The best theory is not necessarily true.

401 - 500

Modesty is a virtue - but you'll get further without it.

  1. That you accept a message does not always depend on its content, but who said it and how it was presented.
  2. When money talks, the truth is silent.
  3. Nothing is more worrying than reassuring assurances.
  4. It is sinful to think ill of others, but not always a mistake.
  5. Crime must be covered with a crime.
  6. The wise person's question already has half the answer.
  7. Think twice before you speak. Then you will discover that the others are talking about something completely different.
  8. An expert is a person who has made all sorts of mistakes in a limited area.
  9. Self-doubt is the first sign of intelligence.
  10. God is the only being who does not need to exist in order to rule.
  11. When you say that you agree on something in principle, you mean that you have no intention of getting it done.
  12. Nothing is as good as it seems in advance.
  13. There are few sincere friends - but the demand is not that great either.
  14. Courage is doing things you fear. There is no courage if you don't feel fear.
  15. Hope is risk, which you have to take.
  16. The wise propose, the fools decide.
  17. The advantage of teamwork is that I don't have to blame myself.
  18. Think the opposite.
  19. Fanaticism consists in doubling the efforts when one has forgotten the goal.
  20. The self-taught is the only one who has learned. The others are taught.
  21. God made the first loudspeaker of a man's rib.
  22. When you save things, remember where you saved them.
  23. All systems must be designed to withstand the worst possible case.
  24. The art of being a prince is that you do the good yourself personally and the evil through a deputy.
  25. Hope is usually a poor guide, but a very good traveling companion.
  26. Wise words often fall on barren ground, but a kind word is never wasted.
  27. Thinking against the prevailing is brave. To speak against it is complete madness.
  28. Drinking doesn't drown your worries, it waters them.
  29. When wealth disappears, nothing disappears. When health disappears, something disappears. When the character disappears, everything disappears.
  30. Time heals what common sense cannot.
  31. Nothing is more humbling than seeing idiots succeed at what I myself have attempted.
  32. The poets supply the pearls - the philosophers the threads
  33. True friendship is like health, you only realize its value when you have lost it.
  34. The wise make proverbs, the foolish repeat them.
  35. The optimist is probably as often wrong as the pessimist, but he has more fun.
  36. Our thoughts limit our world.
  37. My self-esteem is boosted when I succeed every now and then.
  38. Glory and fame are quickly forgotten, but anonymity lasts forever.
  39. There is nothing permanent, except changes.
  40. The problem is not a problem. The problem is your attitude towards the problem. Do you understand?
  41. Teamwork means a group of people doing what someone told them to do.
  42. A true friend will never stand in your way unless you are going down.
  43. The wise man seeks wisdom, the fool has already found it.
  44. The thought must always be clear, only perceptions are unclear.
  45. We often waste money, even beyond our means, on things we don't need, just to impress people we don't appreciate.
  46. The noble ability to lose face may one day save humanity.
  47. Never miss a good opportunity to keep your mouth shut.
  48. Gossip goes in one ear of a man and out the other. Gossip goes by a woman in both ears and out her mouth.
  49. Ambition is just refined vanity.
  50. Nothing reveals your character more clearly than things you find ridiculous.
  51. When solving a problem, it is an advantage if you know the answer in advance.
  52. There is nothing more effective in getting something done than combining stupidity with willpower.
  53. There are no facts, only interpretations.
  54. A wise man benefits more from his enemies than a fool from his friends.
  55. Do you want to get to know the thing? Look at it closely. Do you want to love it? Look at it from afar.
  56. Noble souls are offended rather by flattery than by insult.
  57. Nothing is as good in politics as a short memory.
  58. Ambition makes us do the dirtiest things. Climbing is done in the similar body position as crawling.
  59. Don't puff yourself up! Then the air comes out of you at a tiny spike
  60. Nothing brings success like the impression of success.
  61. A wise man does not lament a loss. He takes it as a useful experience.
  62. Spitting downwards is easy, but try to do it upwards.
  63. If you want peace, prepare for war.
  64. Constantly working is a form of nervousness.
  65. Hindsight is the most exact science.
  66. Ambition corrupts its bearer.
  67. Happiness requires three things: something to do, someone to love and something to hope for.
  68. Even the best things become tasteless if forced to do it.
  69. Self-centered person: a person with bad taste, more interested in himself than in me.
  70. Bureaucracy: a flawless method of converting energy to nothing.
  71. Alcohol is an effective solvent, especially for brain cells.
  72. If you want to know something about the road ahead of you, ask those you meet.
  73. By constantly questioning and discussing, we come up with increasingly better functioning solutions to the problems.
  74. Systems tend to grow and, as they grow, penetrate other areas.
  75. The ambitious cannot afford to think about the honesty of his actions, because the competition is increasingly ruthless.
  76. No generalization is absolutely true, not even this one.
  77. Happy people don't count fleeting minutes.
  78. Similar children play best.
  79. Habit teaches best in everything.
  80. The wise learn from the mistakes of others. Stupid about their own and the stupidest not even about their own mistakes.
  81. Sour said the fox from rowan berries.
  82. An alcoholic can shorten his life by fifty percent, but in return he often gets the advantage of seeing everything as two.
  83. Control over desires is the foundation of character.
  84. War is too serious a matter to be left to the generals.
  85. When you speak to God, it is called prayer. When God speaks to you, it is called schizophrenia.
  86. Organized hate, that's unity.
  87. Always hold the highest regard for a taciturn woman. No woman possesses greater wisdom than she who can keep her mouth shut.
  88. No night is so long that it is not followed by a day.
  89. The happy people are failures: they get along so well with themselves that they don't care about anything.
  90. Just as laws are needed to uphold high morals, so high morals are needed to uphold laws.
  91. You recognize the truth in its simplicity.
  92. Alcoholic: A kind of vegetarian.
  93. A boss is a person who sees everything from two directions; from his own direction and from the wrong direction.
  94. A sensible person has never regarded a change of opinion as a loss of permanence.
  95. Death is the greatest thing, and therefore it is the last.
  96. I hardly have any courage, but I act as if I did, which might be the same thing.
  97. The word "Love" is used to describe the sexual desire of the young, for the middle-aged their cohabitation and the mutual dependence of the elderly.
  98. Wisdom has long ears and a short tongue.
  99. The beginning is the most important part of the work.
  100. A delusion is more dangerous the more truth it contains.