It is not wise for you to be wiser than necessary.

301 - 400

Laziness is a good talent, if you can use it properly.

  1. If freedom means anything, it means the right to tell people what they don't want to hear.
  2. When you write down all the good things you should have done and leave out all the bad things you did - these are memoirs.
  3. Why not say it outright: there is no truth - there are only opinions.
  4. There are many good defences against temptation, but the best is cowardice.
  5. Money is like manure: it has to be spread otherwise it smells.
  6. Computers are unreliable, but people are even more unreliable.
  7. It takes time for an initially trusting person to get used to the fact that God does not help him after all.
  8. The one thing a man does better than anyone else is to interpret his own handwriting.
  9. You will find happiness not by seeking it, but by living it.
  10. Inspiration usually strikes while you're working, not before.
  11. If you steal an idea from one person, you are guilty of plagiarism, but if you steal them from many, you are doing scientific research.
  12. When a politician's honesty is emphasized too clearly, his intelligence is doubted.
  13. Why rob a bank compared to founding a bank.
  14. There is much that cannot be replaced with money, but with a smile, attention or with thanks.
  15. Love your neighbour as yourself.
  16. Religion, in itself, is never a cause for wars or acts of hatred, but a very convenient tool for inciting hatred.
  17. Ignorance is spiritual darkness without moon and stars.
  18. Similarity, it is death. Differences, that's life.
  19. Men live by forgetting, women by memories.
  20. The charm is that you make others feel good.
  21. The only thing you can do with good advice is pass it on. You yourself never have any use for them.
  22. Treat your subordinates as you would want your superiors to treat you.
  23. You cannot discover new oceans until you have the courage to lose sight of the coast.
  24. Intuition: A strange insight that tells a woman she is right, whether she is right or wrong.
  25. When we have a conscience, it is generally a bad one.
  26. Why repeat old mistakes, when you can make so many new ones?
  27. It's best that you believe the good of everyone - that way you will avoid many irritations.
  28. Loving is not the same as looking into each other's eyes, but looking together in the same direction.
  29. The opportunity can also make you a thief.
  30. Hate is just a lack of imagination.
  31. The only good fortune that many great people have had is an innate ability to endure bad luck.
  32. Love is at its weakest when there is more doubt than trust, but love is at its strongest when you learn to trust despite the doubt.
  33. The father's fame usually does not help the son forward, but suffocates him. They are too close to each other. The shade kills grow the plant.
  34. If you claim that money does not make you happy, you are a victim of propaganda.
  35. When a woman becomes too old to please men, she turns to God.
  36. Easily caught, easily lost
  37. It is better for you to forget the insult than to avenge it.
  38. Love can accomplish a lot, money everything.
  39. With statistics you can prove anything if you just collect enough suitable material.
  40. Philosophy is incomprehensible answers to insoluble questions.
  41. Hate rarely harms its object. The hater himself suffers the most. He perverts his soul and poisons his life by brooding old injustices and planning acts of revenge.
  42. The only way to rule over nature is to obey it.
  43. You won't convince anyone by silencing her objections.
  44. If you try every day to do a little more than is expected of you - soon you will be expected even a little more.
  45. When the young yearn to go out into the world, the old yearn for home.
  46. It's good that there are lies - imagine if everything we hear was true.
  47. The tragedy of love is not death, not divorce, but indifference.
  48. It is not always necessary to solve a problem. Change your point of view and the problem disappears.
  49. Efficiency is very advanced laziness.
  50. Blessed is he who does not expect thanks, for he will not be disappointed.
  51. Our only duty to history is to rewrite it.
  52. The secret to getting ahead is to get started. The secret to getting started is to break down the overwhelming tasks into smaller, manageable tasks and start from scratch.
  53. Time heals what reason cannot.
  54. Facts are stubborn things.
  55. Patriotism is the belief that this our own country is better than other countries because I myself was born here.
  56. A decision that you cannot change is a bad decision.
  57. Sometimes it comes to mind that when God created man that He somewhat overestimated his ability.
  58. When you are tired of a person, give him a loan.
  59. Nothing is easier than to deceive an honest man.
  60. Love dies over the years, only self-love lasts a lifetime.
  61. To enjoy yourself and make others enjoy themselves, without harming yourself or others, that is the whole ethics.
  62. Young men think they are wise enough, just as drunkards think they are sober enough.
  63. We often take the only and correct measure only as a last resort.
  64. Etiquette means I behave a little better than absolutely necessary.
  65. If the citizens only knew how little sense their kingdom is governed by.
  66. When you are in deep water, it is wise to keep your mouth shut.
  67. Nothing is terrible, except fear.
  68. It's stupid that you get annoyed with people, only you yourself suffer from it.
  69. You will solve the problem more easily if you know the answer in advance.
  70. The true journey of discovery does not consist in seeking new points of view, but in seeing with new eyes.
  71. The last illusion is to believe that you have lost everything.
  72. Only the ignorant gets angry. The wise understands.
  73. You can hardly find people with judgment, except those who share your opinion.
  74. To make the truth more likely, you should definitely mix in a bit of a lie.
  75. When you've ruined your work, by fixing it you ruin it even more.
  76. Nothing is permanent, except changes. Nothing is more permanent than death.
  77. It is more difficult to be sincere than to flatter.
  78. What matters is not what inclinations and abilities you have, but how you use them.
  79. True happiness is being able to be happy without happiness.
  80. Liquor ruins everything except the container.
  81. Only if you do practically nothing will you avoid making mistakes.
  82. Seek simplicity and distrust it.
  83. Selfishness is not that you live the way you want, but that you force someone else to live the way you want.
  84. In a group, stupidity is condensed. Among those who fully agree, stupidity has petrified.
  85. Relatives and close acquaintances do not recognize a prophet within their own circle.
  86. Boring idleness can be useful. Maybe that way you will come up with something to do or come up with completely new things.
  87. Nothing is more pleasant than remembering the difficulties overcome
  88. There are only two kinds of women in this world. Women who always speak and women who never remain silent.
  89. You can either win or buy peace. Win by resisting evil. Buy by allying with evil.
  90. The real reason I've bought a new, fancy, unnecessarily expensive car with extra features and equipment is so that my neighbours and other acquaintances can see that I can afford it too.
  91. On the wings of time sorrows flies away.
  92. We seek the truth and we find it well, but only when it suits us.
  93. Self-respect is more important than position and career.
  94. God created man. Then he took a step back looked at his creation and stated: "Surely I can do better than that".
  95. When a little man casts a long shadow, darkness is near.
  96. Nothing is so easy that it doesn't become difficult if you have to do it reluctantly.
  97. There is only one way to fight power. Survive it!
  98. The rich man's mistakes are covered with money, the doctors with soil.
  99. True eloquence is that you say what you have to say - and only that.
  100. You can only forget time by using it.