on finding solutions.
  60. Don't wait for the right moment: create it.
  61. I don't get to choose when and how I die. Only to decide how I will live.
  62. An idea is a thought that remained standing.
  63. To hate is to punish yourself.
  64. If you are afraid to ask, then you are ashamed to learn.
  65. We must remove the memory of heavy and tiresome, defeats, faults and mistakes in our lives. Instead, we need to think about where we have succeeded and what we have achieved.
  66. Actually, I only know when I know a little. With the knowledge, my doubt grows.
  67. Young children enjoy the present because they have no past or future.
  68. We complain about our poor memory, but never our poor judgment.
  69. Don't be afraid to ask stupid questions. They are easier to deal with than stupid mistakes.
  70. Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them friends?
  71. Idealism increases in direct proportion to increased distance from the problem.
  72. Reading does not make you wise, it only makes you learned.
  73. If you fear suffering, you are already suffering from what you fear.
  74. Experience is a good teacher, but bills are shamelessly expensive.
  75. Be smarter than others if you can. But keep it to yourself.
  76. A small debt is a stone tied with a rope around my neck, a big debt is a mountain, which I can climb to look at the views.
  77. Progress in art does not consist in erasing boundaries, but in getting to know them better.
  78. Choose your friends slowly, give them up even more slowly.
  79. Prejudices are like labels on bottles, simplifying our perception of people.
  80. Idealism is a noble garment that the gentlemen of politics pull over their hunger for power.
  81. If you are afraid of changes, you are also afraid of life.
  82. Our vanity and envy of the better-off largely sustains the country's economic growth. Because these encourage our desire to buy.
  83. Experience makes us make new mistakes instead of the same old ones.
  84. We have no right to blame or condemn another. In fact, we don't really know anyone properly.
  85. A joke is an epitaph for a feeling.
  86. An artist must not only say what other people cannot, but also what they dare not say.
  87. Above all, the elderly must be careful not to be lazy and inactive.
  88. It is with ideas as with small children. I like my own best.
  89. Happiness is a dream and suffering reality.
  90. If you keep your head cool when others lose theirs, it's possible that you simply haven't grasped the situation.
  91. We are generally more careful with our money than with our principles.
  92. It takes a wise man with a good memory to handle a lie. A fool had better stick to the truth.
  93. Heaven is the Christian version of an amusement park.
  94. Revolution: In politics, a sudden change in the form of bad governance.
  95. Do not weigh every step on your way: only by looking far away will you find the way forward.
  96. Before borrowing money from a friend, consider which of them you need most.
  97. Ideal are lighthouses, not harbours.
  98. Do you find it annoying when your listeners often look at their watches during your speech? But it's nothing to worry about, compared to when they start tapping them and listening to check if they've stopped.
  99. On the third day, the guest begins to smell.
  100. We have our full freedom, as long as we don't use it.