Friends are a tax-free fortune.

1 201 - 1 300

It's not things that make us unhappy, but what we think about things.

  1. I've always wondered about people's desire to meet celebrities. That he would grow in the eyes of his friends by knowing celebrities only proves that he himself is zero.
  2. There is an infinite number of errors, which cannot be detected, while there is a finite number of errors those can be found.
  3. A politician thinks about the next election, a statesman about the next generation.
  4. An economist is a person who can express the obvious in an incomprehensible way.
  5. Power cannot survive without prestige, and prestige cannot survive without distance.
  6. Before you're really sure of one thing, you're absolutely sure.
  7. Man does not live by words alone - even if as a politician he sometimes forced to eat his own.
  8. If you talk bad about your spouse, you are dishonouring yourself.
  9. The committee is a group of incompetents, chosen by the reluctants to do the impossible.
  10. Noise does little good, good makes little noise.
  11. I'd rather be an opportunist and stay afloat than sink to the bottom with all my principles wrapped around my neck.
  12. Death cures all diseases.
  13. The revelations of politicians never reveal the whole truth.
  14. Kill a person, you are a murderer. Kill millions, you are the conqueror. Kill everyone, you are God.
  15. Never start argue with an idiot. People following your dispute won't always notice which of you is which.
  16. Power is evil in itself.
  17. Don't offer advice or salt until being asked.
  18. Prediction is always difficult, especially about the future.
  19. It is dangerous for an elected politician to say something that someone might remember.
  20. Man cannot be angry with God, in whom he does not believe.
  21. A strong man ruling over a country becomes a danger to his people the longer he stays in power.
  22. If you defend a mistake made, then you make a mistake again.
  23. The lie is like a snowball; the further you roll it, the bigger it gets.
  24. There is nothing you can do about what happened except try to explain the event in a way that suits you best.
  25. Power is more important than popularity.
  26. For the first time in human history, changes are so rapid that what we learned at a young age prevents us from succeeding in old age.
  27. Man is the only animal that blushes - and has reason to do so.
  28. If you choose not to decide, you have made a decision.
  29. A conservative is too cowardly to fight and too fat to run.
  30. Success has many friends.
  31. I am convinced that we humans can only agree on those things we are not really interested in.
  32. In politics as in love, the retreat can become victory.
  33. Defeat is worse than death, because you have to learn to live with it.
  34. Don't do things your friends shouldn't know.
  35. Taking the first step is the most important part of every journey of discovery and undoubtedly the most significant.
  36. Man is free like the bird in the cage. He can move - within certain limits.
  37. If you love a person, love her as she is.
  38. The tallest trees are most exposed to the forces of the wind, so are the most ambitious people to the storms of fortune.
  39. It takes more moral strength to bear success than adversity.
  40. Example accomplishes more in the world than any good teaching.
  41. Stories about the good old days are usually due to poor memory.
  42. The greatest charm of patriotism: It fulfils even our worst wishes. By identifying with our own nation, we can oppress and deceive. And best of all, we can oppress and deceive while feeling perfectly virtuous.
  43. Don't judge people by their opinions, but by what they accomplish with them.
  44. First comes the food and then comes morals.
  45. When you say it's not about the money but the principle, then it's always about the money.
  46. We put too little emphasis on what we say about others and too much on what others say about us.
  47. Nothing is particularly difficult as long as you break it down into small enough tasks.
  48. For success there is no recipe, but for failure there is, and that is trying to please everyone.
  49. Any fool can criticize, and many do.
  50. You are wise as long as you seek wisdom. The moment you think you've found it, you become a loser.
  51. Politics is the art of preventing people from getting involved in matters that concern them.
  52. The habit is more attached in direct proportion to its futility.
  53. The state always calls itself the fatherland when preparing a murder.
  54. Do not judge a man by his qualities, but by the way he uses them.
  55. The strange thing about intelligence is its limitations.
  56. Nice boys arrive at the finish line last.
  57. Lastly, I will move to a single room with a lid.
  58. If you only talk about problems, then you become a problem yourself.
  59. Intelligent people are skilled at explaining and defending their stupid ideas.
  60. Bureaucracy multiplies problems by appointing more officials.
  61. History proves nothing, but shows a lot.
  62. Bad news always spreads faster than good news.
  63. A good leader gets others to do what they don't want to do and make them like it.
  64. If you give you into the game, you have to endure a game.
  65. All ends are also a new beginning. We just don't know that at the moment.
  66. A cynic draws bitter conclusions from the past, he also draws cynical conclusions about the future.
  67. A kind word costs nothing and is often still the best of all gifts.
  68. There is no sectarianism among the worshipers of Mammon.
  69. Those we can love, those we can also hate, we are indifferent to others.
  70. If you don't trust your memory, don't try to lie.
  71. If you get discouraged in adversity, you accomplish little.
  72. If you follow in the footsteps of others, you will never come first.
  73. When I have a bad conscience, I can easily find explanations.
  74. Death changes everything, erases everything. Even the mistakes.
  75. Pity is a mild form of fear. It is the fear of the intelligent, the imaginative and the far-sighted.
  76. To lead is to succeed through others.
  77. Whenever you teach something, you should teach your listeners to doubt the teachings.
  78. Ingenious men are resourceful when they are wrong.
  79. Even the sun has its spots.
  80. How can you make the turbidity clear? Leave it untouched and it will clear itself.
  81. When you have removed all the lies from the history books, they become incredibly boring
  82. Morality is used to regulate selfishness.
  83. The memory can be a great traitor.
  84. Small wounds and poor friends should not be despised.
  85. I can't stand intolerant people.
  86. To speak without thinking, is to shoot without aiming.
  87. Politeness is nothing more than cleverly pretended kindness.
  88. Convention means unanimity in words and deeds without unity in feelings.
  89. What differs between the democratic and other ways of government? The democratic is more difficult.
  90. It is not only the other's cause that the two quarrel.
  91. The better I know myself, the more patient I am with other people.
  92. The best throw of the dice is to throw the dice away.
  93. The mathematical formula for a relationship: adds up your incomes, reduce your expenses, multiply your joys and share your sorrows.
  94. Where there is power, there is also abuse of power.
  95. You convince a person who is doing wrong by doing the right thing yourself. Man believes what he sees.
  96. What I have learned to understand, I am not any more afraid that.
  97. A man who does not know his faults has not listened to his wife.
  98. Nothing is more terrifying than fear itself.
  99. Happiness is usually hidden in the little things in life.
  100. The worst thing about war is that they make us similar as the people we fight against.