Money paralyzes a sharp tongue.

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Happy people have expected less from life.

  1. What is important in communication is hearing what is not being said and being able to read between the lines.
  2. Freedom cannot be simulated.
  3. Literature transmits undeniable, condensed experiences from one generation to another. In this way, literature becomes a living memory of humanity.
  4. War is just a cowardly escape from problems in peacetime.
  5. Much of the fun of jokes is that they challenge our intellect.
  6. The lie differs from the truth only in not being the truth.
  7. You don't have to solve all problems; only those that prevent you from getting where you want to go.
  8. By getting lost, you learn to find.
  9. We only live once, but that's good enough.
  10. Children do as their parents do, not as they say.
  11. Don't let the noise of other people's opinions drown out your own inner voice.
  12. We all have two lives. The second one begins when we realize that we only have one.
  13. Curiosity is a natural craving of the brain.
  14. Variation and repetition teach best.
  15. Dictators are never wrong - as long as they have the power.
  16. By dogmatist I usually mean a person who stubbornly refuses to share my own prejudices.
  17. Acceptance and awareness are the keys to freedom.
  18. She who is silent consents.
  19. The loser is not the one who suffers the defeat but the one who gives up.
  20. A woman has to be twice as good as a man to get half as far as a man.
  21. If you wish others success, you feel good about yourself.
  22. Journalism that does not offend is redundant.
  23. Only the elite and the mob can be attracted to the drive of totalitarianism. The masses must be won through propaganda.
  24. The right time to relax is when I don't have time for it.
  25. An atheist is a person who has no invisible pillar of support.
  26. A democrat is a person who suffers from the prejudice that he wants to listen to his opponents.
  27. Historical material can be highly flammable.
  28. Good bureaucrats are needed to maintain well-organized inefficiency.
  29. Not everything important is measurable, and not everything that is measured is important.
  30. We should enjoy happy moments and not wait for happy times.
  31. I used to be blissfully unaware, now I'm miserably aware.
  32. Love is not blind, but rather myopic.
  33. Fanaticism is the enthusiasm of the mediocre.
  34. A gentleman never, even unintentionally, hurts another's feelings.
  35. If you want to make others happy, practice compassion. If you want to make yourself happy, practice compassion.
  36. If you are happy with yourself, you don't need the approval of others.
  37. Reflecting gives me the opportunity to organize my thoughts.
  38. We call it immoral when others do what we ourselves would like to do.
  39. There is no use in thinking fast if you think wrong.
  40. People who have much to hope for and nothing to lose are always dangerous.
  41. Sceptics are often honest people. Behind the enthusiasts very often hide, at certain levels, even real villains
  42. When you get down the bottom, there is at least solid ground under your feet.
  43. Intuition refers to the immediate ability of some people to misjudge the situation.
  44. Even a four-legged animal and a learned man can stumble.
  45. Education is an ornament of success, a refuge in adversity.
  46. When people talk bad about you, live like no one believes them.
  47. Many wish to change the world, but few think of changing themselves.
  48. Moralists refrain from pleasures other than interfering with other people's pleasures.
  49. A few moments of distress teach a person more wisdom than decades of stable conditions.
  50. A committee is often a group of reluctants chosen by a bunch of inappropriate people misfits to decide something unnecessary.
  51. You should seize the opportunity, you never know what could happen.
  52. What is patriotism? A kind of sense of ownership. This is my country and therefore it is the best.
  53. The reward for a job well done is a job well done.
  54. Better a word before, than ten after.
  55. Regret is pointless and unnecessary. It is too late. I've already done that and lived my life. There's no point in hoping I could change that.
  56. Fear leads to irritation, irritation leads to hatred, and hatred leads to suffering.
  57. Understanding often achieves more than reason.
  58. Character - the will to take care of one's own life - is the source of all self-respect.
  59. Don't ask what is the meaning of life, but what meaning you want for your life.
  60. The successful person knows what he can't do.
  61. Why it's called "sound sense", because it's not contagious.
  62. Happy is a nation whose history is boring to read.
  63. Evil thrives better when it can hide behind an ideal.
  64. Words must be weighed, not counted.
  65. By studying deviations from the normal, one learns best to understand the normal.
  66. It is a luxury to be understood.
  67. For most successful people, their own success is more important than humanity.
  68. What you hate, you cannot understand.
  69. The aphorism is often based on malice and analysis.
  70. Through books, I can get to know people without having to spend time with them.
  71. Pleasures may be mass-produced, but never happiness.
  72. Alcohol is a good means of preserving most things, except dignity and secrets.
  73. It's hard to be a heretic. You have to think about everything yourself.
  74. There are three things that no one can be at the same time; honest, intelligent and communist.
    - If you are intelligent and a communist, you are not honest.
    - If you are intelligent and honest, you are not a communist.
    - And if you are honest and a communist, you are not intelligent.
  75. Courage is knowing what you need to fear.
  76. An expert in the group can prevent others from using common sense.
  77. Knowledge is power, above all knowledge about other people.
  78. The most likely explanation is usually the simplest, not the complicated explanations.
  79. The future is not what it used to be.
  80. Phases of the project:
    1. Enthusiasm.
    2. Disappointment.
    3. Panic.
    4. Search for the guilty.
    5. Punishment of the innocent.
    6. Awards and honours for completely unrelated people.
  81. No one is a prisoner of fate, but of his own mind.
  82. Love is eternal as long as it lasts.
  83. Peace in the home is obtained if one does what the wife advises.
  84. Eating is socializing. Dieting is private.
  85. The significance of doing is fascinating. If the information is not enough, we must search it. If the will is not enough, we must act.
  86. Anger is a coward's revenge for being scared.
  87. Visionary sees things that are invisible to others.
  88. A nuclear war does not solve any problems, because there is a risk that it will leave a number of survivors.
  89. An ideal is often nothing more than a brilliant vision of the truth.
  90. Image - when you think the tube is more important than the toothpaste.
  91. War is part of human nature, but it is not the kind of nature we should preserve.
  92. A large part of the memoirs is embellished with words.
  93. There is life before death. It is too late to give compliments after death.
  94. A lie isn't a lie until the truth comes out.
  95. When interests and ideologies reached a position of power, they lose their morality.
  96. It is better for me to take care of my character than my reputation because my nature is what I really am, while reputation only tells me what others think of me.
  97. Not even God can do what historians can: change history.
  98. It is not enough that you succeed to win. Others must also fail.
  99. To live is dangerous - one can die - but does anyone know if it is dangerous to die?
  100. Work is a sick desire that looks like a necessity.