Don't do things your friends shouldn't know.

701 - 800

A politician thinks about the next election, a statesman about the next generation.

  1. The years come in silence.
  2. Crisis does not read the law book.
  3. History is a natural science that studies such events, which happened only once.
  4. If you hesitate, you may be saved sometimes.
  5. Everything is possible for a man, who does not have to do it himself.
  6. Suffering and sorrow are part of life.
  7. Many of us often talk about the most important things with complete strangers.
  8. Optimistic lies are so important therapeutically that a doctor who does not tell them convincingly is in the wrong profession.
  9. Such things happen, if it happens often, you get used to it.
  10. Punctuality takes a lot of time.
  11. The minority are the ones who are always wrong - in the beginning.
  12. Aging doesn't make us wiser, it makes us walk slower.
  13. History has taught that people and nations behave rationally only when all other possibilities have been exhausted.
  14. If you do not read good books, you have no advantage over those who cannot read them.
  15. All great discoveries are made by mistake.
  16. Patience, time and money heal all wounds.
  17. Morality is just an attitude we adopt towards people we don't like.
  18. An organization considers its internal order more important than efficient operations.
  19. What you have eaten is gone. The one you gave away left a sweet scent.
  20. After turning thirty-five, a man begins to have thoughts about women: before that he had feelings.
  21. Stupidity is fined.
  22. The optimist declares that we live in the best of all possible worlds and the pessimist fears that the optimist is right.
  23. The past is a lesson. The present is a gift. The future is the reason to continue.
  24. The least harmful for the people is when the top management of the country changes often, preferably democratically.
  25. No one became great by imitating.
  26. History is the version of the past that people have agreed upon.
  27. If you don't know how to be silent, you don't know how to speak.
  28. In all organizations, a small group rises to leadership, and others must adapt and obey.
  29. All great truths begin with heresies.
  30. You do not write a reminder (PM) to inform the recipient, but to protect yourself, the sender.
  31. What you learn after school is important. Otherwise, you only know what everyone else knows.
  32. Hate has no place in universally thinking people.
  33. A man of little understanding gets tired feet.
  34. Nothing that evolves follows its original plan.
  35. History is never written by anyone but the winners.
  36. If you can't lie, you don't know what the truth is.
  37. All sins are born from a sense of inferiority, also called ambition.
  38. Act like what you do matters! It has it.
  39. Complicated systems lead to unpredictable consequences.
  40. Originality does not consist in saying something that no one has said before, but in saying exactly what you think.
  41. What you hid in the snow, will come up in the thaw.
  42. Career is a horse that arrives at the gate of eternity without a rider.
  43. The modesty of the less gifted is simply honesty. For those who have great talent, it's hypocrisy.
  44. There is no illusion so dangerous as the one you think is a disappointment.
  45. The most important merit of a historian is not ingenuity.
  46. If you don't like solitude, you won't love freedom.
  47. Everyone knows what a middleman is: he cheats one party and robs the other.
  48. Cynicism - A substitute for intelligence for those who lack intelligence.
  49. A sense of humour and wit - it is a deadly antibiotic against the virus of fanaticism.
  50. The slave has only one master, the ambitious as many as he needs for his success.
  51. Where no key fits, there patience opens.
  52. A man advancing in career has no time for his wife or friends: He must devote himself entirely to his enemies.
  53. A little at a time, so over time you'll go a long way.
  54. There is nothing worse than active stupidity.
  55. Rumours come from the mouths of the envious, spread through the lips of fools, and receive approval from the idiots. Don't believe them, that you won't be the same.
  56. If you never do anything, you won't make any mistakes either.
  57. All the revolutions so far have proved only one thing, namely that a lot can be changed, but not people.
  58. Intelligence is practically useless to one, who has nothing else.
  59. Ants are among the most successful animals in the world. There are the most and have been the longest and are almost everywhere.
  60. Participating in committees is a pleasant way to grow old together.
  61. Where books are burned, people will soon be burned.
  62. Several arguments are always less convincing than one.
  63. Arguing with women is like trying to read a newspaper in a storm.
  64. There is no better defence than skilful politeness.
  65. That God seems to be above is certainly due to our unconscious emotional memories from our infancy, when all comfort and help came from above.
  66. The fools open ways, which the wise then use later.
  67. Everything can be divided into as many parts as you like.
  68. Poverty is no shame, but it is damn uncomfortable.
  69. Changes and upheavals have always been repulsive and hateful to us old people.
  70. You show a lack of courage if you know what is right, but you don't do it.
  71. Where stupidity and thoroughness meet, administration arises.
  72. Many of us humans have a great longing to talk about ourselves, and the only thing that holds us back is the reluctance of others to play the role of audience.
  73. The credibility of an argument does not depend on its truthfulness.
  74. There are no limits to what people can come up with when they lack imagination.
  75. A humanist loves all people, except those he meets.
  76. If you don't hope to win, you've already lost.
  77. Two things define you. Your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything.
  78. Mysteries are the wisdom of fools.
  79. Take your life and work less seriously, so your risk of burning yourself out at work is reduced.
  80. We would care less about what others think of us if we knew how rarely they actually do.
  81. There is no greater mistake than to jump to the conclusion that an opinion is worthless because it is poorly supported by arguments.
  82. If you master the subject, the words will come by themselves.
  83. The lazy say that the success of the diligent depends on luck.
  84. The myth is a religion that no one believes in anymore.
  85. Bear adversity like a man and success like a gentleman.
  86. Of the qualities of the soul, stupidity is the one that most contributes to the happiness of life.
  87. Most religious teachers defend their claims, not only because they are convinced, they are true, but because they once claimed them to be true.
  88. Necessity frees us from the difficulty of choosing.
  89. There is no great talent without a bit of madness.
  90. If you master your passions, you are a prisoner of your reason.
  91. A nation is a group of people united by a misconception of their origins and a loathing of their neighbours.
  92. Thanks to our laziness - the reluctance to make unnecessary effort - over time we create better and more comfortable conditions, including in our working life.
  93. If you don't know where you're going, you might end up somewhere else.
  94. A yielding politician is one who feeds the crocodile in the hope that it will eat him last.
  95. The door to happiness opens outwards.
  96. You always have time for what you want to do.
  97. Being together increases friendship, but not excessively.
  98. It's not hard to do right. It is hard to know what is right.
  99. If we want to break down a man, we need only make his work meaningless.
  100. The laws are like the spider's web; the wasp gets through, the fly gets stuck.