What peace builds, war tears down.

801 - 900

I want to keep my holiest and filthiest things to myself.

  1. Even the silence speaks.
  2. Fear of evil often leads us to something worse.
  3. By pairing lies with gullibility, public opinion is created.
  4. There is no power without hate.
  5. The fact that worries kill more of us humans than work is because more people devote themselves more to their worries than to their work.
  6. If you want to live in the shadow of a great man, then you get used to the cold climate.
  7. Bear your cross patiently, but don't let it strain you to death.
  8. The agitator's secret is to make himself as stupid as his followers, so that they think they are as wise as him.
  9. If you don't know what to do, try to at least look worried.
  10. Children teach us many things, such as where the limits of our patience are.
  11. Even a tall tower starts at the ground.
  12. The worst is not the power of the evil, but the cowardice of the good.
  13. You should have countless small goals, known and named, but you should never name, nor make clear to yourself the ultimate goal of your life.
  14. Often reason is nothing more than courage to cowardice.
  15. A common object of love is not able to unite us humans, but the same object of hatred always does.
  16. There is no freedom without the freedom to make mistakes and fail.
  17. Carefree head can only be found on a scarecrow.
  18. If you want to control others, you must first exercise self-control.
  19. In capitalism man deprives people, in socialism things are the opposite.
  20. Children need more role models than reprimands.
  21. Even the most honest of great men need villains around them. There are things they cannot ask honest people to do.
  22. The worst mistake you can make in your life is to always be afraid of making mistakes.
  23. You shouldn't take your life too seriously.
  24. The social sciences show that the role of women in society reflects the level of civilization.
  25. It is not enough that you are talented, the most important thing is that you use it correctly.
  26. A bad worker blames his tools.
  27. If you want the Lord to smile, then tell your future plans.
  28. Charisma can be a stumbling block for leaders. It makes them inflexible, convinced of their infallibility, incapable of change.
  29. Too much agreement kills a conversation.
  30. The function of the expert is not to be more right than others, but to be wrong for more sophisticated reasons.
  31. The woman was God's mistake number two.
  32. The worst thing many of us humans know are changes.
  33. You never have to be ashamed to admit that you were wrong. In other words, that you are wiser today than yesterday.
  34. Dare to lose - so you win.
  35. The form of cooperation that has achieved the most in this world is obedience.
  36. Unnecessary done work is not always completely wasted.
  37. The worst government is virtuous. A government made up of cynics is often quite tolerant and humane. But when fanatics are in power, there is no limit to oppression.
  38. In politics there are moments when we just have to be and lose.
  39. If you want the sympathy of the vast masses, you must tell them the most stupid and naive things.
  40. It is not by the face that you get to know a man, but by the mask.
  41. By exaggerating, you get closer to the truth.
  42. The woman wishes that the man had the same good qualities that the horse has; stately, strong, but above all obedient.
  43. Organize your thoughts, and you will notice that there are not so many of them.
  44. It is not wise for you to be wiser than necessary.
  45. Believe those who seek truth, mistrust those who have already found it.
  46. The similarity between happiness and an amoeba is that both reproduce by division.
  47. A sailor does not become skillful on a calm sea.
  48. If you want to rule a state and uphold its laws, you must assume that people are evil and that they are willing to give in to their evil inclinations when the opportunity arises.
  49. Envy never rests.
  50. After all, we have to learn to capture our joy from small and worthless things to have a flavour in our life.
  51. A woman's guess is usually more accurate than a man's sure assertion.
  52. Defamation affects three people: the speaker, the listener, and the one about whom it is spoken.
  53. You don't have to like reality, but you have to accept it.
  54. One of the most important lessons in leadership, is to admit that you are not always the most important or intelligent person in the room.
  55. A sense of humour is the ability to see all three sides of a coin.
  56. If you want to find a friend, it's best to close one eye - if you want to keep her, it's best to close both.
  57. The virtue of the woman is the most important invention of the man.
  58. Improve your career development:
    - Never bring up a problem you don't know the solution to.
    - Only present problems for which you have solutions.
    - Preferably cost-effective solutions.
  59. Laziness is a good talent, if you can use it properly.
  60. The contribution of the Jews to humanity is completely disproportionate to their number. They gave the world two great guides, like Jesus Christ and Karl Marx, they could also enjoy the luxury of not following either of them.
  61. No winner believes in coincidences.
  62. It is not the work that kills, but the way of working.
  63. If you want a long old age, you must grow old early.
  64. Envy is the sincerest form of flattery.
  65. Read more, imagine less
  66. A woman's tongue is her sword and she does not let it rust.
  67. If you demand the most from yourself in cooperation, but expect nothing from others, you will avoid resentment.
  68. It is easier for you to judge a person's intelligence by his questions than by his answers.
  69. Religion - vote of no confidence in humanity.
  70. In general, the most sensitive and intelligent young people become revolutionaries, destroyers.
  71. You can't catch yesterday, and you can't escape tomorrow.
  72. The smile is the shortest distance between two people.
  73. If you want to know what money is worth - go and try to borrow.
  74. For most of us humans, religion is something we have to believe in, because we assume others do too.
  75. The women first, into thick drift of snow and on weak ice.
  76. The best and fastest way for you to succeed is to let people realize that it is in their interest to promote your interests.
  77. You find it easier to fool many than one alone.
  78. Religion is more of a gamble than a form of insurance.
  79. In general, almost everything was worse in the old days.
  80. Often, we do not accept an idea, simply because the tone in which it is expressed is repulsive to us.
  81. There is little hope for you if you are too lazy to make enemies.
  82. Virtue brings honour and honour brings vanity.
  83. If you want a job badly done, pay in advance.
  84. Look at the man's attitude toward praise, and you will see his measure.
  85. Reading, after a while, leads to your thinking from its creative task. If you read too much, you use too little of your own brain and thus get lazy ways of thinking.
  86. Plans are nothing, planning is everything.
  87. Women want to be beautiful rather than smart. Indeed, they know that a man's sight is better than his intellect.
  88. The problem with the facts is that there are a lot of them.
  89. The best manager is the one who has the judgment to select skilled people to do the things he wants done, and the self-control enough not to get involved in their work.
  90. You should also learn from your enemy.
  91. Religion is opium for the people.
  92. To generalize is the same as being an idiot.
  93. Leaving a very prestigious and responsible position is like a small death.
  94. If you want your dreams to come true, it's best to wake up first.
  95. The malice in your breast is the enemy of your own happiness.
  96. You yourself must find your own meaning for your life, because life in itself has no meaning.
  97. Women lie about their age, men about their income.
  98. The best way for you to succeed in this life is to always walk on toes. On the toes of others.
  99. The insult only disgraces its utterer.
  100. You have to enjoy the journey, being on the road, not just waiting to arrive.