Life cannot be condensed into aphorisms.

1 301 - 1 400

The truth exists. Only the lie has to be invented.

  1. What separates Nazism from nationalism is too small to fill an entire aphorism.
  2. It feels unbearable when a stupid friend succeeds well.
  3. Envy is the shadow cast by success.
  4. Shy boys are never allowed to kiss beautiful girls.
  5. It is most sensible not to rebuke anyone.
  6. There is a hell - being alone. There is a kingdom of heaven - to be able to be alone.
  7. Appetite is concrete longing.
  8. Stinginess betrays wisdom.
  9. Ignorance makes us bold, experience makes us hesitate and doubt.
  10. Disobedience is the true foundation of freedom. Obedients are slaves.
  11. A man over fifty-five doesn't do stupid things anymore - he thinks.
  12. Excessive hopes cause the greatest disappointment.
  13. Do not wake a sleeping bear.
  14. The heaviest burden on the road is a light wallet.
  15. The things you risk reveal the things you value.
  16. The art of pleasing is also the ability to deceive.
  17. Health is silent.
  18. It is easy for a wise man to play dumb, but to do the opposite is much more difficult.
  19. You can be more successful if you keep what you don't know to yourself.
  20. The idea of the future is more fruitful than the future itself.
  21. Women's vocabulary is smaller than men's, but on the other hand, the use of words is greater.
  22. Thoughts are free. The spoken words are observed.
  23. The flower of reconciliation takes root poorly in blood-stained soil.
  24. A sin is not a sin until it is revealed.
  25. Power corrupts. Unlimited power corrupts completely.
  26. A charming person makes you feel that he is as wonderful as you are.
  27. There is no creative activity without disobedience.
  28. Our livelihood consists of what we get. Our lives are made up of what we give.
  29. Life is suffering, but death is no pleasure either.
  30. You can succeed in politics by adapting or by giving in.
  31. Uncertainty and dissatisfaction are the first prerequisites for progress.
  32. Modesty is indifference and comfort of the soul.
  33. The hard part of our lives is learning to distinguish the bridges we need to cross from the ones we should to burn behind us.
  34. A dictatorship is a state where everyone fears one and one fears everyone.
  35. Hard work is not boring, but the uninteresting work is.
  36. The main qualities of a good storyteller; contempt for the truth and a deep respect for the probable.
  37. Everyone's friend is no one's friend.
  38. He who boasts of his lineage is like the potato - the best of him rests underground.
  39. Idealists are shocked when reality is against them.
  40. I have enough time. It's just a matter of how I prioritize my tasks.
  41. Without intimacy, no friendship.
  42. Don't let what you can't do disturb you from what you can do.
  43. Marriage is when two people agree to change each other's habits.
  44. Democracy allows the election of many incompetents instead of appointing a few corrupt ones.
  45. After a bad deal, I can at least feel myself as honest.
  46. A good leader leads by example, not by coercion.
  47. If you only see the bad sides of a problem, you don't see everything.
  48. All people are born equal. Some have been freed from it.
  49. Canon: A tool for correcting state borders.
  50. Conversation is the art of speaking without thinking.
  51. Do not deceive yourself, because it is easiest for you to deceive yourself.
  52. I want to keep my holiest and filthiest things to myself.
  53. Gallows humour often hits deep.
  54. If a person has never had a guilty conscience, the question is whether he has any conscience at all.
  55. If it's not true, it's at least well made up.
  56. When women argue, the truth comes out.
  57. When the wife has learned to understand her husband, she usually stops listening.
  58. The ability to see or think differently is more important than acquired knowledge.
  59. Compassion is a legal joy of harm.
  60. Friendship increases happiness and relieves suffering by doubling our joy and sharing our sorrow.
  61. There is no point in arguing about tastes.
  62. By repeating a thing becomes familiar. The familiar becomes the truth without noticing it, even if it is not the truth.
  63. Constant talking is not necessarily communication.
  64. If there is no authority, power is needed.
  65. How few people have the courage to admit their mistakes or the will to correct them.
  66. When I leave something to God's providence, it goes straight to hell.
  67. Many become brave only when they see no other solution.
  68. Memory is the only paradise from which we cannot be expelled.
  69. The heretics of our time may become the orthodox of tomorrow.
  70. A genius does what he has to do. Talent, does what he can.
  71. Forgiveness is better than revenge.
  72. Compliments are investments in the expectation of a quick profit.
  73. A communist is a socialist without a sense of humour.
  74. The more I examine myself and my behaviour, the better I understand others and judge less.
  75. Nothing is so good that it could not be made even better.
  76. What does learning mean? Is it about gathering information, or is it about letting knowledge change my own life?
  77. A bank lives not so much on capital as on trust.
  78. The best things in life are unexpected - because there were no expectations.
  79. Keep your eyes open before marriage and half closed after wedding.
  80. I shouldn't think too much. There is a risk that I will create problems that did not even exist.
  81. A talkative liar can make a bigger impression than a taciturn truth teller.
  82. That you care and consider others means a lot.
  83. Imagination often takes us to worlds that don't exist, but without imagination we go nowhere.
  84. Happiness is when what I think, what I say and what I do are in harmony.
  85. The worst heart defect is heartlessness.
  86. Heroism is not something found in nature. Nature knows only the life-preserving cowardice.
  87. Most human errors are due to impatience.
  88. The fact that we don't dare is not because things are difficult. Things are difficult because we don't dare.
  89. What peace builds, war tears down.
  90. The deepest human need is to be seen, met and heard.
  91. As you make your bed so you must lie.
  92. Enthusiasm: Restlessness that occurs in youth and that is cured by small doses of remorse and experience.
  93. A stain is best seen on the finest fabric.
  94. It is good to expect good from others, to act on the basis that others are honest and respectful, because when they are treated that way, it often brings out honesty and respect.
  95. It is convenient not to know myself, then I will not be disappointed.
  96. Courage begets action, but luck determines the outcome.
  97. Success is only achieved through repeated mistakes and self-examination.
  98. Knowing is easy. But it brings us many difficulties.
  99. Hope is a medicine that does not cure, but allows us to suffer longer.
  100. We only acknowledge minor faults, just to make it clear that we don't have major ones.