Where no key fits, there patience opens.

201 - 300

The fools open ways, which the wise then use later.

  1. People's perception of you changes you more easily than you change the impression of yourself.
  2. If you work hard eight hours a day, you can become a boss and work twelve-hour days.
  3. Anyone can know. The purpose is to understand.
  4. Men and women at least agree on one point; both mistrust women.
  5. It's quite difficult to be effective, without being unpleasant.
  6. Science is an understanding of the world and art is its spirit.
  7. The surest way to be deceived is if you think you are more cunning than others.
  8. The dominant ideas during different periods have always been the ideas of the ruling classes.
  9. Boredom is seriousness without content.
  10. If the facts don't support the theory, it must get rid of them.
  11. In reality, we don't really listen to others and if you try to do it for a while, you will understand why.
  12. Men often discover things that women have already known for a long time.
  13. It's easy for me to be kind to people I don't care about at all.
  14. If you are constantly hesitating, there is a risk that you will not get anything done.
  15. Decision, is something that a manager has to make, when the information he has is so incomplete that the answer does not give itself.
  16. Science commits suicide when it accepts only a certain doctrine.
  17. The safest way to hide your limitation is that you do not exceed it.
  18. Where power has right, right has no power.
  19. The difference between democracy and people's democracy was small, just like the difference between a jacket and a straitjacket.
  20. Aging: First we forget names, then faces, later we forget to pull the zipper up and then down.
  21. If you forget, you'll soon find something better.
  22. No one can help you if you don't help yourself.
  23. Men build houses, women homes.
  24. It is easy to make things complicated, but it is complicated to make things simple.
  25. Reading does not make you wise, it only makes you learned.
  26. You know what happens to those who stand in the middle of the road - they are run over.
  27. Cynicism is an unpleasant way of telling the truth.
  28. Beware of him who flatters you without cause. He will also blame you unfairly.
  29. Adults never understand anything, and children constantly cannot explain things to them.
  30. It's not that far from a pat on the back to a kick in the butt.
  31. If you don't have a goal, sooner or later you will be at zero point. It is better to have even a bad goal than no goal at all.
  32. Reading is thinking with someone else's brain instead of your own.
  33. If religion is necessary for people, then it is less important for it to make them happy, and to make them endure misfortunes. When the world has become unbearable for people, they must be promised another.
  34. No one has won until the vanquished admits it.
  35. Imagination is more important than knowledge.
  36. It is more shameful that you doubt your friends, than that you are deceived.
  37. A radical stands firmly with both feet in the air.
  38. Regarding scientific research: The results are always good, as long as there is nothing equivalent to which they can be compared.
  39. Be careful what you say, before you say what you think.
  40. Whenever your things seem to be going better, you've forgotten something.
  41. The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.
  42. Without deviating from the path, there is no progress.
  43. If you believe in your dreams, it's as if you go through your life in sleep.
  44. When should I take action?
    - When the motive for it.
    - It is possible to implement.
    - The 'cost' is reasonable.
  45. An opinion is not necessarily right, just that someone is willing to die for it.
  46. Money doesn't make us happy, but it calms our nerves.
  47. The actual work in an organization is done at its lowest levels.
  48. Whenever we have to deal with so-called idealism, as in wartime, we are shocked by its cruelty.
  49. Some people never learn anything, just because they understand everything so easily.
  50. Without abuse, power is not fascinating.
  51. Rather talk over people's heads than behind their backs.
  52. If you believe you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you're right.
  53. Success has many fathers. Failure is an orphan.
  54. When we can no longer change the situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.
  55. There are people who are inspired by so much courage and demand for independence, that they would rather be in the minority and be wrong, than be right with the majority.
  56. Money paralyzes a sharp tongue.
  57. Of course, it is possible even for me to love people - provided I don't know them very well.
  58. Headwinds make you wiser and stronger.
  59. Whenever we can impress people, we get haters. To stay popular, we have to be mediocre.
  60. An example is better than a thousand arguments.
  61. The flattering enemy is the most dangerous.
  62. If you demand more from yourself than from others, you will be spared the envy of others.
  63. When you notice that a man has great thoughts about himself, you can be sure that they are the only great thoughts he has had in his whole life.
  64. Opinions are like nails. Easy to hit in, but hard to pull off.
  65. Envy is the companion of honour.
  66. There are two kinds of people: those who do the work, and those who collect glory. Try to be in the first group because there is less competition there.
  67. Money is a terrible master, but an excellent servant.
  68. There is always an easier way.
  69. It's flattering when someone tells me exactly what I think about myself.
  70. The best thing about captivity is getting rid of it.
  71. When someone I like changes his opinion compared to a year ago, or four years ago, he is a broad-minded person who has the courage to change his opinion when conditions change. When someone I don't like does that, he is a liar who has broken his promises.
  72. Better a dog in peace than a man in war.
  73. There are three things that I always forget. Names, faces and - the third one, I can't remember now.
  74. Knowledge is power.
  75. Worry less about what others think of you and more about what you think of others.
  76. Adversity makes you wiser, not rich.
  77. The only person you can change is yourself.
  78. You've done half when you've started.
  79. Changing our opinion often requires more courage from us than staying true to it.
  80. Inflation is the only way to halve the value of a banknote without damaging the paper.
  81. If you're only looking for faults, you won't find anything else.
  82. When the gossip gets old, it becomes a myth.
  83. A man never forgives. He just forgets. A woman forgives everything, but never forgets.
  84. It's a myth that older people are wise, they've just become more cautious.
  85. Having money is good. But having control over money is even better.
  86. Happy people have expected less from life.
  87. The greatest difficulty is not to get people to accept new ideas, but to get them to abandon the old ones.
  88. You are responsible not only for what you do, but also for what you neglect to do.
  89. The only way you find limits to the possible is to move to the impossible.
  90. You don't know what you're capable of until you've tried.
  91. The accuracy of information decreases as it rises towards the top of the bureaucracy.
  92. If you only look in the rearview mirror, there is a risk that you will drive into a ditch.
  93. When the youth of the nation are conservative, then its funeral bells have already rung.
  94. The aphorism is not equal to the truth: it is either half or one and a half truth.
  95. There are things that you have to be an expert to realize that you don't understand them.
  96. A rich husband is still the most popular labor-saving aid.
  97. You can acquire knowledge in three ways:
    - By thinking - that is a noble way.
    - By trial and error - it's a laborious way.
    - Or by imitating - that's an easy way.
    And by repeating it sticks in the memory.
  98. The only cure for old age is a grave.
  99. You don't recognize the really important moments in your life - not until it's too late.
  100. The most disgusting lies are those that are very close to the truth.